The Julian date and the Gregorian
Calendar date will coincide this
year and EASTERN and WESTERN dating
for the Sunday of Easter will be
accepted going forward. Pope Francis
announced Jan. 25 at St. Paul
Outside the Walls cathedral in Rome,
Italy. ncronline.org/Vatican/vaticannews
During the Week of Prayer
for Christian Unity each year,
Christian communities join
together to pray for the
visible unity of the Church,
faithfully abiding by the will
of Christ, who prayed "that they
all may be one" (Gosp.John 17:21).
In much of the world,this week
is commemorated January 18 - 25.
The World Council of Churches,
of which the United Methodist
Church is a member, has liturgical
resources to help mark the week.
TEXT (NRSV) this year is
GospJohn 11: 17 - 27 oikoumene.org
is the website for those organizing
the week of prayer for Christian
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