Matthew 25 includes Parables of Jesus amidst
a long teaching section that is a Passion Narrative
(chapters 21 - 27). These selected verses (1 - 13)
published 2011.
"At that time the Kingdom
of heaven will be like ten
young bridesmaids who took
their lamps and went out to
meet the groom. Now five of
them were wise, and the other
five were foolish. The foolish
ones took their lamps but didn't
bring oil for them. But the wise
ones took their lamps and also
brought containers of oil. When
the groom was late in coming, they
all became drowsy and went to
sleep. But at midnight there was
a cry, 'Look, the groom! Come out
to meet him.'
Then all those bridesmaids got up
and prepared their lamps. But the
foolish bridesmaids said to the wise
ones, 'Give us some of your oil,
because our lamps have gone out.'
But the wise bridesmaids replied,
'No, because if we share with you,
there won't be enough for our lamps
and yours. We have a better idea.
You go to those who sell oil and
buy some for yourselves.' But while
they were gone to buy oil, the
groom came. Those who were ready
went with him into the wedding.
Then the door was shut.
Later the other bridesmaids came
and said, 'Lord, Lord, open the door
for us.'
But he replied, 'I tell you the truth.
I don't know you.' [see GospMatthew
7:21 - 23]
Therefore, keep alert, because you
don't know the day or the hour.
[also GospMatthew 24: 36 - 44]
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