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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Chapter 14: GospJohn Farewell Discourse (CEB 2011 transl.)

 Gospel of John chapter 14 (Common English Bible

translation copyright 2011)

Don't be troubled.  Trust in God.  Trust

also in me.  My Father's house has room

to spare.  If that weren't the case, would

I have told you that I'm going to prepare

a place for you?  When I go to prepare

a place for you, I will return and take you

to be with me so that where I am you will

be too.  You know the way to the place

I'm going.

Thomas asked, "Lord, we don't know where

you are going.  How can we know the way?"

Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth,

and the life.  No one comes to the Father

except through me.  If you have really

known me, you will also know the Father.

From now on you know him and have seen him."

Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father,

that will be enough for us."

Jesus replied, "Don't you know me, Philip,

even after I have been with you all this

time?  Whoever has seen me has seen

the Father.  How can you say, 'Show us

the Father'?  Don't you believe that I am

in the Father and the Father is in me, or

at least believe on account of the works

themselves.  I assure you that whoever

believes in me will do the works that I do.

They will do even greater works than these

because I am going to the Father.  I will

do whatever you ask for in my name, so

that the Father can be glorified in the Son.

When you ask me for anything in my name,

I will do it.

If you love me, you will keep my command-

ments.  I will ask the Father, and he will send

another Companion / Advocate, who will

be with you forever.  This Companion is

the Spirit of Truth, whom the world can't

receive because it neither sees him nor

recognizes him.  You know him, because

he lives with you and will be with you.

I won't leave you as orphans.  I will come

to you.  Soon the world will no longer see

me, but you will see me.  Because I live, 

you will live too.  On that day you will know

that I am in my Father, you are in me, and

I am in you.  Whoever has my command-

ments and keeps them loves me.  Who-

ever loves me will be loved by my Father,

and I will love them and reveal myself to


Judas (one of the Twelve not Iscariot) asked,

'Lord, why are you about to reveal yourself

to us and not to the world?'

Jesus answered, "Whoever loves me will

keep my word.  My Father will love them, 

and we will come to them and make our

home with them.  Whoever doesn't love

me doesn't keep my words.  The word

that you hear isn't mine.  It is the word

of the Father who sent me.  I have spoken

these things to you while I am with you.

The Companion, the Holy Spirit, whom

the Father will send in my name, will

teach you everything and will remind

you of everything I told you.  Peace I 

leave with you.  My peace I give you.

I give to you not as the world gives.

Don't be troubled or afraid.  You have

heard me tell you, 'I'm going away and

returning to you.'  If you loved me, you

would be happy that I am going to the

Father, because the Father is greater

than me.  I have told you before it happens

so that when it happens you will believe. 

I won't say much more to you because

the world's ruler (Archon: Greek) is 

coming.  He has nothing on me.  Rather,

he comes so that the world will know

that I love the Father and do just as

the Father has commanded me.  Get up.

We're leaving this place.

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