21st Century translation from the NRSV
New Revised Standard Version, updated Edition
published by the NCCC - USA, 2021
from Wisdom of Solomon (Apocrypha) =
poetry / vision of eternity
Chapter 18: 1 - 4
But for your Holy ones there was
very great light. Their enemies
heard their voices but did not see
their forms and counted them happy
for not having suffered and were
thankful that your Holy ones,
though previously wronged, were
doing them no injury, and they
begged their pardon for having
been at variance with them.
Therefore you provided a flaming
pillar of fire as a guide for your
people's unknown journey and a
harmless sun for their glorious
wandering. For their enemies
deserved to be deprived of light
and imprisoned in darkness, those
who had kept your children
imprisoned, through whom the
imperishable light of the law
was to be given to the world. . .
Chapter 19: 18 - 22
For the elements changed places
with one another, as on a harp
the notes vary the nature of the
rhythm while each note remains
the same. This may be clearly
inferred from the sight of what
took place. For land animals were
transformed into water creatures,
and creatures that swim moved over
to the land. Fire even in water
retained its normal power, and
water forgot its fire-quenching
nature. Flames, on the contrary,
failed to consume the flesh of
perishable creatures that walked
among them, nor did they melt the
crystalline, quick-melting kind of
heavenly food. For in everything,
O Lord, you have exalted and
glorified your people, and you
have not neglected to help them
at all times and in all places!
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