The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah
Chapter 36 selected verses
Common English Bible translation
CEB Study Bible published 2013
In the fourth year of
Judah's King Jehoiakim,
Josiah's son, this word
came to Jeremiah from
the Lord:
Take a scroll and write
in it all the words I
have spoken to you
concerning Israel, Judah,
and all the nations from
the time of Josiah until
today. Perhaps when the
people of Judah hear about
every disaster I intend to
bring upon them, they will
turn from their evil ways,
and I will forgive their
wrongdoing and sins.
So Jeremiah sent for Baruch,
Neriah's son. As Jeremiah
dictated all the words that
the Lord had spoken to him,
Baruch wrote them in the
scroll. . .In the 9th month
of the 5th year of Judah's
King Jehoiakim, Josiah's
son, all the people in
Jerusalem and all those who
had come from Judean towns
observed a fast for the
Lord in Jerusalem . . .When
the officials heard all its
words, they were alarmed.
'How did you write all these
words? Did they come from
Baruch replied, 'He dictated
all the words to me, and I
wrote them with ink in the
scroll. . .'You and Jeremiah
had better go & hide; don't
let anyone know where you are.
The king sent Jehudi to take
the scroll..whenever Jehudi
would read 3 or 4 columns
of the scroll, the king would
cut them off with a scribe's
knife and throw them into the
firepot until the whole scroll
was burned up. . .The Lord's
word came to Jeremiah after
the king had burned the scroll
containing the words written by
Baruch at Jeremiah's dictation:
Get another scroll & write
in it all the words that were
in the first scroll that Judah's
King Jehoiakim burned. . .You
burned it because it declared
that the king of Babylon will
come & destroy this land and
eliminate every sign of life. .
Jehoiakim won't have any heirs
to occupy the throne of David,
& his dead body will be cast
out & exposed to the heat of
the day & the frost of the
night. . .But they wouldn't
listen. . .
Many similar words were added
to the scroll.
[The king's actions do NOT have
the last word. God instructs
Jeremiah to dictate another
scroll. . .once again the
prophetic summons
to change & to avert disaster
goes unheeded.]
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