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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Chapter 22: 1 - 21 (Conclusion of the Revelation according to John)

 Common English Bible translation

published 2011

Visions and promises that Jesus is coming soon

Then the angel showed me

the river of life-giving water /

water of life shining like

crystal, flowing from the throne

of God and the Lamb through 

the middle of the city's main

street.  On each side of the

river is the tree of life, which

produces 12 crops of fruit,

bearing its fruit each month.

The tree's leaves are for the 

healing of the nations.  There

will no longer be any curse.

The throne of God and the Lamb

will be in it, and his servants will

worship him.  They will see his

face, and his name will be on 

their foreheads.  Night will be

no more.  They won't need the

light of a lamp or the light of 

the sun, for the Lord God will

shine on them, and they will

rule forever and always.

Then he said to me,

These words are trustworthy

and true.  The Lord, the God

of the spirits of the prophets,

sent his angel to show his 

servants what soon must take

place.  Look!  I'm coming soon!

Favored is the one who keeps

the words of the prophecy

contained in the scroll!"

I, John, am the one who heard

and saw these things.  When I

heard and saw them, I fell down

to worship at the feet of the angel 

who had shown them to me.  But

he said to me, "Don't do that!  I'm

a servant just like you and your 

brothers and sisters, the prophets,

and those who keep the words of

this scroll.  Worship God!

Then he said to me, "Don't seal

up the words of the prophecy

contained in this scroll, because

the time is near.  Let those who

do wrong keep doing what is

wrong.  Let the filthy still be filthy.

Let those who are righteous keep

doing what is right.  Let those who 

are holy still be holy. 

Look! I'm coming soon!  My

reward is with me, to repay

all people as their actions deserve.

I am the Alpha and Omega

the first and the last, the

beginning and the end.  

Favored are those who 

wash their robes so that

they may have the right 

of access to the tree of

life and may enter the city

by the gates.  Outside are

the dogs, the drug users,

and spell-casters, those

who commit sexual 

immorality, the murderers,

the idolaters, and all who

love and practice deception.

I, Jesus have sent my angel

to bear witness to all of you

about these things for the

churches.  I'm the root

and descendant of David,

the bright morning star. 

The Spirit and the Bride say

'Come!'  Let the one who

hears say, 'Come!' And let

the one who is thirsty come!

Let the one who wishes

receive life-giving water /

the water of life as a gift.

verses 18 - 21

Now I (John) bear witness to everyone

who hears the words of the prophecy

contained in this scroll:  if anyone

adds to them, God will add to that

person the plagues that are written

in this scroll.  If anyone takes away

from the words of this scroll of 

prophecy, God will take away that

person's share in the tree of life

and the holy city, which are described

in this scroll.  The one who bears

witness to these things says, Yes,

I'm coming soon.

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!  The 

grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.

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