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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Richard B. Hays (1948 - 2025) from Reading w/the Grain of Scripture (2020)

 (page 2)

If it is true that in Christ

God was reconciling the

world to himself, and if

it is true that Jesus was

raised from the dead on

the third day, it follows

that all our reading and

thinking must be reshaped

by those truths

These essays' recurrent themes:

the importance of Narrative as the "glue" that

holds the Bible together

the retrospectively discerned figural coherence

between the Old Testament and the New

the centrality of the resurrection of Jesus

the hope for new creation and God's

eschatological transformation of the world

the importance of standing in trusting

humility before the text

the importance of reading Scripture within

and for the community of faith:

the e-k-k-l-e-s-i-a- t-o-u T-h-e-o-u

the Duke University emeritus scholar died

January 3, 2025

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