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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Chapter 11: GospLuke #Special #Section (Transl. by Ronald Knox)

Ronald Knox 20th Century Translation of the New Testament (1944)

Gospel according to Saint Luke

Chapter 11: 1 - 32

Once, when he had found a place to pray in, one of

his disciples said to him, after his prayer was over,

Lord, teach us how to pray, as John did for his disciples.

And he told them,

When you pray, you are to say, Father,

hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven;

give us this day our daily bread, and

forgive us our sins; we too forgive all those

who trespass against us; and lead us not

into temptation.  Suppose one of you has

a friend, to whom he goes at dead of night,

and asks him, Lend me three loaves of

bread, neighbour; a friend of mine has

turned in to me after a journey, and I

have nothing to offer him.  And suppose

the other answers, from within doors, Do

not put me in such trouble; the door is

locked, my children and I are in bed; I

cannot bestir myself to grant thy request.

I tell you, even if he will not bestir himself

to grant it out of friendship, shameless

asking will make him rise and give his

friend all that he needs.  And I say the

same to you; ask, and the gift will come,

seek, and you shall find; knock, and the

door shall be opened to you.  Everyone

that asks, will receive, that seeks, will find,

that knocks, will have the door opened to him.

Among yourselves, if a father is asked by

his son for bread, will he give him a stone?

Or for a fish, will he give him a scorpion?

Why then, if you, evil as you are, know well

enough how to give your children what is

good for them, is not your Father much more

ready to give, from heaven, his Holy Spirit

to those who ask him?

He had just cast out a devil, which was dumb; and no sooner

had the devil gone out than the dumb man found speech.  The

multitudes were filled with amazement; but some of them said,

it is through Beelzebub (Aramaic for "prince of devils") that

he casts the devils out, while others, to put him to the test,

would have him shew a sign out of heaven.  But he could

read their thoughts, and said to them,

No kingdom can be at war with itself

without being brought to desolation, one

house falling upon another.  And how do you

suppose that Satan's kingdom can stand firm

if he is at war with himself, that you should

accuse me of casting out devils through

Beelzebub?  Again, if it through Beelzebub

that I cast out devils, by what means do 

your own sons cast them out?  It is for these,

then, to pronounce judgment on you.  But if,

when I cast out devils, I do it through God's

power, then it must be that the kingdom of

God has suddenly appeared among you.

When a strong man, fully armed, mounts

guard over his own palace, his good are

left in peace; but when a man comes who

is stronger still, he will take away all the

armour that gave him confidence, and

divide among others the spoils he has won.

He who is not with me, is against me; he

who does not gather his store with me,

scatters it abroad.  The unclean spirit

which has possessed a man and then

goes out of him, walks about the desert

looking for a resting-place, and finds none;

and it says, I will go back to my own

dwelling, from which I came out.  And it

comes back, to find that dwelling swept out,

and neatly set in order.  Thereupon, it goes

away and brings in seven other spirits more

wicked than itself to bear it company, and 

together they enter in and settle down

there; til the last state of that man is worse

than the first.  When he spoke thus, a woman in the

multitude said to him aloud, Blessed is the womb that bore

thee, the breast which thou hast sucked.  And he answered,

Shall we not say, Blessed are those who

hear the word of God, and keep it?

The multitudes gathered round him, and he began

speaking to them thus; This is a wicked

generation; it asks for a sign, and

the only sign that will be given it is the

sign of the prophet Jonas (Jonah the Prophet)

Jonas was the sign given to the men of 

Nineve/Nineveh (capital of Assyrian empire);

the sign given to this generation will be the

Son of Man.  The queen of the south (Queen

of Sheba - I Kings chapter 10) will rise up

with the men of this generation at the 

judgment, and will leave them without

excuse; for she came from the ends of the

earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and

behold, a greater than Solomon is here.  The

men of Nineve/Nineveh will rise up with

this generation at the judgment, and will

leave it without excuse; for they did penance

when Jonas preached to them, and behold,

a greater than Jonas is here!

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