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Friday, January 31, 2025

Genesis 11 (Tower of Babel pre-historic narrative) and De Civitate Dei

from Gerard O'Daly's Augustine's The City of God: Reader's Edition

on Books 15 - 18

Augustine connects the Tower of Babel

(Genesis 11: 1 - 10) with Babylon,

which he understands to mean "confusion."

The foundations of Babylon, archetype of

the earthly city as a political reality, is thus

linked with the tower, a symbol of Nimrod's

pride (Book 16 #4).  The Babel narrative allows

Augustine to employ an exegetical principle

and that enables him to explain why Genesis

11:5 has 'the Lord came down' and verse 7

(same chapter) 'the Lord saying "Come,

let us go down to Babel"'.  The principle,

which Augustine took from the Donatist

theologian - exegete Tyconius is called 

recapitulation which accounts for such

features by relating them to an earlier

point in Biblical narratives. . .Augustine

stresses that these passages are not to be

'taken literally,' indicating as they do that

'God's movement and sudden decision';

A. suggests that they refer to an angelic

intervention (Book 16 #5).  The

attribution to God of language here leads

A. to consider the divine words of

Genesis 1:26 LET US MAKE MAN.

The plural here is not to be understood

to refer to angels, as that would involve

them in creation.  Rather, it refers to

The TRINITY; which makes man in

'our image'.  In Genesis 11:7 however

the words ARE more appropriately

those of angels:  the reason Augustine

gives is the artificial one that the 

exclamation 'Come' alludes to the

angels' approach to God as the source

of eternal truth, towards which they move.

God's meta-language is soundless,

it precedes his action as the unchanging

ground (ratio) of the action itself,

communicating itself directly to the 

angelic minds.  Augustine, who has 

little to say about the multiplicity of

human languages other than that it

exists, reckons that from Noah's sons

after Babel: 72 languages came into

existence, and even more peoples 

(Book 16 #6).

page 200 of O'Daly's 2020 book

Yarden_ Bibas, Ofer_ Kalderon [Friday] Keith Siegel [Saturday]

Three Oct. 7 hostages held by HAMAS in

Gaza will be freed Saturday Feb. 1, 2025

in exchange for 90 Palestinian prisoners.


Mr. Siegel is an American-Israeli was taken hostage

from his home in Kfar Aza, a kibbutz near the 

Gaza border.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - updated statistics of firings

Update (ABC News dot-com) 580 staffers

have been fired as of March 8, 2025

UPDATE: 500 resignations on Friday 2/28

follow hundreds of firings that last week

of Feb. 2005.

800 Probationery staff were fired by Musk

in one fell swoop :

FEB. 28, 2025 update:

Mass layoffs are to begin at NOAA --

the pseudo-rationale is that

climate research is

"harmful to future

U.S. prosperity" - MAGA

propaganda / Project 2025


Secretary of Commerce

Howard Lutnick-nominee

disclosed Tuesday

Jan. 29, 2025

that he will NOT

recommend NOAA be disbanded.

Democrat interrogators did

not ask any further questions of

the billionaire nominee, friend

of #DJT about "climate science."

TSA Chief Sean Duffy (Trump-Vance admin.)

Feb. 19 update (NY TIMES): TSA Chief Duffy

laid out in a memo to NY Gov. Kathy Hochhul

that Trump personally objected to "Congestion

Pricing" in Manhattan below 60th street // Duffy

would contact her to discuss orderly cessation

of toll operations. POTUS then crowed on Truth Social:

"All of New York is saved: long live the King"

with illustration of #DJT wearing a crown



Feb. 3 update (POLITICO):  TSA Chief Duffy

told the DOT to prioritize communities that have

higher than average birth rates and marriage rates;

accessibility of transportation to families of young

children . . .undated memo, effective immediately. . .

UPDATE: FAA Chief and FAA Deputy administrator

positions are vacant; incoming Trump-Vance admin.

asked for all Biden-Harris to leave effective Jan. 20.

No one is able with Congressional approval to act

on behalf of the FAA today after yesterday's deadly

collision between an Army helicopter and an American

Airlines flight from Wichita, KS that crashed near D.C.

Mike Whitaker was forced from office (5-year-term) after

a vote of 98-0 from the Senate in Oct. 2023.  Elon Musk

had called for Whitaker to resign once Trump-Vance

won the Nov. 5 election; also posting on "X" / Twitter

that the FAA should no longer exist




Duffy was nominated by POTUS Trump and confirmed by

the U.S. Senate, Transportation Secy. will now

be the face of the Fed. Govt. with the collision

mid-air of an Army helicopter and an American

Airlines flight from Wichita, KS that collided

near Reagan Intl. Airport (Wed. night 1/29/2025).

Duffy is most recently a lobbyist and

FOX NEWS on-air commentator having entered those

fields after 8 years as a Wisconsin GOP Congressman

from 2011 - 2019 and a district attorney general

for Ashland County, WI (NW part of state).  He had vowed to improve

the nation's transportation infrastructure.

Father of 9, he is married to one wife, Rachel Compos-Duffy,

and was a professional lumberjack athlete in the field

of lumberjack sports.  The family lives in Wausau, WI.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Does Augustine view the Book of the Psalms and other Kethubim as "prophetic"?

De Civitate Dei

from Gerard O'Daly's analytic work

Augustine's The City of God: Reader's Guide

section of Chapter 9, on Civ. Dei Books 15 - 18

The Psalms are a primary prophetic

text.  Their poetry, with its "rational

and proportional concord of different

sounds," is like the unity of a well-

ordered city (Book 17 #14).  Augustine

stresses that any symbolic interpretation

of the Psalms depends upon an under-

stannding of the individual context of

the whole Psalm:  otherwise exegesis

will come to resemble a selection of

individual verses to form a cento (17.15).

His discussion of some Psalms in the 

following chapters of De Civ. Dei  can

hardly be said to put his principle into

practice, for he proceeds no differently

than in the rest of book 17, selecting those

passages that he can relate to Christ.

The Wisdom of Solomon and Sirach,

which despite scholarly doubts, were,

as Augustine tells us, regarded by the

Western Church as word written by 

Solomon, likewise contain prophecies

about Christ's Passion and the future

faith of the nations, and these books

are no less prophetic than the canonical

works attributed to Solomon (I.e. Proverbs,

Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs/Solomon ).

Page 210 of O'Daly's book (Oxf.Univ.Press,


Ahmed al-Sharaa, Syrian Rebel leader that overthrew Bashar al-Assad now abolishes the Constitution

The de facto leader of Syria has declared himself

President and Ruler -- head of the government.

That abolishes the previous

Constitution / Parliament and 

will mean rounding up those who supported

the former Ba'ath Party.  NPR reports that

there will be an interim legislative council

until a NEW constitution is ratified.

29 Jan. 2025



Trump requested Arab Nations to take in 3.1 million residents of Gaza Strip

UPDATE: Feb. 1, 2025 NY TIMES

Egypt, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar,

Palestinian Authority, Secy.-General of the

Arab League signed a statement turning back

the re-settlement of Gaza residents into neighboring

countries on Trump's request and wish.

According to Reuters / J_Post (Jerusalem Post)

Egypt will NOT participate in the displacement

of Palestinians , an "act of injustice" that would

threaten Egyptian security.  President Abdel al-Sisi

spoke at a press conference with Kenyan President

William Ruto  that Egypt would work with the new

POTUS to reach peace between Israel and Palestinians

based on a two-state solution.

Any suggestions that Palestinians should leave Gaza,

the territory they want for a state, has been anathema

to the Palestinian authorities for generations.

Tens of thousands of Palestinians already live in Egypt.


Trump also requested that Jordan take in a 

portion of the 3.1 million residents of the Gaza City

and surrounding areas.

Gadi Moses, Arbel Yehud, Agam Berger, and 5 Thai nationals

Three Israeli women ages 80 - 20 will be released Thursday Jan. 30, 2025

along with 5 agricultural workers from Thailand who were swept up with the HAMAS-

led kidnapping and hostage-taking raid of Oct. 7, 2023.  Details at east/israel-hamas-gaza-hostages.html/

The 80-yr.-old was an agricultural expert; dozens of Thai agricultural

workers were seized by HAMAS -- some kidnapped others killed on the spot.

Super Pod of Dolphins off Carmel Bay

 A miles-long cluster of dolphins has been filmed leaping

and gliding _along Carmel Bay off the Central coast of

California Jan. 28, 2025, forming an unusual "super pod"

of the marine creatures.  The sighting was rare as the

Risso's dolphins typically travel in groups of only 10 - 30

animals according to the NOAA.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Redesign of LOUVRE MUSEUM (Paris, France) announced by Pres. Macron

28 January 2025

Speaking directly in front of the famed painting


French President Emmanuel Macron stated,

"The Louvre will be redesigned and restored to

become the epicenter of art history for our country

and beyond" -- already authorities have capped the

daily attendance at 30,000 people; the entrance 

through the glass-steel Louvre Pyramid was 

intended at its design to welcome half the visitors

it currently does.

The Louvre was originally a palace for French 

kings until 1682 . . . now hosting ~9 million

visitors annually.  With improvements a possible

total of 12 million might visit annually in the future.



Augustine and the Six Ages of Human History

De Civitate Dei

Throughout the work Augustine makes occasional

references to the scheme of six ages (aetates) of

human history which he adopts in Comm. on Genesis

adv. Manichees & Truth of Religion.

But it is not fully or extensively employed in our

work.  See Book 16.12 where Augustine speaks of

the "division of time" (articulus temporis) that begins

with Abraham; it would, in fact, be the start of the

third age.  First age: Adam - Noah; Second age: Noah -

Abraham (16.24).  It is only in book 16, #43 that the

ages are explicitly linked to the periods of human life,

when Augustine talks of the age beginning with 

David (the fourth age) as humanity's young manhood

(iuventus, Latin )  and to earlier periods as "infancy",

"Childhood", and "youth" (adulescentia) of humankind.

CHAPTER 8, Gerard O'Daly Augustine's City of God

A Reader's Guide (Oxford Univ. Press, 2nd ed. 2020)

Books 11 - 22: The Two Cities

Outline given in chapter 5: Gerard O'Daly's Augustine's City of God: Reader's Edition

(2020: second edition)

De Civitate Dei

The two cities: their origins (chs. 11 - 14) their history (chs. 15 - 18) their

ends (chs. 19 - 22)

Creation, the Fall, and the Regime of the Passions

Principal themes are the

Creation of the universe

The nature of the angels

The rebellion of some angels

The fall of Adam and Eve

History of the two cities

The course (Latin excursus, procursus)

De Civ. Dei shadows the books of the Bible

through ch. 18 which concludes with

the last prophets & the books of Maccabees

Cain, the fratricide, is the first founder of

an earthly city (Book 15. 1,5); his murdered

brother Abel belongs to the city of God,

but founds no earthly city.

Both Cain and Abel -- hence all humans --

derive from the same clay condemned by

God at Adam's fall: but from the same clay

were made "one vessel for honor, another

for dishonor."  Thus Cain and Abel represent

both the same individual who, by grace,

aspires to become "spiritual," and different

individuals, evil and good, members of

two cities (Book 15).

The City of God

the most influential of Augustine of Hippo's works

De Civitate Dei, written in the aftermath of the

Goth's army sack of Rome in AD 410

has a wide-ranging score, embracing cosmology,

philosophy, psychology,  political thought, polemic,

Christian apologetics, theory of history, biblical

interpretation, and apocalyptic outlook.

Gerard O'Daly in Augustine's City of God (second

edition) Page 38 :

"Rather than seeing the City of God as

refutation of pagan objections to Christianity,

to be read directly by pagans, it is more in

keeping with what Augustine actually says

about his aims to think of the work's readers

as Christians or others closely concerned with

Christianity, who require fluent and convincing

rebuttal of pagan views, both for their own

satisfaction and as weapons to be used in

arguments with defenders of paganism"

The THEME of two cities in the Book of

Revelation : the "New Jerusalem" 

symbolizes the city of God / Civitate Dei

[ Latin for God's City / heavenly City ]

Revelation 3:12 "and I will write on him

the name of my God, and the name of

the city of my God, the new Jerusalem,

which comes down from my God out of


Revelation 21:2 "And I saw the holy city,

new Jerusalem, coming down out of 

heaven, from God, prepared as a bride

adorned for her husband."

Revelation 21:10 "And in the Spirit he

carried me away to a great, high

mountain, and showed me the holy

city Jerusalem, coming down out of

heaven from God."

Earthly cities and rulers fall (e.g.

Jerusalem, Babylon) . . .

Tertullian famously develops the 

image of a Christian city (De Corona,

chapter 13') "But your orders and your

magistracies and the very name of 

your senate-house (Latin curia ) is the

Church of Christ.  You are enrolled as his

in the books of life.  There your crimson

robes are the Lord's blood. . .but you,

an alien in this word and a citizen of the city

on high, Jerusalem -- our community

(Latin municipatus), he said, is in heaven --

you have nothing to do with the delights

of this world, rather, you are obligated

not to rejoice in them."

Contra Celsum - work by Origen of Alexandria

"if you compare the council of the Church of

God with the council in each city, you will find

that some councillors of the Church are worthy

to hold office in a city which is God's, if there

is such a city anywhere in the universe" (Book 3, #30)

O'Daly, Gerard Augustine's City of God

A Reader's Guide (Oxford Univ. Press, 2020)

2nd edition ISBN 9780198841241

Coldest Night of the Year (Walk to benefit ESS) - Benton Harbor, MI

ESS - Emergency Shelter Services

family shelter /connection / 2 or 5K walk

Coldest Night of the Year

Sat. Feb. 22, 2025

Secret Garden at the Harbor

209 W. Main Street, B.Harbor

(Berrien County, MI)

4 p.m. meet up


No PETS allowed to walk along

Ursula K. Le Guin

American writer - poet - essayist

23 novels - 12 volumes of short stories - 11 poetry volumes

13 children's works - 5 essay collections - 4 works of translation

She was born 1929 and grew up in Berkeley, California;

few Americans have done work of such high quality in so

many forms.  Her major works have been translated into 42 

languages and have remained in print, some for over half

a century.  

The documentary, The Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin directed

by Arwen Curry, tells of her life and works (released 2018).

She died peacefully at her home in January 2018.

Woody the Woodchuck -- Feb. 2, 2025 -- free continental breakfast (Howell, MI)

Michigan's own Weather forecasting Groundhog

Woody the Woodchuck

will make her prediction at the

Howell (MI) Nature Center at

7:30 a.m. The wildlife staff will

offer a continental breakfast to

visitors and announce the results

of Woody's observation or lack

thereof of her shadow.

Following 7:30 a.m. will be

holiday-theme games and information


spring-close . . .

Monday, January 27, 2025

Is Paul's Letter to the Romans easily understood?

ORIGEN, the early Church exegete and expositor of the Hebrew

and Christian scriptures said in his Introduction to

his Commentary on Romans:

Romans is harder to

understand than all

of Paul's other

letters and stirs up

questions that the 

heretics distort.

Is Paul's Letter to the Romans an important part of the Bible?

Quotation from Luther's Prefaces to the New Testament:

The epistle is really the

chief part of the New Testament,

and is truly the purest gospel.

It is worthy not only that every

Christian should know it word

for word, by heart, but also that

he should occupy himself with 

it every day, as the daily bread 

of the soul.  We can never read

it or ponder over it too much; for 

the more we deal with it, the

more precious it becomes and

the better it tastes.

Chapter 51: A prayer for help : A Psalm of David

CEB Study Bible, published 2013

Common English Bible translation

Superscription = For the music leader.

A Psalm of David, when the prophet

came to him just after he had been

with Bathsheba

Psalm 51 : verses 1 - 19

Have mercy on me, God, according

to your faithful love!  Wipe away my

wrongdoings according to your great


Wash me completely clean of my

guilt; purify me from my sin!

Because I know my wrongdoings,

my sin is always right in front of me.

I've sinned against you -- you alone.

I've committed evil in your sight.  That's

why you are justified when you render

your verdict, completely correct when

you issue your verdict,

completely correct when you issue your

judgment.  Yes, I was born in guilt,

in sin, from the moment my mother

conceived me.  And yes, you want

truth in the most hidden places;

you teach me wisdom in the most

secret place."

Purify me with hyssop and I will

be clean;  wash me and I will be

whiter than snow.

Let me hear joy and celebration

again; let the bones you crushed

rejoice once more.  Hide your face

from my sins; wipe away all my

guilty deeds!  Create in me a clean 

heart for me, God;  put a new, faithful

spirit deep inside me!  Please don't throw

me out of your presence; please don't 

take you holy Spirit away from me.  Return

the joy of your salvation to me and sustain

me with a willing spirit.

Then I will teach wrongdoers your ways, 

and sinners will come back to you.

Deliver me from violence, God,

God of my salvation,

so that my tongue can sing of your

righteousness.  Lord, open my lips,

and my mouth will proclaim your praise.

You don't want sacrifices.

If I gave an entirely burned offering,

you wouldn't be pleased.  You won't

despise a heart, God,

that is broken and crushed.  Do good

things for Zion by your favor.  Rebuild

Jerusalem's walls.

Then you will again want sacrifices

of righteousness -- entirely burned

offerings and complete offerings.

Then bulls will again be sacrificed on 

your altar.

Benediction from the Tribute of Sirach to Famous ancestors (Enoch to Simon): chapter 50

 CEB Bible translation, 2011

Now bless the God of all who

everywhere does great things,

who raised us up from our birth

and deals mercifully with us.

May he give us gladness in our

hearts, and may there be peace

in our time, in Israel as in

times past.  May he grants us his


and may he rescue us in our lifetime!

SIRACH ch. 50 verses 22 - 24

Chapter 50: On the death of Jacob his father what Joseph does and promises

Genesis 50: 1 - 26 (CEB Study Bible)

Common English Bible, transl. 2013

Joseph fell across his father's body,

wept over him, and kissed him.  Joseph

then ordered the physicians in his service

to embalm his father, and the physicians

embalmed Israel.  They mourned for him

40 days because that is the period required

for embalming.  Then the Egyptians mourned

him for 70 days.  After the period of

mourning had passed, Joseph spoke to

Pharaoh's household, "If you approve my

request, give Pharaoh this message:  My

father made me promise, telling me, 'I'm

about to die.  You must bury me in the tomb 

that I dug for myself in the land of Canaan.'

Now, let me leave and let me bury my father,

and then I will return."

Pharaoh replied, "Go, bury your father as you


So Joseph left to bury his father.  All of Pharaoh's

servants went with him, together with the

elder statesmen in his household and all of the

elder statesmen in the land of Egypt.  Joseph's

entire household, his brothers, and his father's

household.  Only the children, flocks, and

cattle ramined in the land of Goshen.  Even

chariots and horsemen went with him; it

was a huge collection of people.  When they

arrived at the threshing flood of Atad on the 

other side of the Jordan River, they observed

a solemn, deeply sorrowful period of

mourning.  He grieved 7 days for his father.

When the Canaanites who lived in the land saw

the observance of grief on Atad's threshing

floor, they said, "This is a solemn observance of

grief by the Egyptians." . . .Israel's sons did 

for him just as he had ordered.  His sons carried

him to the land of Canaan and buried him in the

cave in the field of Machpelah near Mamre, which

Abraham had purchased as burial property from

Ephron the Hittite.  Then Joseph returned to

Egypt, he, his brothers, and everyone who left

with him to bury his father.

When Joseph's brothers realized that their

father was now dead, they said, "What if

Joseph bears a grudge against us, and wants

to pay us back seriously for all of the terrible 

things we did to him?"

So they approached  Joseph and said, "Your

father gave you orders before he died, telling

us, 'This is what you should say to Joseph,

Please, forgive your brothers' sins & misdeeds,

for they did terrible things to you.  Now, please

forgive the sins of the servants of your father's


Joseph wept when they spoke to hi.

His brothers wept too, fell down in front of him,

and said, "We're here as your slaves."

But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid.

Am I God?

You planned something bad for me,

but GOD Produced Something Good from it,

in order to save the lives of many people, just

as he's doing today.  Now, don't be afraid.  I

will take care of you and your children."

So he put them at ease and spoke reassuringly

to them.

Thus Joseph lived in Egypt, he and his father's

household.  Joseph lived 110 years and saw

Ephraim's grandchildren.  The children of

Machir, Manasseh's son, were also born on

Joseph's knees.  Joseph said to his brothers,

"I'm about to die.  God will certainly take

care of you and bring you out of this land to

the land he promised to Abraham, to Isaac, and

to Jacob."  Joseph made Israel's sons promise,

"When God takes care of you, you must bring

up my bones out of here."  Joseph died when 

he was 110 years old.  They embalmed him

and placed him in a coffin in Egypt.

Chapter 49: Israel is Servant of the Lord

Selected verses from Book of the Prophet Isaiah

49: 1 - 6, 9 - 11, 12 - 13

A turning point where Israel speaks up as

God's servant, echoing much of what has

said previously by God: the Servant has

accepted his role.  FROM CEB Study Bible:

Common English Translation, published 2013.

Listen to me, coast lands;

pay attention, peoples far away.

The Lord called me before my

birth, called my name when I

was in my mother's womb. 

He made my mouth like a sharp

sword, and hid me in the shadow

of God's own hand.

He made me a sharpened arrow,

and concealed me in God's quiver,

saying to me, "You are my servant,

Israel, in whom I show my glory."

But I said, "I have wearied myself

in vain.  I have used up my strength

for nothing."  Nevertheless, the Lord

will grant me justice; my reward is

with my God.

And now the Lord has decided --

the one who formed me from the

womb as his servant -- to restore

Jacob to God, so that Israel might

return to him.  Moreover, I'm honored

in the Lord's eyes; my God has become

my strength.

He said: It is not enough, since you

are my servant, to raise up the tribes

of Jacob and to bring back the

survivors of Israel.  Hence, I will

also appoint you as light to the

nations so that my salvation may

reach to the end of the earth. . .

saying to the prisoners, "Come out,"

and to those in darkness, "Show

yourselves."  I will turn all my

mountains into roads; my highways

will be built up.  Look!  These will come

from far away.  Look!  These are from the 

north and west, and these from the south-

land.  Sing, heavens!  Rejoice, earth!

Break out, mountains, with a song.

The Lord has comforted his people,

and taken pity on those who suffer!

Chapter 49: An ancient poem / last testament to 12 sons

Genesis 49: 1 - 28

Much of the Hebrew text is difficult and many

of the images are obscure:  Jacob's 12 sons

represent the later Israelite tribes that

bear their names.  from CEB Study Bible:

Common English Bible translation, 2013

Jacob summoned his sons and said,

"Gather around so that I can tell you

what will happen to you in the coming

days.  Assemble yourselves and listen,

sons of Jacob; listen to Israel your father.

Reuben, you are my oldest son, my

strength and my first contender [ first of my

power ] superior in status and superior

in might.  As wild as the waters, you won't 

endure, for you went up and your father's

bed and violated my couch.

Simeon and Levi are brothers,

weapons of violence their stock in trade.

May I myself never enter their council.

May my honor never be linked to their

group; for when they were angry, they

killed men, and whenever they wished,

they maimed oxen.  Cursed be their

anger; it is violent, their rage; it is

restless.  I'll divide them up within

Jacob and disperse them within Israel.

Judah, you are the one your brothers

will honor; your hand will be on the neck

of your enemies; your father's sons will

bow down to you.

Judah is a lion's cub;

from the prey, my son, you rise up.

He lies down and crouches like a lion;

like a lioness -- who dares disturb him?

The scepter won't depart from Judah,

nor the ruler's staff from among his

banners.  Gifts will be brought to him;

people will obey him.

He ties his male donkey to the vine,

the colt of his female donkey to the

vine's branches.  He washes his clothes

in wine, his garments in the blood of

grapes.  His eyes are darker than wine,

and his teeth whiter than milk.

Zebulun will live at the seashore;

he'll live at the harbor of ships,

his border will be at Sidon.

Issachar is a sturdy donkey,

bedding down beside the village

hearths / stubbornly lying beneath

its saddlebags.  He saw that a resting 

place was good and that the land was


He lowered his shoulder to haul loads

and joined the work gangs.

Dan will settle disputes for his people,

as one of Israel's tribes.

Dan will be a snake on the road,

a serpent on the path,

biting a horse's heels,

so its rider falls backward.

I long for your victory, Lord.

Gad will be attacked by attackers,

but he'll attack their back.

Asher grows fine foods,

and he will supply the king's delicacies.

Naphtali is a wild doe that

gives birth to beautiful fawns.

Joseph is a young bull,

a young bull by a spring,

who strides with oxen.

They attacked him fiercely and fired

arrows; the archers attacked him furiously.

But his bow stayed strong,

and his forearms were nimble [ flexible ],

by the hands of the strong one of Jacob,

by the name of the shepherd, the rock

of Israel, by God, your father, who supports

you, by the Almighty [ Hebrew, Shaddai or

Mountain One ] who blesses you

with blessings from the skies above

and blessings from the deep sea below,

blessings from breasts and womb.  The

blessings of your Father exceed the blessings

of the eternal mountains, the wealth of the 

everlasting hills.  May they all rest on Joseph's

head, on the forehead of the one set apart

from his brothers.

Benjamin is a wolf who hunts:

in the morning he devours the prey;

in the evening he divides the plunder."

These are the Twelve tribes of Israel,

and this is what their father said to them.

He blessed them by giving each man his

own particular blessing.

Chapter 48: Elijah and Elisha

Selected verses from SIRACH (Apocrypha book) chapter 48

CEB Study Bible, published 2013

21st Century translation: Common English Bible

Then Elijah the prophet rose up

like fire, and his word burned

like a torch.  He brought a

famine upon them, and he reduced

their number by his zeal.

By the Lord's word he shut up

the sky, and in the same way he

brought down fire three times.

How glorious you were, Elijah,

in your amazing deeds!

Who will boast like you can?

You raised a corpse from death,

from the grave [Hebrew Sheol,

Greek Septuagint Hades ] by a

word of the Most High.

You brought kings down to

destruction and dragged the famous

from their beds.

You heard a rebuke at Sinai and

decrees of punishment at Horeb.

You anointed kings to bring

retribution and prophets to

succeed you.  You were taken up

in a whirlwind of fire and in

a chariot of fiery horses.

It is recorded that you are ready

for the designated times,

to calm anger before it turns

to wrath, to turn the heart of

a father to his son, and to restore

the tribes of Jacob.  Happy are 

those who saw you and who have fallen

asleep [died] in your love,

for we will surely live as well.

Elijah was covered by the whirlwind,

and Elisha was filled with his spirit

[Hebrew adds He performed twice as 

many signs and marvels with every

word from his mouth ].  In his time,

he didn't tremble before any ruler,

and no one oppressed him.

Nothing was too great for him,

and in death his body prophesied.

During his life, he performed wonders,

and in death his accomplishments

were marvelous.

In spite of these things, the people

didn't change their hearts and lives,

and they didn't turn from their sins

until they were torn away from their

land and scattered over the whole

earth.  The people who remained were

few in number, but they had a ruler

from the house of David.  Some of them

did what pleased God, but others sinned

even more.

Andrzej Duda, President of Poland

"We Poles, on whose land - occupied by Nazi Germans at that time -

the Germans build this extermination industry and this concentration

camp, are today the guardians of memory"

80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz

Death Camp

"May the memory of all the dead live on; may they

rest in peace" -- the Holocaust annihilated 2/3rds of

Europe's Jews and 1/3 of all Jews worldwide. . .


Survivors of Auschwitz (Poland) Death Camp -- 80th Anniversary memorial -- Jan. 27, 2025

A day of solemn ceremony will take place

Monday 27 January 2025

at southern Poland to commemorate the

liberation of concentration camp prisoners

by the Red Army (Russia) in 1945 as the

Allied forces were defeating Nazi institutions

and the armies of Hitler and his generals.



Expected to attend =

fewer than 50 survivors

King Charles III of the United Kingdom

Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany

President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Friedrich Merz, likely next Chancellor

Prime Minister Donald Tusk of Poland

Piotr Cywinski director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau

museum and a historian

Steve Witkoff, envoy representing the Trump-Vance

administration, Executive Branch, U.S. Government

Howard Lutnick, nominee for Secy. of Commerce

Charles Kushner, ambassador to France-nominee

Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine

Yoav Kisch, Israeli Education minister representing

the State of Israel

Chapter 47: In tribute to David & Solomon [ Ben Sira's tribute in 47th chapter ]

Within the 47th Chapter of Sirach [ verses 2 - 17 ],

are stories of the greatest kings over a 

United Kingdom.  These poetic lines are

translated from the CEB Study Bible, published

2013 -- general editor, Joel B. Green

Just as the fat is separated from the

offering of well-being,

so David was set apart from the

Israelites.  He played with lions

as if they were young goats,

and with bears as if they were

lambs from the flock.

Didn't he kill a giant in his youth

and take away disgrace from the people,

when he raised his hand with a stone shot

from a sling and struck down the arrogant

Goliath?  David called upon the Lord

Most High,

and the Lord gave strength to his strong arm

to do away with a mighty warrior,

to assert the power of his people.

For this, they glorified him in throngs

of thousands.

They praised him, calling down the Lord's

blessings, when they brought him a glorious

crown.  David destroyed his enemies on

every side, and he despised the Philistines,

his adversaries;  he shattered their power,

which has never recovered.  In everything

he did, he gave thanks to the holy one,

the Most High, with glorious words.

He sang hymns with all his heart, and

he loved his maker.  He appointed singer

with harps before the altar to make sweet

melody with their sounds [ Greek adds

and every day they offer praise with their

songs].  He brought dignity to the festivals,

and he adorned the whole cycle of

sacred seasons [ GK adds he adorned 

the times until their completion ], as they

were praising God's holy name,

and from early morning the sanctuary

resounded.  The Lord took away David's

sins, and he exalted his power forever. 

He established his kingdom by agreement;

and a glorious throne in Israel.

After David a well-instructed son arose,

and because of David, he enjoyed a

large kingdom.  Solomon reigned at

a time of peace.  God gave him tranquility

on every side, so that he might build a house

for God's name and prepare a sanctuary

that would last forever.  

How wise you were in your youth!  

You were filled like a river

with understanding.  Your spirit filled the 

earth, and you were full of puzzling proverbs.

Your name reached faraway islands, and you

were deeply loved because of your peaceful rule.

Countries marveled at you on account of your

songs, your parables, proverbs, and teachings.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Chapter 46: Our refuge and strength

Book of the Psalms: 21st century translation

CEB Study Bible 2013

Common English translation / General editor

of notes and study section helps Joel Green

Superscription [for the music

leader; of the Korahites; 

according to Alamoth; a song]

God is our refuge and strength,

a help always near in times of

great trouble.

That's why we won't be afraid

when the world falls apart,

when the mountains crumble

into the center of the sea,

when its waters roar and rage,

when the mountains shake

because of its surging waves.

There is a river whose streams

gladden God's city,

the holiest dwelling of the Most High.

God is in that city.  It will never

crumble. God will help it when

morning dawns.  

Nations roar; kingdoms crumble.

God utters his voice; the earth melts.

The Lord of heavenly forces is

with us!  The God of Jacob is our

place of safety.

Come, see the Lord's deeds,

what devastation he has imposted

on the earth -- bringing wars

to an end in every corner of the

world, breaking the bow and

shattering the spear, burning

chariots with fire.





The Lord of heavenly forces is

with us!  The God of Jacob is our

place of safety.

Chapter 45: Book of the Prophet Jeremiah: End of the Baruch Narrative

Following the final words to the Judeans in Egypt

who fled there from the fall of Jerusalem (587 B.C.E.)

that explains the fall of Judah and Jerusalem for those

living safely in a neighboring nation.  Word that em-

phasize You Must Have No Other Gods Before Me

(Deuteronomy 5:7).  The final word for Baruch

(Chapter 45, verse 1-5)  are translated here for the

CEB Study Bible, Common English Bible, 2013.

In the fourth year of Judah's

King Jehoiakim, Josiah's son,

Baruch was writing in a 

scroll the words that Jeremiah

was dictating to him.  Jeremiah

the prophet told Baruch,

Neriah's son: "This is what the

Lord the God of Israel proclaims

about you, Baruch: You have said,

'I can't take it anymore!  The Lord

has added sorrow to my pain.  I'm

worn out from groaning and can

find no rest.'  This is what you

should say to him: "The Lord

proclaims: I'm breaking down

everything I have built up.  I'm

digging up that which I have

planted -- the entire land.  You

seek great things for yourself,

but don't bother.  I'm bringing

disaster on all humanity, declares

the Lord, but wherever you go

I will let you escape with your


There are multiple endings to

the book of the prophet Jeremiah

(oracles against nations chs. 46 -

51; historical epilogue 52: 1-34).

51:64b ends abruptly: "Jeremiah's

words end here"

Chapter 44: Hymn to the ancestors in their generations (Sirach 44: 1 - 45: 2)

This long poem, celebrating great figures of Israel's

history from Enoch through the high priest Simon II,

functions like the grand ending of a symphony.  Ben

Sira wants his students to be proud of their own

heritage and its customs in the face of the dominant

Greek culture and also points out the value of

loyalty to the covenant as the path to a lasting,

honorable fame (CEB Study Bible Notes, Apocrypha

section): Common Bible Study Edition, published 2013)

The opening section below of the 7-chapter section

begins not with ADAM, ABEL, SETH but with



Now allow us to praise famous people

and our ancestors, generation by generation.

The Lord created [Hebrew measured out ]

great glory, his Majesty from eternity.

They ruled in their kingdoms,

and made a name with their power,

some giving counsel by their intelligence;

some making pronouncement in prophecies;

some leading the people by their deliberations,

and by their understanding of the people's learning,

giving wise words in their instruction;

others devising musical melodies, and composing

poems; rich people endowed with strength,

living in peace in their dwellings --

all of these were honored in their generations,

a source of pride in their time.

Some of them left behind a name so that

their praises might be told.

For some there is no memory,

and they perished as though they hadn't

existed.  These have become as though

they hadn't been born, they and even their

children after them.

But these were compassionate people

whose righteous deeds haven't been forgotten.

This will persist with their children;

their descendants will be a good legacy.

Their descendants stand by the covenants,

and their children also, for their sake.

Their descendants will last forever,

and their glory will never be erased.

Their bodies were buried in peace,

but their name lives for generations.

The people will tell of their wisdom,

and the congregation will proclaim their praises!

Enoch pleased the Lord and was transferred,

an example of a changed heart and mind

for generations.

Noah was found perfect and righteous;

in a time of anger, he was selected

in exchange for the ungodly [Hebrew

adds he continued the human race ].

Because of him, a few survivors

remained on the earth when the flood


Eternal covenants were made with him

so that all living things would not be

wiped out by a flood again.

Abraham was a great father of a

multitude of nations, and there was

no smudge on his glory.  He kept the laws

of the Most High, and he entered into a

covenant with him.  He established a 

covenant in his flesh, and when he was

tested, he proved faithful.

Therefore, the Lord certified for Abraham

with a solemn pledge that he would

bless nations through his descendants,

that he would make him increase like

the dust of the earth, exalt his descendants

like the stars, and give them an inheritance

from sea to sea and from the river to the 

end of the earth.

He made the same commitment to Isaac 

because of Abraham his father.  He made a 

blessing for all humanity and a covenant

to rest on Jacob's head.  The Lord

acknowledged him with his blessing;

he gave him an inheritance, divided

his shares, and allotted them among

the 12 tribes.  The Lord brought 

forward out of Jacob a man of mercy,

who found favor with all living beings,

dearly loved by God and human beings --

Moses, who is remembered with

blessing, The Lord made Moses' glory

equal to that of the holy ones, and he

made Moses great so that Moses'

enemies would fear him.

Chapter 43: Poem continues with imagery of clouds, winds, hail stored in heavenly warehouse

Sirach chapter 43 selected verses

43: 13 - 33 translation Common English

Bible, published in 2013 in CEB Study Bible.

He drives the snow forward by his command,

and he speeds the lightning bolts of his

judgment on their way.

To this end, the storehouses are opened,

and clouds fly out like birds.  In his might

he subdues clouds,

and stones are broken apart for hail.

The sound of his thunder scolds the earth

[Psalm 29:3 - 4] and mountains will be shaken

when he appears.  The south wind blows by

his will, as do storms from the north and

whirlwinds.  He sprinkles the snows like 

birds flying down, and its descent is like

locusts alighting.  The eye marvels at its

beautiful whiteness, and the heart is amazed

at its showering down.

He pours frost, like salt, upon the earth,

and when it freezes it has pointy thorns.

A cold north wind will blow, and ice will

freeze on the water;  it will settle on every 

pool of water, and the water will put it on

like armor.  He will consume mountains, 

burn up the wilderness, and extinguish

grass like a fire.  A mist hastens the healing

of all things; the dew that appears will give

relief from the heat.

By his calculations, he stilled the deep,

and he planted islands in it.  Those who sail

the sea describe its danger, and we are

amazed at what we hear.  Incredible and

amazing things are there, all sorts of

living things, great sea monsters.  Because of

him, each messenger succeeds, and all

things hold together by his word.

We could say many things and never say

enough.  The final word is: The Lord is

"the All."  Where will we find the strength

to glorify him?  For God is great beyond all

his works.  The Lord is awesome and very

great,  and his power is marvelous.  Glorify

the Lord, and exalt him as much as you can:

he surpasses even that.  Exalt him, increase

your strength, and don't grow tired!

you will never say enough.  Who has

seen him and will describe him?

Whose praises him and will describe him?

Whose praises of him will match what 

he really is?

There are many hidden things greater

than these, for we have seen only a few

of his works.  The Lord made everything,

and he gave wisdom to the godly!

Chapter 42: Long poem in Sirach 42:15 - 43:33

The ninth major poem of this book included in the

Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox Apocrypha section.

It reflects on God's majesty and rule as revealed in

the wonders of creation; it belongs in the same

family as PSALM 19 & Wisdom of Solomon ch.

13 & Romans 1:19 - 21.  Translation is

Common Study Bible (2013) from the CEB Study Bible.


Now I'll call to mind the works of the Lord,

and I'll tell about what I've seen.

The Lord's works came into being by his words.

The shining sun looked down on everything, and

the Lord's work is radiant with his glory.

The Lord has not allowed his holy ones to describe

all of his wonders, which the Lord Almighty

established so that the universe would

stand firm in his glory.

He has searched the abyss and the heart,

and he took their great achievements into

consideration, because the Most High knew everything 

to be known.  He saw the sign of the [Hebrew adds

and he saw what was to come forever, explaining

what has passed and what will be, and revealing

the clues to things that are hidden.

No thought escaped him,

and not a single word was hidden from him.

He ordered the splendors of his wisdom.

He remains the same [ Septuagint Greek 

He is one ] from the beginning of time all 

the way to eternity.  Nothing can be added to him 

nor be taken away, and he needed no one 

to give him advice.

How desirable are all of his works,

and how brilliant they are to look upon.

All these things live and remain forever in every

circumstance, and everything obeys him [Hebrew adds

and all things are maintained for every need ]

All things exist in pairs, one opposite the other,

and he made nothing that was incomplete.

Each thing strengthens the good parts of the other;

who can get enough of seeing God's glory?

The pride of the heights is the clear heavenly vault,

the appearance of the sky in a vision of glory.

The sun, when it appears, announces at its rising

what an amazing thing it is, a work 

of the Most High.  At noon it dries up the land,

and who can endure its burning heat?  A person

blows on a furnace, working in it burning heat,

but the sun is three times hotter when it burns

up mountains.  When it breathes out fiery vapors,

and shines forth its rays, it blinds eyes.  Great is

the Lord who made it; it speeds on its course

by his command.

The moon stands at its proper time [ Hebrew adds

The moon indicates the season,

a notification of times and an everlasting sign.

The sign for a feast comes from the moon,

a luminous body that wanes when it completes

its course.  The new moon shares the character

of its name / The new moon, like its name

renews itself, increasing wonderfully as it

changes, a signal on high for armies [Hebrew

a military beacon for the clouds on high, ]

shining in the vault of the sky.

The stars' glory is the sky's beauty, shining

ornaments in the heights of the Lord.

They stand at the words of the holy one,

just as he orders, and they will never grow

tired as they keep watch.

Look at the rainbow, exceedingly beautiful

in its brightness, and bless the One who made it.

It encircled the sky with a glorious ring; the

Lord's hands stretched it out!  [Genesis 9:13]

Denali means North America's tallest peak // 2025 Senate bill to restore name after Day Two TRUMP Mandate

UPDATE: The Hill reports that

Senator Lisa Murkowski introduced a Senate keeping

the name of "Denali" to refer to N. America's tallest peak. . .

Feb. 13, 2025 (Thursday)


Reactions from diverse Alaskans (not just

Palin, Murkowski, Sullivan, new Congressman Begich,

Jeff King 4-time Iditarod winner


Alaska House of Repr. resolution urges Trump

admin. to keep the name "DENALI"

since it is deeply ingrained in the state's

culture and identity



Chapter 41: 41st Psalm [conclusion of Book I of the Psalter]

Conclusion of the first section of the 

canonical Book of the Psalms [Kethubim]

21st Century translation, CEB Study Bible

Common English Bible transl. 2013

Superscription for the Music

leader.  A Psalm of David.

Those who pay close attention to the 

poor are truly happy!

The Lord rescues them during troubling


The Lord protects them and keep them


they are widely regard throughout the

land as happy people.

You won't hand them over to the will

of their enemies.

The Lord will strengthen them when

they are lying in bed, sick.

You will completely transform the place

where they lie I'll.

But me? I said, 'Lord, have mercy on me!

Heal me because I have sinned against you.'

My enemies speak maliciously about me:

'When will he die and his name disappear?'

Their hearts collect evil gossip;

one they leave, they tell it to everybody.

All of those who hate me talk about me,

whispering to each other, plotting

evil against me:

'Some horrible thing has been poured 

into him; the next time he lies down,

he won't, he won't get up.'

Even my good friend, the one I trusted,

who shared my food, has kicked me

with his heel -- a betrayer!

But you, Lord, please have mercy on me

and lift me up so I can pay them back!

Then I'll know you are pleased with me

because my enemy won't be shouting in

triumph over me.  You support me in

my integrity;

you put me in your presence forever.

Bless the Lord, the God of Israel,

from forever to forever!  Amen and Amen!