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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tolerance, Equity, Awareness: Counter-protest to form protective chain during public event (July 14)

as expected/forecast in M-Live (Michigan / Grand Rapids news online) dot-com

EAST GRAND RAPIDS -- Police do not expect any trouble from protesters with Westboro Baptist Church at former first lady Betty Ford's funeral and, in fact, are not sure anyone will show.

The church announced plans to protest Ford's funeral because she had been divorced when she married former President Gerald R. Ford and, according to a statement, encouraged pre-marital sex.
East Grand Rapids Public Safety Chief Mark Herald said Westboro members failed to show Tuesday for Betty Ford's funeral in California as they promised and he said there is a good chance they will not show up in Grand Rapids.
"That's what they do. They get the publicity over protest plans and then don't show," he said.
If they do surface, another group already is planning to block them with a "peaceful human chain."
Members of the Tolerance, Equity and Awareness Movement in Grand Rapids plan to be near the church to "protect the Ford family from the hate of this group."
Herald said some members of Westboro were in East Grand Rapids for former President Ford's funeral in 2006, but there were no problems. They were given a designated place to protest.
"They are very attune to the law. They know the rules," he said.
In 2006, police were stationed with the group, essentially to protect them, Herald said. He expects the same arrangement Thursday, if protesters show.

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