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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Alice Cooper, Tom Waits, Darlene Love, Dr. John, & Neil Diamond: R & R Hall of Fame

from MTV dot-com news of March 15, 2011:

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame takes it on the chin an awful lot, mostly because of outrage over who gets in versus who doesn't and the stunning lack of representation from women and minorities. But when the dust clears, they do put on an awfully interesting induction show, which went down on Monday night (March 14) at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. The show brought together inductees like Tom Waits, Darlene Love, Dr. John and Neil Diamond for a celebration of their work and influence. But the big moment of the night belonged to Alice Cooper (who was inducted into the Hall) and Rob Zombie (who helped induct him). Zombie talked about Cooper's influence not just on himself but on the greater rock world. "He invented the rock show," Zombie said. "Before Alice Cooper, there was no rock show." Later, the two shared the stage for an all-star spook jam on Cooper's "School's Out."

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