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Sunday, June 27, 2010

10 a.m. worship (Sermon on John 15 by the Rev. Harry Clark - St. John's) I am the CPU

Today's sermon based on John 15: 1-15 and Galatians 5:22-23 as read by lay volunteer; in one part of his application on the nine-part "Fruits of the Spirit" = love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, the Pastor/preacher drew the high-tech example of how "I am the CPU, you are the monitor or printer" as a way to understand Christ's connection to our living out the example to our neighbors and loved ones. . .

Hymns he selected today were very traditional -- "Come, Thou almighty King" / "Lord, I want to be a Christian" / "He Leadeth Me".

An important vote on a major Council purchase/appropriation of funds for the needed church boiler for heating system followed the service at St. John's UCC. He also recruited for VBS staff and for students ages 4-12 for the inter-church nightly Christian Education experience (July 25 - 29) among three Niles, MI congregations & those in their outreach/children of the city. . .

A STORMY Noon as another Summer Storm rolled through with high winds and sudden thundershowers and temperature shifts.

Have a safe and restful weekend, all who are Blog-reading and catching up !

God bless you.

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