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Monday, August 16, 2010

Who's that "chowhound" in Air Force One? -- posted at Obama Foodorama blog early on Aug. 16

En route to Florida, Bo snoops for foodie treats from the White House press corps...

On Saturday, as President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, accompanied by daughter Sasha traveled aboard Air Force One on the way to a quick weekend trip to promote Gulf Coast tourism and seafood in Panama City Beach, Florida, First Dog Bo had the run of the Flying White House, just as he does at home at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Bo popped back to visit the press corps in their cabin numerous times during the almost two-hour flight, drawn by the delightful smells emanating from the extra special AF1 food, which included Monte Christo sandwiches and chips.
"He hung out for quite a bit, sitting obediently and at one point plopping his paws up on your pooler's seat in hopes of a treat," wrote Carol E. Lee of Politico, in an e-mail pool report.  Lee added that although Bo "repeatedly returned to visit pool," once there was no food around, he quickly got bored and "didn't linger for long," dashing back up the aisle to the Presidential cabin.

The food on AF1 has a reputation for being terrific; the plane has two galleys and carries as many as five chefs during long journeys. And Bo dashing the aisles of AF1 has been mentioned by pool reporters before. At the White House, Bo has something of a habit of holding impromptu meet n' greets with reporters, too. During the State Dinner with Mexico, Bo came and said some tail-wagging hellos to Ob Fo and reporter Helena Bottemiller during his evening stroll on the North Lawn.
After AF1 arrived in Florida, Bo, then on leash, was escorted to a waiting motorcade vehicle by a White House aide.
Photos supplied by reporters / correspondents at Eddie Gehman Kohan's blog (here at Google Blogger):

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