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Monday, August 16, 2010

Ben Sira - chapter 28

28: 1 - 26 (translated by Edgar Goodspeed)
The one who takes vengeance will have vengeance taken on him by the Lord, and the Lord will keep close watch of his sins.  Forgive your neighbor his wrongdoing; then your sins will be forgiven when you pray.  Shall one cherish anger against another, and yet ask healing from the Lord? Does that one have no mercy on one such as himself, and yet pray for his own sins?  If such a one, though he is flesh and blood, cherishes anger, who will atone for his sins?  Remember your end and give up your enmity; think of death and destruction, and stand by the commandments.  Remember the commandments, and do not be angry with your neighbor; think of the agreement of the Most High, and overlook human ignorance.  Keep from quarreling and you will reduce your sins, for a passionate person kindles quarrels.  A sinful person creates dissension among friends, and arouses enmity among those who are at peace.  The more fuel, the more the fire will burn, and the more obstinate the quarrel, the more it will burn.  The stronger a man is, the greater is his anger, and the richer he is, the haughtier will his wrath be.  A hurried dispute kindles a fire, and a hasty quarrel means bloodshed.  If you blow on a spark, it will blaze, and if you spit on it, it will be put out; yet both come out of your mouth.  Curse the whisperer and the deceitful person; for that one has destroyed many who were at peace.  A third person's tongue has stirred many up, and removed them from one nation to another; it has torn down strongly fortified cities, and overthrown the houses of the great.  A third person's tongue has driven out noble women, and robbed them of the fruit of their labors.  The one who listens to it will find no rest, and will not live in peace.  The blow of a whip leaves a bruise, but the blow of a tongue breaks the bones.  Many have fallen by the edge of the sword, but not so many as have fallen by the tongue.  Happy is the person who is protected from it, who does not feel its anger, who does not bear its yoke, and is not bound with its chains.  For its yoke is an iron yoke, and its chains are brazen chains; its death is a cruel death, and Hades is better than it.  It will not control godly people, and they will not be burned in its fire.  Those who forsake the Lord will fall into it, and it will burn at them and not be put out; it will be sent upon them like a lion, and ravage them like a leopard.  If you see to hedging your property in with throns, and shut up your silver and gold, make balances and scales to weigh your words, and make a barred door for your mouth.  Take heed not to make a slip with it, or you will fall before someone lying in wait for you.

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