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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ben Sira - chapter 19

19: 1-17, 20, 22 - 30 (translated from the Greek text by Edgar Goodspeed)

A workman who is a drunkard will never get rich; the one who despises small things will gradually fail; wine and women make men of understanding stand aloof; and the man who consorts with prostitutes is reckless.
Worms and decay will eventually take possession of him, and the rash soul will be destroyed.  The one who trusts people quickly is light-minded; and he who sins offends against his own soul.  The one who is merry of heart (Greek) / who rejoices in wickedness (other language versions) will be condemned; the one who hates gossip has the less malice.  If you never repeat what you are told, you will fare none the worse.  Before friend or foe do not recount it, and unless it would be sinful of you, do not reveal it.  For someone has heard you and watched you, and when the time comes will hate you.  If you hear something said, let it die with you, have courage, it will not make you burst!  A fool to express a thought suffers such pangs as a woman in childbirth suffers to bear a child.  Like an arrow sticking in the flesh of the thigh is a word in the heart of a fool.  Question a friend; perhaps he did not do it; or if he did, so that he will not do it again.  Question your neighbor; perhaps he did not say it; or if he did, so that he may not repeat it.  Question a friend, for often there is slander, and you must not believe everything that is said.  A man may make a slip withount intending to -- who has not sinned with his tongue?  Question your neighbor before you threaten him, and leave room for the Law of the Most High.  [verse 20] = THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE SUM OF WISDOM, AND IN ALL WISDOM THE LAW IS FULFILLED.  The knowledge of wickedness is not wisdom, and where the counsel of sinners is, there is no understanding.  There is a cunning that is detestable, and there is a foolish man who is only deficient in wisdom.  A man who is inferior in understanding but fears God is better than one who abounds in prudence but transgresses the Law.  There is an exact kind of shrewdness that is wrong, and there is a man who acts crookedly to gain a judgment.  There is a kind of villain that bends mournfully, but inwardly is full of deceit.  He covers his face, and pretends to be deaf, but when no one is looking, he will take advantage of you.  And though for lack of strength he may be prevented from sinning, if he finds an opportunity, he will do you harm.  A man is known by his appearance, and an intelligent man can be told by the expression of his face.  A man's clothes and a broad smile, and the way he walks tell what he is.

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