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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lent - Schedule of Lectioary Readings - Themes of Worship (GBOD) - Year B 2015

[FROM Taylor Burton - Edwards - GBOD dot-org / resources]
Here is an outline of the gospel readings for Lent, themes for each Sunday, and connections to the major verbs of the baptismal covenant to explore during worship and work on during the intervening weeks in small, formational groups. These themes and suggestions for formational groups will be further developed in the Worship Planning Helps designed for each of these Sundays during the coming year . . . .

Sunday/DayTheme ScriptureBaptismal Vows
Lent 1WildernessMark 1:9-15Renounce, Reject, Repent
Lent 2ExpectationsMark 8:31-38Accept, Resist
Lent 3CleansingJohn 2:13-22Confess, Trust, Serve
Lent 4Believe INTOJohn 3:14-21Join (in union with…)
Lent 5Called to DieJohn 12:20-33Remain, Represent
Palm/PassionThe PassionMark 14:1-27Surround/Pray
Maundy ThursdayPre-WashingJohn 13:1-17,31b-35 Surround/Pray
Good FridayExecutionJohn 18:1- 19:42Surround/Pray
Holy Saturday (a.m.)Vigil at TombMatthew 27:57-66Surround/Pray
Great Vigil of EasterResurrectionMark 16:1-8Baptism/Profession

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