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Friday, September 10, 2010

Tobit - chapter 8 (excerpt)

8: 4b - 8, 15 - 17 (translation by Edgar Goodspeed)
Tobias got up. . .and said, "Let us pray that the Lord will have mercy upon us. . .Blessed are you, God of our forefathers, and blessed be your holy and glorious name forever.  Let the heavens and all your creation bless you.  You made Adam and gave him his wife Eve as a helper and a support, and from them came the human race.  You said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; let us make him a helper like himself.'  Now, Lord, it is not because of lust that I take my sister (his wife that day) here, but in truth.  Have mercy on me, and let me grow old with her."  And she (Sarah) said "Amen" with him; and they both slept all night. . .  Then Raguel blessed God and said, "Blessed are You, O God, with every pure and holy blessing!  Let Your saints and all creation bless you forever.  You are blessed because You have had mercy on two only children; Lord, show them mercy; grant that they may live to the end in health, with gladness and mercy."

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