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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ben Sira - chapter 44

44: 1 - 23 (translated by Edgar Goodspeed)
Let us now praise distinguished men, our forefathers before us.  They are a great glory to the Lord who created them; they show His majesty from of old.  Men who exercised authority in their reigns, and were renowned for their might!  They gave their counsel with understanding, and brought men tidings through their prophecy -- leaders of the people in deliberation and understanding, men of learning for the people, wise in their words of instruction; composers of musical airs, authors of poems in writing; rich men, endowed with strength, who lived in peace upon their lands -- all these were honored in their generation, and were a glory in their day.  There are some of them who have left a name, so that people declare their praise; and there are some who have no memorial, and have perished as though they had not lived, and have become as though they had not been, with their children after them.  Yet these were merciful men, and their uprightness has not been forgotten.  With their descendants it will remain, a good inheritance for their posterity, their descendants stand by the agreements, and their children also for their sakes; their posterity will endure forever, and their glory will not be blotted out.  Their bodies are buried in peace, but their name lives to all generations.  Peoples will recite their wisdom, and the congregation declare their praise!
verse 16 (Greek): Enoch pleased the Lord and was taken up from the earth, a pattern of repentance for all generations.
verses 17 - 23: Noah was found perfect and upright; in the time of God's anger he was taken in exchange.  On his account a remnant was left to the earth when the Flood occurred.  Everlasting agreements were made with him, that all life should never be blotted out by a flood.  Abraham was the great father of a multitude of nations, and no one has been found equal to him in glory.  Abraham observed the Law of the Most High, and entered into an agreement with Him.  He certified the agreement in his flesh, and when he was tested, Abraham proved faithful.  For that reason the Lord assured him with an oath that nations would be blessed through his posterity, and that He would make him as numerous as the dust of the earth, and would raise his posterity as high as the stars, and that they should possess from sea to sea, and from the river to the end of the earth.  He guaranteed it to Isaac also in like manner, because of his father Abraham.  The blessing of all mankind and the agreement he made to rest upon the head of Jacob.  He acknowledged him with his blessings, and gave them to him as his inheritance.  And he divided his portions, and distributed them among twelve tribes.

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