Saturday April 5, 2025
ALAMODome, San Antonio, TX
6:09 p.m. start
Monday April 7, 2025
ALAMODome, San Antonio, TX
8:50 p.m.
CBS will televise the semi-final and final
Basketball games for 2024-2025
My part of the city, state, nation, world, solar system, galaxy, universe
Saturday April 5, 2025
ALAMODome, San Antonio, TX
6:09 p.m. start
Monday April 7, 2025
ALAMODome, San Antonio, TX
8:50 p.m.
CBS will televise the semi-final and final
Basketball games for 2024-2025
PANEL Discussion on
Operationalizing Integral Ecology
1030 Jenkins Hall - Nanovic Hall
How can the principles of Integral
Ecology help with work to preserve
our common home, achieve integral
human development, and build peace.
Moderator, Richard Marcantonio
assistant prof. of peace, environment,
public affairs, at Kroc Institute
Notre Dame, International Peace Studies.
April 2, 2025
4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
Geddes Hall, sponsored by McGrath Institute
Notre Dame, IN
Bishop Varden is from Trondheim, Norway
Introduction by Bishop Kevin Rhoades of Indiana Diocese
all-day April 2, 2025
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Conference on the attitudes toward Roman imperialism
from Greek historians writing under the Roman empire,
to compare these views and their evolution over time
with Roman historians writing in Latin language.
Held at McKenna Hall, Notre Dame Campus, Notre Dame, IN
conferences schedule at this web address.
lecture at Notre Dame, 102 Hesburgh auditorium, Campus, Notre Dame, IN
Prof. Martina Cucchiara, Bluffton University
THE DAILY LIFE OF Erna Becker-Kohen, a Catholic of
Jewish Descent in Nazi Germany
Free and Open to the Public
more information about 80th Anniversary of end of W W II exhibit
The United States government has
suspended its financial contributions to
according to Reuters dot-com
They relied on trade sources for
this "Breaking News"
March 27, 2025 1 p.m. Eastern
CBS News has totalled up from "Wall Of Receipts"
[ Elon Musk and his DOGE raiders including "big balls" ]
a list of USAID projects of
$1.39 billion in efforts to fight disease & increase global health
$171.7 million in providing access to clean water and food sources
$435.2 million in providing access to education abroad . . .
Wednesday interview of POTUS with
Vince Coglianese (pod cast):
. . .we need Greenland for
international safety & security. . .
We need it. We have to have it.
It's island from a defensive posture
and even offensive posture is
something we need. . .When you
look at the ships going up their shores
by the hundreds, it's a busy place
March 26, 2025
Tom Bowman & Michele Keleman
NPR reporters - contributors
NPR has learned that
has provided a grant (tens of thousands of dollars)
to transport the dogs, sleds, and racers by air
from around Greenland for the March 2025 race.
This all comes as Secy. Rubio has cancelled
80% of all US AID programs around the world
and frozen funding for Fulbright scholars (leaving
many in the lurch already at their international
study locations).
CEO of National Public Radio
she also chairs the board of the SIGNAL Foundation
(Signal is the webchat utility / algorithm that
encrypts both incoming transmissions and group
comments / replies / emoticons shared back)
What does carelessness with OPSEC (Operational Security)
mean? Did leading National Security officials "spill"
information over the SIGNAL webchat discussion forum
into which a journalist / editor-in-chief of THE ATLANTIC
(Jeffrey Goldberg) had been invited by NSC chief Mike Waltz?
Details at
Saturday 1 p.m. Eastern
at Birmingham AL
#3 Notre Dame Women (28-5)
face the
#2 TCU Horned Frogs (33-3)
He leads initiatives on
learning assessment,
analytics, and
AI (artificial intelligence);
his mission is to
empower individuals to
use the smartest AI in the
smartest way!
Washingtonpost online article
March 27, 2025
Social Security Administration (Washington, D.C.)
backs off plan to cut phone services for
disabled people 27 March
SSA backs off plan for anti-fraud measures . . .
The James Webb Space Telescope has sighted
auroras, that spill over either side
of Neptune's equator; this discovery
will allow astronomers to study
aspects of that our planet in our
solar system that have previously
been out of reach!
The spring 30-day Fast for Muslims
ends on Sunday night with
Eid al-Fitr.
As of March 2025
NATO allies patrol the Red Sea
along with the U.S. Navy vessels;
the EU (European Union) is now
conducting a naval mission in
the contested waterway with
10 countries.
[in the Signal groupchat
several members (Hegseth/Vance)
groused that "PATHETIC"
"Loathing of European free-loading"]
Ann Arbor, Michigan
The US Fish & Wildlife office space
was told to close March 3 but the
notification on official communication
website was only this week of March 24.
office in Michigan.html
This saves $86,301 this year.
pituffik-base-arctic . . .
March 26 update on story where
she and her son were to wave a flag at the start of
the Sled-Dog race . . .
VP JD Vance has decided instead that his family will
visit a U.S. military base (1951
treaty for land use); that has
removed the risk of violating potential diplomatic taboos
by sending an official delegation to another country
without an official invitation. Recent anti-U.S. demonstrations
at Nuuk might have scared the Trump-Vance administration
enough to revise Usha and child's trip to avoid angry interactions
with angry Greenlanders.
The trip's flip-flop continues to cause major confusion on the
island. The U.S. government has still NOT articulated specific
demands from Denmark or from Greenland's just elected
and still organizing government/Parliament.
In the largely African-American district near and in Houston, TX
constituents have heard of three leading candidates but
NO Assurance
that GOP Governor Greg Abbott will call an election to
fill the seat of former Houston Mayor Turner who died
in D.C. earlier on March 5, 2025.
The three are:
Amanda Edwards,
Isaiah Martin,
Christian Menefee
25 March 2025
In mid-March, the Pentagon removed a series of
government web pages on Black pioneers and
notable military members;
John Ullyot
who answered the media's questions about the
scrubbing / deleting of information concerning
Jackie Robinson's service in the Military forces
said, "DEI is dead at the defense department."
Adding that "he was pleased with the department's
rapid compliance with a directive ordering that
diversity-related content be removed from all
Mr. Ullyot was removed from his position
shortly afterward.
March 25, 2025 coverage in NY TIMES
article by Helene Cooper and Eric Schmitt
Parents in the midst of the Measles outbreak of 2025
are learning of
liver damage
when they administer dosages recommended by non-physician
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of cod liver oil (Vitamin A);
physicians at Lubbock, TX have treated a handful of
unvaccinated children who were given so much Vitamin A
that they had signs of liver damage. Experts warn parents
from giving it to children without physician supervision.
The Emperor Constantine I called the
Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (modern-day Turkey)
from May 20 until June 19, in the year 325.
Around 300 bishops attended that Council.
See Further:
Wir glauben an den einen Gott,
den Vater,
den Allma"chtigen,
der alles geschaffen hat,
Himmel and Erde,
die sichtbare and die unsichtbare Welt.
Und an den einen Herrn Jesus Christus,
Gottes eingeborenen Sohn,
aus Dem Vater geboren vor aller Zeit:
Gott von Gott,
Licht vom Licht,
wahrer Gott vom wahren Gott,
gezeugt, nicht geschaffen,
eines Wesens mit Dem Vater;
durch in its alles geschaffen.
Fuer uns Menschen and zu unsem Heil
ist er von Himmel gekommen,
hat Fleisch angenommen durch
den Heiligen Geist von der Jungfrau Maria
und ist Mensch geworden. Er wurde fuer
uns gekreuzigt unter Pontius Pilatus,
hat gelitten and its begraben worden,
ist am dritten Tage auferstanden nach
der Schrift und aufgefahren in den Himmel.
Er sitzt zur Rechten _des Vaters und wird
wiederkommen in Herrlichkeit, zu richten
die Lebenden and die Toten;
seiner Herrschaft wird kein Ende sein.
Wir glauben an den Heiligen Geist,
der Herr ist und lebendig macht,
der aus dem Vater und dem Sohn hervorgeht,
der mit _dem Sohn angebetet und verherrlicht
wird, der gesprochen hat durch die Propheten,
und die eine, Heiligen, christliche und
apostolische Kirche.
Wire bekennen die eine Taufe zur Vergebung
der Suenden. Wir erwarten die Auferstehung der
Toten und das Leben der kommenden Welt.
Hamdan Ballal
told of beatings and armed threats by settlers
and IDF forces -- he was beaten and detained
after he witnessed 15 vandalizing a smashing
cars and water tanks, throwing rocks at anyone
on June 23 annually they observe
Sankt Hans
who in English is known as
John the Baptist --
that evening is celebrated with
a dinner at home followed by
a stroll to a community bonfire,
often to a beach, park, or Lakeshore.
Hamdan Ballal -- according to POLITICO --
was assaulted in the West Bank, Palestine, with his
whereabouts unknown after he was detained by the
Israeli military Monday March 24, 2025.
He was co-director of the Academy Award-winning
No Other Land
and his co-director, Yuval Abraham, an Israeli documentary
producer, reported the beating by Israeli settlers.
The IDF denies that they apprehended anyone
beaten yesterday (Monday) from inside the ambulance
taking such a person to a hospital or emergency treatment.
Also calling for the Defense Secy. to resign
is Senior Senator (AZ) Mark Kelly interview
March 27, 2025
JOINING in the on-the-record Senators
who likewise want Hegseth to resign - to be fired
Mark Warner (VA),
Tammy Duckworth (IL),
Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), &
Ron Wyden (Oregon).
NY Times Opinion columnist / National
security author / Veteran
David French
has called on the Secy. of Defense
(on-the-job since approval by the U.S.
Senate 50 - 50 - VP Vote in favor)
to resign after details of the March 15
attack on Houthi positions was being
discussed on "SIGNAL" web chat site
with the varied group including National
Security advisor Mike Waltz (not
voted on by the 100-member Senate)
and VP Vance (sworn into office 20 Jan.
2025), Stephen Miller (Trump adviser
not Senate-approved), Secy. of State
Marco Rubio (99 - 0 Senate approval)
as well.
DAVID FRENCH tells in his Op-Ed piece
that from his years as a JAG Officer (Army
lawyer), he helped investigate numerous
instances of classified information spillages
and he's "never heard of anything this
egregious" . . .
March 25/opinion/pete-hegseth-security-
Je crois en un_ seul Dieu, Le Pere
tout puissant, cre'ateur du ciel
et de la terre, de l'univers visible
et invisible,
Je croise en un_ seul Seigneur,
Je'sus Christ, Le Fils unique de Dieu,
ne' du Pe're avant tous les_ siecles:
Il est Dieu, ne' de Dieu,
lumie're, ne'e de la lumie're,
vrai Dieu, ne' du vrai Dieu
Engendre' non pas Cre'e',
consubstantiel au Pe're;
et par lui tout a e'te' fait.
Pour nos los hommes, et pour
notre salut, il descendit du ciel;
Par l'Esprit Saint, il a pris chair
de la Vierge Marie, et s'est fait homme.
Crucife' pour nous sous Ponce Pilate,
Il souffrit sa passion et fut mis au tombeau.
Il ressuscitta la troisieme jour,
conforme'ment aux Ecritures, et il monta
au ciel; il est assis a' la droite du Pe're.
Il reviendra Dan's la Gloria, pour juger les
vivants et les morts
et son re'gne n'aura pas de fin.
Je croise en l'Esprit Saint, qui est Seigneur
et qui donne la vie;
il proce'de du Pe're et du Fils.
Avec le Pe're et le Fils, il recoit me'me adoration
et me'me gloire;
il a parle' par Les prophe'tes.
Je croise en l'Eglise, une, Sainte, catholique et
Je reconnaissance un seul bapte'me pour le pardon
des pe'che's.
J'attends la re'surrection Des morts, et la vie ud
monde a' venir. AMEN
the former Logistics / Transportation magnate
who served the Trump-Pence administration
appointed June 20, 2020 (height of COVID-19)
and then continued in office during Biden-Harris
four years has announced his resignation
March 2025.
The Post Office will soon be subject to lay-offs
and firings as well as budget cuts and program
Farewell POSTMASTER #75 since before
1776 and the independent founding of the
Constitutional republic that is the USA.
(First postmaster in 1775 was Ben Franklin
of Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania).
From his introduction to COMMENTARY ON MATTHEW
(Hilary's verse-by-verse, section-by-section interpretation -
application of the First Gospel) -- Translator-Editor D.H. Williams
of Baylor University explains what the earliest Christian
writers kept in mind as they wrote for peers and fellow believers:
In keeping with the practice of previous
ancient commentators (Origen, Tertullian,
Cyprian), Hilary perceives the Gospel text
as a literary whole, and its message as a
doctrinal unity. If the Gospel is allowed to
speak for itself, the inquirer will be able to
find in any given pericope a general
coherence. The reader does not bring
his or her own interpretation to the text.
Whether obvious or hidden, the meaning
of the text is already within the text. Hilary
operates on the principle that Scripture
should interpret Scripture. Through COMMENTARY
on MATTHEW, references to what has already
been said in the text are common, and Hilary
is content to let certain parts of MATTHEW
interpret other parts. If followed faithfully,
there may be conflicting views about the
proper interpretation, but these are unnecessary.
"The Lord instructs through things as well as
through words"
Credimus in unum Deum,
Patrem omnipotentem,
factorem coeli et terrae,
visibilium omnium et
et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum,
Filium Dei unicum,
de Patre natum ante omnia saecula;
Deum verum de Deo Vero;
natum, non factum;
ejusdemque substantiae qua Pater est;
per quem omnia facta sunt;
qui propter nos hominess et propter
nostram salutem descendit,
incarnatus est de Spiritu sancto,
in Maria virgine homo factus,
crucifixus pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato,
resurrexit tertia die,
ascendit ad coelos,
sedet ad dexteram Patris;
inde venturus est cum Gloria judicare
vivos ac mortuos,
cujus regni non erit finis.
Et in Spiritum sanctum, Dominum ac
vivificatorem a Patre procendentem,
qui cum Patre et Filio adoratur et
qui locusts est per Prophetas;
in unam catholicism atque apostolicam
Confitemur unum baptismum in
remissionem peccatorum;
speramus resurrectionem mortuorum,
vitam futuri saeculi. Amen.
We believe
in One God,
the Father All-governing
[Greek pantokratora]
Creator [Greek poieten]
of Heaven and Earth,
of all things visible
and invisible;
and in One Lord Jesus Christ,
the only-begotten Son of God,
begotten from the Father
before all time [Greek pro panton
ton aionon], Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten not created [Greek
poiethenta], of the same
essence/reality as the Father
[Greek homoousion to patri],
through whom all things came
into being, Who for us and because
of our salvation came down from
Heaven, and was incarnate by the
Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
and became human [Greek
enanthropesanta]. He was crucified
for us under Pontius Pilate, and
suffered and was buried, and
rose on the Third Day, according
to the Scriptures, and ascended
to heaven, and sits on the right
hand of the Father, and will come
again with glory to judge the
living and the dead. His Kingdom
shall have no end [Greek telos];
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord
and Life-Giver, who proceeds from
the Father, who is worshipped and
glorified together with the Father
and Son, who spoke through the
And in One, holy, Catholic, Apostolic
Church. We confess one Baptism for
the remission of sins. We look
forward to the Resurrection of
the Dead and the Life of the World
to come. Amen.
{John H. Leith - THE CREEDS OF
also "Niceno-Constantinopolitan
Creed" of AD 381.
Trump's pick for
Interim U.S. attorney for New Jersey
Monday March 24, 2025
She was his personal lawyer in
sexual abuse and defamation lawyers.
She will immediately begin to supervise
the work of about 150 prosecutors.
She previously ran a small firm
specializing in civil litigation;
her style is pugilistic, openly political.
Esquire magazine (October 2024 profile):
a case study in how good MISINFORMATION
is believable MISINFORMATION
In a Tucker Carlson interview,
JD Vance admitted that the
German shepherd was assigned
to him by the TRUMP campaign
to make it seem that he was a
Tucker Carlson giggled back.
The largest military base for the Pentagon
outside the Continental United States.
covers 657.86 square Kilometers
of the island of GREENLAND.
PERSONNEL: about 650 people;
airfield is open year-round even though
the base itself is locked in by ice 9 months
of the year
Further update (Thursday 27th)
The reports that the planned trip by
Usha Vance and son to Greenland's capital have
been canceled in favor of a visit to the Military Base,
Pituffik (on lease to U.S. by treaty)
NPR update = 3/25/25
Usha Vance according to her aide Nikki Reeves,
accepted the offer of a dogsledding association to
wave the starting flag, citing conversations between
the U.S. consulate and event organizers.
Mute Egede did say in FACEBook that there will
be no meetings between U.S. officials and govt.
officials in Greenland during the Vance family visit.
Greenland Dog Sled Race
[one of the world's foremost dog sledding events]
it began in 1988 and is the national championship
consisting in 37 mushers and 444 dogs (each team
made up of 10 - 14 dogs)
has commented publicly about
Usha Vance and son Vivek's
drop-in visit:
We did NOT invite them
and it is a public event
so they may attend as
spectators . . . We will not
shy away from showing
and defending that our
way of life and our culture
and our identity are NOT
for sale"
The history of dog sledding in Greenland is
more than 4,000 years old and has played a
key role for generations of Arctic people
including the Thule, the predecessor-ancestors
of the Inuit.
Generative AI Unveiled:
Real Stories
NDL (Niles, Michigan) District Library
Community Room
FREE session on
March 27, 5 - 6 p.m.
No pre-registration required
Details at
TELEPHONE: 269-683-8545
Adult Services sponsors this event
Event at the Kennedy Center for the Arts
Washington, D.C.
Saturday March 23, 2025
fellow comedians / TV hosts roast the
American stand-up comedian - interviewer
TO BE Televised later on in 2025 on
Netflix -- will air an edited version of the
speeches and acceptance comments
May 4 -- "There's not a lot going on the
world, but taking control of the Kennedy
Center should be at the top of the list,"
O'Brien said. Stephen Colbert chomped
down on a bucket of chicken wings during
a skit called "Hot Ones" and commented
in light of the new leadership at Kennedy
Center "all of these are right wings."
Greenland's new elected Prime Minister
said today (March 23) that a planned trip
to the island by Usha (Mrs. JD) Vance and
national security advisor Michael Waltz
(former FL Congressman) was
"highly aggressive". He made the comments
to a Greenlandic newspaper (23 March 2025).
UPDATE: Also part of the visiting beside
Mrs. Vance and one of her children are the
National Security adviser, Energy Secretary,
and other senior administration officials. White
House spokespersons would not say whether
the entourage had been invited or not to visit.
The prime minister of Denmark said Sunday
that neither Greenland nor Denmark had
solicited the visits/visitors.
Salon. Com
HARBINGER events production company offers to
Corporate buy-ins a chance to display trademarks
and naming rights and signage, Easter baskets and
mentions in event Social Media postings --
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, D.C.
this year's Easter Egg Roll is Monday
April 21, 2025.
Buy-ins cost $75,000 to
Clothes and shoes and fedoras
He is one of the few politicians, retired or otherwise,
whose closet would be stylish enough to raid.
Palestinian parliament and HAMAS
political bureau member and his wife
were among 26 killed in southern
Gaza Strip by IDF air strikes from
Saturday night - Sunday morning
March 23, 2025.
The "Signal webchat security War Plan Leak" of mid-March 2025 --
a scandal with ramifications of National Security
issues for Defense Secy. Hegseth and Waltz, the
National Security Adviser, at the White House in D.C.
Trump 2.0 named him early on after his Nov. 2024
election confirmation days that then-
Congressman of Florida Mike Waltz was
his chosen pick for "National Security Chief"
(did not require Senate hearing nor confirmation
More information at
POLITICO reports that
willingly or unwillingly
National Space Administration
faces closure of its D.C. HQ
which will dilute its coordination
and influence in the nation's capital.
This affects up to 2,500 jobs; Tom Culligan,
believes, "The biggest fear if you're
NASA is you lose that connectivity."
March 21, 2025 posted article by Sam Skove
NEW YORK magazine
Among executive producers are MELANIA herself,
and Fernando Sulichin (Argentinian producer);
Pay-out = $40 million // FLOTUS salary $28 million.
Busy 24-day out-of-public-eye period due to
travel between New York City, Florida, and D.C.
residences/official address.
She defended her 24-day absence, saying that she will
never be a "traditional First Lady" . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
People Magazine quote / source
She hasn't spent meaningful time at 1600
Pennsylvania in an official capacity . . .
AMAZON billionaire and new Trump BFF
Jeff Bezos -- hired Brett Ratner to follow around
the third Mrs. Trump while she steps away from
official duties to take a break from official duties ? ? !
Unclear whether any other Trump family members
will appear in the non-fiction film or docu-series.
It will have a theatrical release, even if limited.
World Hunger fundraiser (now in 30th Annual year)
Location: Buchanan (Michigan) High School
$5 soup and chili take-out meal
includes Mac 'n Cheese for kids
and vegetarian option: benefits
Redbud Area Ministries' food
Roti Roti Art Center dot-org
details : Pick out a clay pottery
bowl. All profits go to RAM
local pantry (usually $5000+).
Thursday April 17, 2025
4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Eastern
Prof. D.H. Williams in his Introduction to
a 2012 translation of St. Hilary of Poitier's
CUA Press, Washington,D.C.) pages 32-33 :
Hilary's emphasis on the bestowal of God's
righteousness upon a helpless race before
the demands of the Law represents a more
pronounced application of this side of Paul's
thought than is perceptible in any previous
writer. There is the strong likelihood that
Hilary's commentary was the earliest stimulus
for the revival of Pauline studies in the Western
Roman empire during the last decades (4th Century).
Within a decade of Hilary's work a concerted
interest in Pauline texts and themes is evident
among such widely divergent thinkers as
Marius Victorinus / Augustine of Hippo /
Tyconius / Pelagius / Priscillian of Avila.
footnote 117: two writers produced commentaries
on all Paul's Epistles: Ambrosiaster & Pelagius.
Marius V. in the 360s wrote on Ephesians, Galatians,
& Philippians while Jerome wrote on Galatians,
Ephesians, Philemon.
by Bishop Hilary of Poitiers, Gaul
FC vol. 125: translation/edited by
Prof. D.H. Williams, Baylor Univ.
Chapter 33, sections 4-5
The location of the cross
is such that, placed in the
center of the earth [Latin
positus in media terrae],
it stands, as it were, above
this world, offering equally
to all pagan peoples the means
of embracing the knowledge
of God (Cyprian, Test. II:18)
Jesus refused to drink a
mixture of wine and gall which
was offered to him, because
the bitterness of sin is not
mixed with the incorruption
of eternal glory (Romans 3:14
and Eph. 4:31). And his
garments, which, rather than
being torn, were divided up
by casting lots (Matt. 27:34),
signified that his body
remained incorruptible. And
so it was that the salvation and
life of all was hung on the tree
of life. To his left and right,
two thieves were crucified
(Latin adfiguntur) showing
that the whole human race
everywhere is called to the
sacrament of the Lord's Passion.
But because there is a difference
between believers and unbelievers
there is an overall division between
those on the right and those on
the left (third parable Matt.25).
The thief placed to the right
was saved by the justification
of faith. . .As there is a dividing
between the hours of night and
day, so too the number of three
days and nights is fulfilled (as
in Book of Jonah) while the
veiled mystery of divine action
is realized in the confusion of
all creation (darkness Matt.27:45).
Then there is the cry unto God
which is the voice of the Lord's
body (Latin corporis vox est )
attesting to the separation of
the Word of God as it withdrew
from him. Why did he cry out
about being abandoned, My God,
my God, why have you forsaken
me? He is abandoned because it
was necessary for him to be subject
to his humanity until the finality
of death. Moreover, we must
consider carefully why he drank
sour wine given to him from a
sponge on a stick and then
rendered up his spirit with a cry.
The wine is the honor and power
of immortality, which turned sour
on account of our sin and
negligence. Although the wine
had soured in Adam (I Cor. 15:22),
Christ accepted it from pagan
hands and drank it.
See that you do not look down on one
of these little ones who believes in me.
Jesus has forged a tightly linked chain
of mutual love [Latin phrase from
Cicero : vincula amoris artissima ]
for those especially who truly have
believed in the Lord. For the angels
of little children look upon God every
day (Shepherd of Hermas, Similitude
IX.29), because the Son of Man comes
to save that which was lost. The Son
of Man saves, the angels see God, and
the angels of small children protect
them. It is absolutely important that
the angels assist the prayers of the
faithful (Tertullian On Prayer 16.6),
for the angels offer prayers to God
every day for those who are saved
through Christ (Ep. to Hebrews 1:14).
It is dangerous to look down upon
the one whose wishes and petitions are
conveyed to the eternal and invisible
God by the devoted service and ministry
of the angels.
[ Exposition and admonition by Bishop
Hilary of Poitiers, Gaul during the
Ancient Church era, he died AD 367]
vol. 125 FC: CUA Press translated
and edited by Prof. D.H. Williams
of Baylor University.
to her law firm (March 20, 2025)
If being on this career path
demands that I accept that
my industry. . .will allow an
authoritarian government to
ignore the courts, I refuse to
take it any further. As I have
said before, others stand to lose
far, far more than a paycheck.
[on social media, critics of
that law firm claim it has given
in to a "shakedown" by POTUS
Trump 2.0 ]
Gospel of Matthew 10:26
There is nothing concealed
that will not be revealed.
Jesus is referring to the Day of
Judgment, which will reveal
the hidden conscience of our will.
Those things that they thought were
covered up, he will uncover in the
light of open acknowledgment.
He tells us, therefore, that we should
not be afraid of threats, schemes,
or the power of our persecutors,
because the day of judgment will
reveal that those things were really
of no account and unfounded.
[ interpretation of St. Hilary of
Poitiers, Gaul (France during
Roman Empire) he died A.D. 367 ]
When the Lord says that
he is sending them out like
sheep in the midst of wolves
(Matthew 10:16), he indicates
that there will be many of those
who will rage against the
apostles in an insane fury. But
the Lord preaches that they ought
to be simple as doves and wise as
serpents. Whereas the simplicity
of a dove is already established,
the wisdom of a serpent has to
be considered. I do not know
how a serpent could be regarded
as wise or thoughtful (Latin
consiliique) . Even if certain
writers have reminded us of
certain point from this (Virgil
in his Georgics II. 473-4),
we understand that whenever
a serpent comes within a man's
reach, he always strikes off its
head, and once the body is
gathered up, he buries it in the
ground (Latin in orbem corporem)
or throws it into a pit to get rid of
the bloody remains. According to
this example, it is necessary that
should any persecution occur, we
would hide in our head (that is,
Christ) [Ephesians 4:15]. Once
we have delivered ourselves to
all our tortures by sacrificing our
body, we may participate in that
faith which we received from him.
10.11 (page 117, Fathers of the
Church volume 125, Bishop
Hilary of Poitiers, Gaul in
the Ancient Church) St. Hilary
died c. A.D. 367
Thomas Cromwell - adviser / "fixer"
for Henry VIII as far as
divorce, remarriages, court intrigue,
dealings with Cardinal Wolsey,
and more --
new BBC series airs with stars returning :
Mark Ryland as the chief minister and
Damian Lewis as the Tudor King and
oft-married sovereign of England.
The US State Department is deciding to no longer fund
the GLOBAL Measles and Rubella
Laboratory Network
vaccination online article
March 21, 2025
Matthew 8:18
comments by Bishop Hilary of Poitiers (Gaul in
Ancient Church) - FC vol. 125, ch. 7 #8
When Jesus saw the great crowd gathered
around him, he gave orders for his
disciples to go across to the other side of
the sea. And a certain scribe approached
him and said, 'Teacher, I will follow you
wherever you go!'
. . .The crowd is large and the Lord
instructs the disciples to go across the
sea to the other side. I do not think that
it was a lapse in the Savior's goodness
that he wanted to leave those who were
around him and to choose a secret place
for the imparting of salvation. Then a
scribe approached him saying that he was
going to follow the Teacher wherever he
might go. We read that the scribe said
or did nothing offensive. . .The name
disciple should not be applied to the
apostles only. For we read that there
had been a great many disciples besides
the Apostles. . .For the Church is just
like a ship -- as it has been called in
numerous places -- a ship which,
having taken on board a very great
diversity of races and nations, is
subjected to everything: the blowing
of the wind and the motion of the sea.
Accordingly, the Church is buffeted by
the attacks of the world and of unclean
spirits. Even though it is exposed to
so many dangers, we enter the ship of Christ
. . .knowing that we have to be tossed
around by the sea and the wind. In order
to make a figurative meaning [ Latin
typicae significantiae ] coherent and
to make sense of the proportion of
believers who remain behind, the role
[ Latin persona ] of the scribe and that
of the disciple are joined together!
. . .While everyone has been invited
into the Church to board the ship, it
happens that only a few will follow
because of their fear of the sea, that
is, fear of the world.
(Translation in 2012 by Prof. D.H.
Williams, Baylor University)
ISBN: 9789813201252
Trump is in legal standoff between his
Legal staff at DOJ and the Immigration
Judge -- does Trump have unlimited power
to deport and imprison anyone the Atty.
General and ICE has in custody?
March 21 update at The Hill dot-com
the Top Lawmaker at House of Repr.
is looking forward to working with
House Judiciary Cmte. as they
review all options as far as those
judges' impeachments when they
disagree with Trump-Musk
UPDATE 7:45 p.m. March 21 (Friday)
"Why the Pentagon Scuttled Its Briefing
in a ultra-secret room ("Tank") on War
Plans against China"
THIS entire re-shuffle raises questions
about the communication between an
inexperienced Defense Secy., Musk,
and the White House. . .
The idea that a civilian who's not in
the chain of command would be getting
any briefing in the "TANK" was certainly
unusual and alarming to some people . . .
ABC News
Martha Raddatz reporting at
7 a.m. for GMA
Musk will get help with
briefing on future war plans against
China . . .
UPDATE: USA TODAY op-ed on "Disappearance
from Arlington Cemetery web pages / platform"
was Medgar Evers (one of many revisionist
history blatant attempts by Hegseth's Defense dept.)
ABC News reports that the recognition
of the first US Marine Corps member
ALFRED MASTERS was purged /
taken down by A.I. wipe-out
ABC March 22, 2025
Rollingstone dot-com has reported that
Trump Jan. 2025 executive order banning
efforts led to mass removal of Black
and Latino
Veteran and War Dead
content of DOD websites
of many kinds.
Pentagon work force had
assigned duties to "scrub"
those web pages mentioning
Black or "gay" wording, including
Medal of Honor recipient
Charles Calvin Rogers.
State Senator (now resigned) Justin Eichorn of
the Minnesota State legislature (GOP - obviously
MAGA) worked with colleagues to write a
state law formally labeling "Trump Derangement
Syndrome" as a form of mental illness, couching
the legal terms as if he and those favoring it were
able to diagnose and polarize those who oppose
Trump 2.0 and his adminstration of Vance & Musk.
Eichorn submitted his resignation
to Gov. Tim Walz after being arrested
by local police in a sting operation;
he solicited sex with a 17-yr.-old female
but instead met up with law enforcement
and immediately booked and jailed.
He faces federal felony charges and
was released on his own recognizance;
his fellow senators were preparing to
vote on his expulsion, when Eichorn
submitted his e-resignation. March 20, 2025
Agence France Presse
has announced March 20, 2025
prisoner of Taliban
has been released and
will be handed to US Officials
Adam Boehler (Hostage Czar)
and former ambassador
Zalmay Khalilzad
at Qatar.
knowledge of release .html
State Dept. and Trump administration officials
detailed that he was NOT part of a larger
prisoner exchange -- after engagement with the
oppressive Muslim fundamentalist regime that
continues to make the former monarchy and
brief experiment in democracy a "failed state"
to its women, children, and weak minorities.
For more than 20 years, the engineer
has devoted himself to fulfilling Elon
Musk's desires following him to
and the social media Twitter, renamed
X [ Davis also oversaw layoffs there]. . .
Davis is an engineer who will throw
himself at any task, even if he has
no expertise in the area. . .
The mayor Of Miami Beach.FL
Steven Meiner
today March 19 dropped his
threat of eviction and closure
of a non-profit cinema for showing
a Gaza & Israel co-production
that won Best Documentary on March 2, 2025.
After an emotional City Commission meeting
where it became clear that he did not have the
votes and therefore withdrew a resolution
that threatened the cinema operators.
All of the showings of "No Other Land"
had been sold out. MORE BACKGROUND
NPR March 19 main headline
The SBA (Small Business Administration) staffer said the minor
task of removing a photo of a group of Americans
(varying ages, genders, skin colors) smiling in front of a display board
"If someone says stop everything , do this specifically . .
it's been reserved for instances when there's like a system failure;
To have an immediate deployment of a visual change is very,
very uncommon!"
HISTORIANS warn that this kind of systematic erasure
has in the past come when governments strip rights from
people, starting from the most marginalized groups!
A troubling example from the Defense Department (Pentagon)
are deletion of pages celebrating the military service of
Jackie Robinson, Japanese-Americans
serving in WW II, Navajo Code talkers.
The Presidential Proclamation that all
JFK Assassination files (POTUS who
was killed in Dallas, TX November 1963)
continued to need administration staff
attention when POTUS, Usha Vance,
Suzie Wiles, Richard Grenell, visited the Kennedy
Center for the Arts Monday and he
stressed that he would release them that
night (March 17, 2025).
UPDATE from Washingtonpost online
the Social Security numbers of +400
former Congressional staffers and other
officials were made public Monday when
Trump official John Ratcliffe raced to release the
JFK Assassination document-drop, seeking
to complete in first two months of the
Trump 2.0 term of office a "campaign
promise" that was left undone beforehand.
expected to be fired from the Trump
Environmental Protection Agency are
+1,000 scientists in the research office.
- - - a massive dismantling of the
longstanding mission to protect
public health and the environment
March 18, 2025
Lee Zeldin, Trump EPA head who
was approved by Senate GOP and
MAGA members, expects to eliminate
65% of the agency's budget.
Taking away the rose bushes and flowering
plants would be controversial as it has had
longstanding space usage for greeting
official State visits and celebratory occasions.
Melania Trump oversaw during 2017-2020
the replacement of the irrigation system
which helps the lawn drain properly.
Hymn Stanzas translated and edited from
martyred April 1945 at Flossenberg Prison, Germany
Letter and Papers from Prison
Fortress Press, 2015
By faithful, quiet powers of good surrounded
so wondrously consoled and sheltered here --
I wish to live these days with you in spirit
and with you enter into a new year!
The old Year still would try our hearts to torment,
of evil times we still do bear the weight;
O Lord, do grant our souls, now
terror-stricken, salvation for which you
did us create!
And should you offer us the cup of
suffering, though heavy, brimming full and bitter brand,
we'll thankfully accept it, never flinching,
from your good heart and your beloved hand!
But should you wish now once again to give us
the joys of this world and its glorious sun,
then we'll recall anew what past times brought us
and then our life belongs to you alone!
The candles you have brought into
our darkness, let them today be burning
warm and bright,
and if it's possible, do reunite us!
We know your light is shining
through the night.
When now the quiet deepens all around us,
O, let our ears that fullest sound amaze
of this, your world, invisibly expanding
as all your children sing high hymns of praise!
By powers of good so wondrously protected,
we wait with confidence, befall what may.
God is with us at night and in the morning
and oh, most certainly on each new day!
FORTRESS "Reader's Edition"
ISBN 978-1-5064-0274-1
Blogger --
Seeking Faith and Understanding
Saturday 3/1 = web visits 696
Sunday March 2 = 470
3/3 = 452
3/4 = 488
3/5/2025 (Ash Wed.) = 544
3/6 = 583
3/7 = 574
3/8 = 533
First Sunday Lent = 454
3/10 = 341
3/11 = 313
3/12 = 278
3/13 = 268
3/14 = 209
3/15 = 124
3/16 = 237
St. Patrick's Day = 135
3/18 = 453
3/19 = 953
Vernal Equinox = 692
3/21 = 224
3/22 = 233
3/23 = 231
3/24 = 454
3/25 = 1,180
3/26 = 916
3/27 = 155
Entire March visits = 12,190
Blog Entries / chapters / essays = 154
UPDATE: More about Trump's nostalgia and
wishes for a do-over . . . SOURCE:
Already up for bidding are the broadcast rights
for the December 2025 "Kennedy Center Honors"
broadcast -- POTUS told his hand-picked board
(all members he nominated) that "WE'RE GOING TO GET
SOME GOOD SHOWS -- Les Miz in June & July --
Already ahead of the March 17 tour and meeting,
portraits of POTUS Donald J. Trump and FLOTUS
Melania (Knauss) Trump and the VP & "Second Lady"
JD and Usha Vance were up and in place at the
Kennedy Center walls / entrance-exits. . .
Repr. Harriet Hageman (Wyoming)
had questions put to her about the Trump-Musk approach
to cuts in present Social Security recipients benefits;
as well as about the shuttering of offices of the
Mine Health and Safety department
branch office in her state / her district
According to The Hill dot-com
the farmers are suing the Government over
loans they received via the Inflation
Reduction Act that will assist in
installing renewable energy or
energy efficiency updates.
Details: the
over-halted-ira-grants . . .
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
around you have grown,
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
or you'll sink like a stone.
For the times they are a-changin'!
Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again.
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin,
And there's no tellin' who that it's namin'
For the loser now will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'!
Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call!
Don't stand in the doorway,
Don't block up the hall.
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled.
There's a battle outside and it is ragin'!
It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls.
For the times they are a-changin'!
Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command.
Your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
if you can't lend your hand.
For the times they are a-changin'!
The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast!
The slow one now
Will later be fast.
As the present now
Will later be past.
The order is rapidly fadin',
and the fist one now will later
be last, for the times they are a-changin'!
I arise today
Through a might strength,
the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the threeness,
Through confession of the oneness
Of the Creator of Creation.
I arise today
Through the strength of
Christ's birth with his baptism,
Through the strength of
his crucifixion with his burial,
Through the strength of
his resurrection with his ascension,
Through the strength of
his descent for the judgement of Doom.
I arise today
Through the strength of the love of Cherubim,
In obedience of angels,
In the service of archangels,
In hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
In prayers of patriarchs,
In predictions of prophet,
In preaching of apostles,
In faith of confessors,
In innocence of holy virgins,
In deeds of righteous men.
I arise
Through the strength of heaven:
Light of sun,
Radiance of moon,
Splendor of fire,
Speed of lightning,
Swiftness of wind,
Depth of sea,
Stability of earth,
Firmness of rock.
I arise today
Through God's strength to pilot me:
God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak for me,
God's hand to guard me,
God's way to lie before me,
God's shield to protect me
From snares of devils,
From temptations of vices,
From everyone who shall me I'll,
Afar and Anwar,
Alone and in multitude.
I summon today all these power between
me and those evils,
Against every cruel merciless power that
may oppose my body and soul
Against incantations of false prophets,
Against black laws of paganism,
Against false laws of heretics,
Against craft of idolatry,
Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,
Against every knowledge
that corrupts man's body and soul
Christ to shield me today
Against poison, against burning,
Against drowning, against wounding,
So that there may come to me
abundance of reward,
Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when
I sit down, Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who
thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of
everyone who speaks of me, Christ
in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every year that hears me.
I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the
invocation of the Trinity, through
belief in the threeness,
Through confession of the oneness,
Of the Creator of Creation.
How the Irish Saved Civilization
by Thomas Cahill (Doubleday, 1995)
District Court Judge of D.C.
rules that Radio Free Europe/
Radio Liberty CANNOT be shut down
since Trump-Vance cannot shut down
the Congressionally established news media
that is an anti-Russian broadcaster unilaterally,
deadline March 28 --
MONDAY -- Trump withdrew the nomination of
L. Brent Bozell III to run the RFE/RL
POTUS closes this agency
Employees all fired:
UPDATE: Six V of A staff
sue Kari Lake and the Trump administration
alleging that their moves to shut down
and eliminate the U.S. funded network
unlawful and unconstitutional.
More than 900 full-time workers
were placed on indefinite leave
last weekend (March 15- 16);
550 contractors were terminated
from their jobs.
VOA is effectively shut down.
NRSV, Updated edition (2021)
Lament over Jerusalem
At that very hour some
Pharisees came and said
to Jesus, "Get away from here
for Herod (Antipas) wants to
kill you."
He said to them, "Go and
tell that fox for me, 'Listen,
I am casting out demons and
performing cures today and
tomorrow, and on the third
I finish my work. Yet, today,
tomorrow, and the next day I
must be on my way, because
it is impossible for a prophet
to be killed outside of Jerusalem.'
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the
city that kills the prophets and
stones those who are sent to
it! How often have I desired
to gather your children together
as a hen gathers her brood under
her wings, and you were not
willing! See, your house is left
to you [desolate]. And I tell
you, you will not see me until
the time comes when you
say, 'Blessed is the one who
comes in the name of the Lord'!
along with Epistle lesson
Philippians 3:17 - 4:1
Archbishop John McDowell
of Ireland speaking to
National Cathedral (Episcopal
Church of the U.S.) in D.C.
today at 11:15 a.m. Holy
Eucharist (2nd Sunday in Lent)
Online coverage
Sunday Holy Eucharist and Service
Music (Hymns, Contemp. anthems)
Preacher from Ireland is
Most Rev. John McDowell
archbishop (Ch. of England)
primate of all Ireland
Philippians 3:17 - 4:1
GospLuke 13:31-35
"I Love You, Jesus" / Kirk Franklin, composer 1971
Beati Quorum Vita -- composer Stanfield 19th Century (Choral piece)
"Be Thou, My Vision" processional hymn
"Lord, have mercy" responsorial
Thankful prayer for Patrick, the Apostle to the Irish
Psalm 27: Plainsong (6 in singing group)
My Jesus, I love Thee - composer Adoniram Judson