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Friday, April 3, 2015

Psalms 116 and 117:1 - 2 (shortest chapter in Book of Psalms): 2009 translation by Miriyam Glazer, Ph.D.

from Psalms of the Jewish Liturgy (Avi Press, 2009):
I love Adonai, who heard my voice and my supplication -- who inclined an ear to me
when I cried out.  The cords of death encompassed me, the grave held me in its grip,
I found myself in despair and anguish.
I called out the Name Adonai, "I beg you, Adonai, save my life!"
Adonai is gracious and just; a God of great compassion who protects the humble:
I was brought low, and Adonai saved me.
Return, O my soul, to a sense of ease, for Adonai has dealt bountifully with you!
For, my soul, you were saved from death -- and my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling:
I will walk with Adonai in the land of the living.
Even when I said, "I am in great pain," I still had faith --
Even when I so rashly said life is a mere illusion!
Now what can I give back to Adonai for all Adonai's bounty to me?
I will lift up the cup of deliverance -- and call on the Name Adonai
fulfilling my vows to Adonai in the presence of all of God's people.
So dear in the eyes of Adonai are the death of the faithful:
O Adonai, I am your servant, I am the child of your servant --
You loosened my bonds.  To You I offer Thanksgiving --
on Your name, Adonai, I call my vows to Adonai:
I fulfill in front of the whole nation -- in the courtyard of the house of Adonai,
in the heart of Jerusalem.  Hallelu - Yah!
(Psalm 117: 1 - 2):
Praise Adonai, all nations --
Adore the Holy One, peoples of the world!
For the kindness of Adonai overwhelms us,
and Adonai is faithful forever!
Hallelu - Yah!

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