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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Two Pies for Thanksgiving Table ("Dorothy" Letterman of Indianapolis)

from CBS Late Night talk show (Nov. 24, 2010 episode):

David Letterman reads a list of past pies his mom has baked for Thanksgiving :

1993: (only one pie in 1993): Orange Pumpkin Pie w/ whipped cream and hickory nuts
1994: Pumpkin and Two Cherry Pies
1995: Pumpkin and Cherry
1996: Cherry and Hickory Nut
1997: Cherry and Coconut Butterscotch Pecan
1998: Pumpkin and Rhubarb
1999: Pumpkin and Red Raspberry Chiffon
2000: Pumpkin and Apple
2001: Pumpkin and Lemon Chiffon
2002: Pumpkin and Raspberry
2003: Apple and Pecan
2004: Pumpkin and Chocolate Chiffon
2005: Pumpkin and blueberry
2006: Pumpkin and Apple
2008: Peanut Butter Pie and Pecan
2009: Pumpkin and Raspberry

Let's say hello to Mom. Via the magic of satellite, we find Dave's mom in her friendly familiar kitchen. Dave makes some chat with mom as they talk about the unseasonably warm weather in the Midwest. Today was nearly 20 degrees warmer than the norm. Does she believe in the climate change? "Not really" says Mom.
Dave says Mom likes to spend Thanksgiving morning picking up hitchhikers. "Is it hitchhikers and drifters or just hitchhikers, Mom?" Mom says, "Just hitchhikers." Mom as the transmitter, Dave as the receiver . . . Dave goes into a trance as he attempts to glean the pie information his mother is telepathically sending. Is mom also in a trance? "Yes" she responds.
Dave: "The first pie . . . is it pumpkin?"
Mom: "Not this year."
Dave: "Cherry?"
Mom: "Yes, a cherry pie"
Dave then asks if the second pie is a nut? No.
A fruit pie? No.
Huh? What could it be?
The second pie this year is a Sugar Cream pie.
Ta da!!
And what does mom plan to do now? "I'm headed out to the airport for a couple of inappropriate pat downs."

1 comment:

Timothy Shaw said...

Today is Thanksgiving (11/24/2011): there was no segment featuring "Dave's Mom" from Indianapolis via Satellite during the preceding 11:35 episodes. At the Wahoo_Gazette (blog-newsletter for the Late Night Show - CBS) there was this explanation for the 2011 omission =
And that was our show
for Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Whoa! What happened to Dave's mom's pies? We didn't do it this year. Why not? I'm not sure but I heard mom was in the mood for cake.
Best wishes and good health to "Dorothy" of Indianapolis -- we look forward to some 2012 comedy about pies and guesswork / ESP.