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Friday, November 19, 2010

Palin sequel to "Going Rogue" -- early excerpts -- tells all re: grandson's birth

posted REVIEW at WASHINGTONPOST dot-com -- Roxanne Roberts & Amy Argetsinger

Take a Sarah Palin stump speech, expand it to 272 pages, and you've pretty much summed up "America By Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag." Palin's latest tome officially comes out next Tuesday, but we snagged one of the copies that went rogue. . .
Palin's pet peeve? Talentless wannabes: "Did you ever wonder where the producers of 'American Idol' come up with the seemingly endless supply of people who can't sing but are deluded enough to get up in front of a national television audience and screech out a song anyway? ... These self-esteem-enhanced but talent-deprived performers eventually learn the truth." But she loves Dancing with the Stars and says Bristol joined "to challenge herself in a new, fun way."

She revives the Dan Quayle-"Murphy Brown" debate about unwed mothers: Although her daughter got pregnant outside of marriage, she paid a price and tries to help others girls with her abstinence message. "Given the choice of role models between Bristol and Murphy Brown, I choose Bristol."
She likes the "subversive moral messages" in the movies Juno,Knocked Up, and The Forty-Year-Old Virgin: "A European movie might have had Juno get her abortion in the opening scene and then spend the next hour and fifteen minutes smoking cigarettes and pondering the meaning of life. It would have been depressing and boring."
No love lost for Bristol's ex, Levi Johnston, or reporters: "The lies told about our family on national television were outrageous. ... More than once, I thought, "How could this we worth it? Let's just go back to Wasilla and stop feeding the media beast." Obviously, she didn't.
Unlike the baby daddy, she spent the day in the delivery room when grandson Tripp was born: "Because the new father wasn't there until the end of Bristol's labor, I helped deliver Tripp."
She's very proud of "beautiful, strong" Bristol: "She went to college. And worked full time. And took care of a needy, colicky baby ... She worked as hard as any young single mother could possibly work." (Before DWTS, Bristol worked as a medical assistant in a dermatologist's office and enrolled in business classes at community college -- but told People magazine it was "nearly impossible" to do both.)
She gave up chocolate for a year to prove she could do it: "I believe this feeling of accomplishment is what everyone is created to crave."
She bagged a caribou in the Alaskan tundra this fall: "I eat, therefore I hunt!" she writes. "I often explain that the meat we eat is wrapped in fur instead of the cellophane that customers purchase in grocery stores."

1 comment:

Timothy Shaw said...

A federal judge has now banned a website (Gawker) from posting such early excerpts online across cyberspace -- this copy on the other hand came from the Washington Post which had purchased the early released tome