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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Second Sunday in Lent - Preacher at D.C. is John McDowell (March 16, 2025)

Online coverage

Sunday Holy Eucharist and Service

Music (Hymns, Contemp. anthems)

Preacher from Ireland is

Most Rev. John McDowell

archbishop (Ch. of England)

primate of all Ireland

Philippians 3:17 - 4:1

GospLuke 13:31-35


"I Love You, Jesus" / Kirk Franklin, composer 1971

Beati Quorum Vita -- composer Stanfield 19th Century (Choral piece)

"Be Thou, My Vision" processional hymn

"Lord, have mercy" responsorial

Thankful prayer for Patrick, the Apostle to the Irish

Psalm 27: Plainsong (6 in singing group)

My Jesus, I love Thee - composer Adoniram Judson

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