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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Second Day - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (prayer written for Jan. 19, 2022)

 O Child of the Grotto, here we are looking for you on our journey to unity, rejoicing with great joy at your birth like the Magi. O Child of the manger, make all our paths lead to you, who was born in the manger of our hearts, so that we may give you gifts of our unity and forgiveness. O Child of the manger, as the star led the Magi to you, led us to come to you in unity and to offer our unity as a token of thanks for your incarnation, so that we may live a life of love, humility and peace. O Child of the manger, the visit of the Magi to you is the beginning of your message of salvation to all the peoples of the earth. Grant us, to be monotheists and true believers in your message of salvation and to radiate its lights to all nations and peoples. Child Jesus, you are the true star that illuminates our life and dissipates our darkness, the star that leads us to the Father, grant us, that we may all gather in you without ceasing, your prayer for the unity of the Christian churches, as you desire, and in the way you desire. O invisible light, you are the source of the lights, we pray for the intention of those whom you have chosen to be shepherds and guides for your people. Let us raise our prayers steadfastly with faith, love and hope, shouting: “Your right hand, O Lord, is mighty and able to unite us in your love, and make us one church that raises the hymn of Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will, now and forever, Amen.

Usama Nichola, Bethlehem

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