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Monday, September 1, 2014

Lincoln to re-visit Central Illinois sites -- September 6, 2014 (morning, afternoon, and evening)

from LINCOLN LOG CABIN dot-org:
September 6, 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Fire up the Lincoln and head out on a road trip with our 16th President as he visits three unique Lincoln Sites in Central Illinois on Saturday September 6th, 2014; from 9 a.m. till 11 a.m. Abraham Lincoln will be at the Bryant Cottage State Historic Site in Bement, then from 2:00 to 4 p.m. at Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site near Lerna, IL. Join Abraham Lincoln for his final stop from 7 to 9 p.m. as he visits the Vandalia State House State Historic Site in Vandalia.
Experience the Land of Lincoln through its rich fall colors painted across a rural landscape much unchanged from Lincoln’s day as you journey along with the president on his visit to three Historic Sites. Starting at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning, Abraham Lincoln will be escorted to the Bryant Cottage by the Bement School marching band and youngsters waving old glory. He will then greet visitors at the Bryant Cottage State Historic Site and reminisce about his campaign against Stephen Douglas for the US Senate seat in 1858. Slavery was front and center in the pivotal debates between the two men, what might have happened to our nation had Lincoln won his contest? Take the opportunity to visit with Mrs. Bryant as she escorts you through her 1856 home and learn from artists demonstrating crafts of the period.
Then join Abe again in the afternoon from 2-4 p.m. at Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site for a fun family reunion with Lincoln’s extended family including his beloved step-mother Sarah Lincoln, who has laid out her groaning table with all sorts of sweet treats for his visit and called upon the neighbors to join in the festivities which includes musical entertainment provided by Lincoln Log Cabin's own volunteer musicians. Lincoln's last visit was in 1861 just before leaving for Washington DC. As Commander-in-Chief, approximately two million men served in the army and navy under Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War; find out how the president’s family served the nation.
The Vandalia State House is the final stop on Saturday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. where Lincoln ends our day of travel where it all began for him. Join Abraham Lincoln as he recounts his early years in the Illinois Legislature and find out how he took his first public stance against slavery here in 1837, a move which started the young politician on a path which would lead to slavery’s ultimate demise.

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