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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wisdom of Solomon, chapter 7

7:1-30 (Goodspeed translation) narrator here is Solomon as "seeker of wisdom":

"I too am a mortal man, like all men, and a descendant of that first-formed man, who sprang from the earth; and I was shaped into flesh in my mother's womb, solidified in blood in ten months from man's seed and the pleasure of marriage. And when I was born I breathed in the common air, and fell on the kindred earth, giving the same first cry as all the rest. I was carefully wrapped up and nursed, for no king has any other beginning of existence; but all men have one entrance upon life, and the same way of leaving it. Therefore I prayed, and understanding was given me; I called, and the spirit of Wisdom came to me. I preferred Her to scepters and thrones, and I thought wealth of no account compared with her. I did not think a priceless stone her equal, for all the gold, in her presence, is just a little sand, and silver is no better than mud, before her. I loved her more than health and good looks, and I preferred her even to light and her radiance is unceasing. but all blessings came to me along with her, and uncounted wealth is in her hands. I rejoiced over them all, because wisdom ruled them, for I did not know that she was their mother. I learned honestly, and I share ungrudgingly, I will not hide her wealth away, for it is an unfailing treasure for men, and those who get it make friends with God, being commended to him by the gifts that come from her discipline. May God grant to me to speak properly, and to have thoughts worthy of what He has given; for it is he that guides wisdom and directs the wise. For in his hand are we and our words, all understanding and knowledge of trades.
For it is he that has given me unerring knowledge of what is, to know the constitution of the world and the working of the elements; the beginning and end and middle of periods of time, the alternations of the solstices and the changes of the seasons, the cycles of the years and the positions of the stars, the natures of animals, and the dispositions of wild beasts, the powers of winds and the designs of men, the varieties of plants and the virtues of men, all that was secret or manifest I learned, for Wisdom, the fashioner of all things, taught me. For there is in her a spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear undefiled, distinct, beyond harm, loving the good, keen, unhindered, beneficent, philanthropic, firm, sure, free from care, all-powerful, all-seeing, and interpenetrating all spirits that are intelligent, pure, and most subtle. For Wisdom is more mobile than any motion, and she penetrates and permeates everything, because she is so pure; for she is the breath of the power of God, and pure emanation of his almighty glory; therefore nothing defiled can enter into her. For she is a reflection of the everlasting light, and a spotless mirror of the activity of God, and a likeness of his goodness. Though she is one, she can do all things, and while remaining in herself, she makes everything new. And passing into holy souls, generations after generation, she makes them friends to God and prophets. For God loves nothing but the man who lives with wisdom. For she is fairer than the sun , or any constellation; compared with light, she is found superior; for night succeeds to it, but evil cannot overpower wisdom.

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