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Friday, June 18, 2021

once in several years event (Earthquake June 17, 2021) -- Earth Studies Professor

 from southbendtribune dot-com (USA TODAY press writer)

Though earthquakes are rare in Indiana, they do happen. Hoosiers across the state experienced one Thursday, when a 3.8 magnitude earthquake near Montezuma caused shakes that could be felt from Muncie to Mishawaka. 

Michael Hamburger, a professor of earth and atmospheric studies at Indiana University, said an earthquake of the size and scale that Indiana experienced Thursday was "a once in several year event."

Indiana lies near two major fault lines: the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone, which lies along the southwestern Indiana and southeastern Illinois borders, and the New Madrid Seismic Zone, which runs through western Kentucky and southeastern Illinois.

Indiana earthquake 2021: Yes, Indiana just had an earthquake

Though Indiana experiences earthquakes, they do not generally cause much damage and are usually mild, said Xiaotao Yang, a seismologist and associate professor of earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences at Purdue University. Because of this, Thursday's quake carries significance.

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