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Monday, March 31, 2014

On these dates in History: April 3 & 4, 1865 -- Lincoln tours Virginia after area falls to Union Army invasion

from Virginia Tourism dot-com -- _ _ _ _ _ On April 3, 1865, the day after the fall of Petersburg, Lincoln rode into the city and met with Grant at the Thomas Wallace House on Market Street. The house is privately owned today and not open to the public. On April 4, 1865, two days after Richmond fell to Union forces, President Lincoln visited the former Confederate capital. Lincoln and his son Tad (who was celebrating his 12th birthday that day) came ashore at Rockett’s Landing and walked with a small entourage through the streets to the former Confederate White House, then in use as Union headquarters in the city. Lincoln was shown to a room used by Jefferson Davis as an office and sat in Davis’ chair. Later he boarded a carriage and toured the Virginia capitol building and other Richmond sites.

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