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Monday, August 5, 2024

Letter from Tegel Prison (Excerpt) - Bonhoeffer (transl. Craig Nessan)

(From WHO IS CHRIST FOR US? Dietrich Bonhoeffer 

writings / lecture excerpts, pages 40-41, Publisher


What inexorably moves me is the question:

what Christianity is or who Christ really 

is for us today.  The time when one

could express this to others through

words -- be they theological or pious

words -- is gone.  Likewise gone is the time

of inwardness and of the conscience;

that means in general the time of

religion.  We are entering into a fully

religionless time.  People, such as they

once were, can simply no longer be

religious. . .How can Christ also become

the Lord of the religionless?. . .What do

the church, congregation, preaching,

liturgy, or the Christian life mean in

a religionless world?. . .How do we

speak "secularly" about God?  How

can we be religionless/secularized

Christians?  How can we be ek-klesia

[Greek for called out ones] those

who are called out, without under-

standing ourselves religiously as

the privileged ones, but rather as 

those who belong entirely to the

world?  Christ then becomes no

longer the object of religion

but something entirely different,

truly the LORD of the world.

Bonhoeffer wrote these

paragraphs while imprisoned


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