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Wednesday, July 10, 2024


AUTHOR: Karl Barth (transl. to English)

Could we see nothing but the visible world,

we should not wait; we should accept our

present situation with joy or with grumbling.

Our refusal to accept it and to regard our 

present existence as incapable of harmony,

our certainty that there abides in us a secret

waiting for what is not, is, however, intelligible

in the unseen hope which is ours in God,

in Christ, in the Spirit, in the hope by which

we are existentially confronted by the things

which are not.  We can the, if we understand

ourselves aright, be none other than they who

wait.  We are satisfied to know no more than the

sorrow of the creation and our own sorrow.

We ask nothing better or higher than the Cross,

where God is manifested as God.  We must, 

in fact, be servants who wait for the coming

of their Lord. [p. 315, Commentary on Romans

second edition ]

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