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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Ancient writers on Honey Bee Society

From the time of Aristotle onwards,

writers commented on the highly organized

honey bee society.  One such Latin work is

Historia Animalium

They expel from the hive

all idlers and unthrifts.

As has been said, they

differentiate their work;

some make wax, some

make honey, some make

bee-bread, some shape and

mould combs, some bring water

to the cells and mingle it with 

the honey, some engage in

out-of-door work.  At early dawn

they make no noise, until some

one particular bee makes a buzzing

noise two or three times and

thereby awakes the rest; hereupon

they all fly in a body to work. . .

until at least some one bee flies

round about, making a buzzing noise,

and apparently calling on the others

to go to sleep; then all of a sudden

there is a dead silence (IX.40.627a)

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