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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Chapter 1 Intercession & Hymn

by Anchor Bible commentator / translator Markus Barth & Helmut Blanke

Verses 9 - 14

Therefore, we also do not cease, since the (first) day when 

we heard (the GOOD NEWS about you), to pray 

for you.  We ask that God may fill you with the knowledge 

of His will, by the gift of all spiritual wisdom and all

spiritual understanding, so that you will live a life worthy 

of the LORD, pleasing in all things.  He who lives thus 

brings forth fruit and grows in every good work,

through the KNOWLEDGE of God!  He lets himself be

made powerful with all power, according to his glorious

strength, for all endurance and patience with joy!

He thanks the FATHER, who has qualified you to take

part in the inheritance of the Saints, (which is) in the light.

He has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and

transferred us into the Kingdom of his beloved Son.  In 

Him freedom belongs to us, forgiveness of sins.

He is the image of God,

who is not seen.

First-born over all creation.

For in him all things were

created, in the heavens &

upon earth, what is seen,

and what is not seen

be they thrones or 


be they principalities

or powers,

all things were created

through Him and to Him.

*        *          *

And it is He who reigns 

over all things,

and all things exist in Him.

And it is He who is the head --

of the body: of the church.

*           *          *

He is ruler

        first-born, raised

from the dead, so that among

all things He should be

the First;

For it was the will of God

to let in Him dwell all


and to reconcile through

Him with Him all things

by creating peace through

His blood of the cross,

through Him, be it that,

which is on earth,

be it that, which is

in the Heavens.

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