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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Absolutist on Abortion: JD Vance (VP selection by GOP nominee DJT)

from article

Vance is also an absolutist on

ABORTION. . . he did adopt

Trump's line that abortion rules

should be left to the states, but

his voting record says otherwise;

he favors banning abortions,

even if the mother is a victim of

rape or incest, as well as laws that

allow police to track

women who have crossed

state lines for an

abortion.  He has opposed

legislation that would 

protect in vitro 


Keynote address (1st night - Chicago Pol. Party Convention)

August 19, 2024

The Keynote address to the

Democratic Political Party

will be Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

incumbent POTUS #46.

Earlier than the days of the

quadrennial convention will

be a virtual roll call (starts

August 1, 2024) to elect

the incumbent VP Kamala

Harris to head of ticket. 

Her running-mate will be 

named after Aug. 7 as expected.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Bethel Confession (1933) - from WHO IS CHRIST FOR US?

translated by Craig L. Nessan (Fortress, 2002)

The church teaches that

in the beginning God

created the world out

of nothing and is its

Lord.  We received this

faith from the

proclamation of

the revelation of the

Triune God alone,

as the church on the

basis of the Holy

Scriptures testifies

to us.

According to what occurs

through this testimony,

pious and natural

knowledge is UNABLE to

grasp neither God as

Creator nor the world

as creation. . .

Faith and natural

knowledge are therefore

no longer one, because

we live in a fallen

world. . .

Therefore we are

dependent for

knowledge of God

upon God's self-

revelation alone, 

testified through

the Holy Scriptures

and proclaimed thru

the preaching of the

church. . .

We reject the false

teaching that this

world, as it is,

corresponds to the

original will of

God for creation

and therefore must be

affirmed as unbroken. . .

Christology Lectures 1933 (Berlin) - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

translated by Craig L. Nessan

p. 31 of Who is Christ for us? (FORTRESS, 1993)

Insofar as the church proclaims 

Christ, it must fall down 

in  worshipful silence before 

the unspeakable.  God's Word

is unspeakable.  Speaking of 

Christ originates in silence. 

Silence about Christ is the 

ground of speech.

This is what is means to make an

obedient response to 

the revelation of God 

that occurs in the Word.

The speaking of the church 

through the silence is the 

proper proclamation 

of Christ.  

Prayer requires both silence

and crying out at the same 

time, both in the presence 

of God in response 

to God's Word.

Monday, July 29, 2024

I Think "Our" People HATE the Right People - JD Vance (2021 interview)


Junior Senator (elected Nov. 2022) 

JD Vance

told interviewer for AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE

magazine in its 2021 issue:

I think our people

HATE the right people 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Promise on his "Day One" Project 2025

Saturday, 7/24

Regarding the "SEC / Securities & Exchange Commission"

led by Gary Gensler

Predecessor DJT declared

on DAY ONE, I will fire Gary Gensler / / /

he would "end efforts by the U.S. Govt. 

to create a central bank digital currency and would establish

a Bitcoin and crypto presidential advisory council" . . .

Trump at Minn. Rally at one point imitated/mocked his former rival

Quotations from the July 23 Rally transcript

I don't want to waste a lot of (the 90-minute tirade)

time on it, because it's over now, right, he's gone . . .

POTUS 46 [who remains the incumbent Commander-

in-Chief ]

I told you that he would be . . . I told you he

wasn't going to make it . . .

National Milk Chocolate Day

invented in 1875

July 28, 2024

McRaven, Admiral William (former Navy SEAL)

Also former commander of 

U.S. Special Operations Command

was under consideration as running mate (VP Nominee) for the

presumed POTUS Candidate for the Democratic Political Party Nov. 2024

[quotations from David French, NY TIMES Columnist 7/28/2024 ]

Commencement Speech given 2014 to Univ. of Texas Austin

[ YOU TUBE versions racked up together 70 million views ]

He draws upon his SEAL training to teach

graduates how to change the world, 

beginning with the smallest tasks 

like how to make your bed in the morning; 

If you want to change the world,

measure a person by the size of their heart 

not by their flippers; 

If you want to change the world, 

don't back down from the sharks; 

Start each day with a task completed; 

Find someone to help you through life; 

Respect everyone; 

know that life is not fair and 

that you will fail often; 

If you take some risks, 

step up when the times are the toughest, 

face down the bullies, 

lift up the downtrodden, 

never ever give up! 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

National Cheesecake Day

July 30, 2024

a perfect occasion to have a slice of one of

America's favorite desserts!

Local NBC affiliate -- drops regular news at Noon, 4 p.m. hour, 5 p.m. hour, delays night show until 11:30 (South Bend, IN - office/studios 

near Holy Cross College, Saint Mary's, Notre Dame

Golf Course

for the Friday July 26 scheduled programming and forward (weekend

and weekdays) - until Sunday August 11 Closing Ceremony Day

of the Summer Olympic Games (Paris France) -

No a.m. shows

No 4 or 5 p.m. News Shows ahead of NBC Nightly News (6:30 p.m.)

No 11 p.m. news until Network returns to local broadcasting 1/2 hour later

than usual end of prime time (8 p.m - 11 p.m.)

Friday, July 26, 2024

Opening Ceremony - Parade of guest committees and host Team

7/26 (Friday, First Day of PARIS 2020 Summer Games)

1:30 p.m. Eastern (local 7:30 afternoon = 19.30)

Different parts of the major World Capital will host the entry

of teams / delegations

The River SEINE is where boats with the guest countries

will float by viewing stands:

Commemoration of Voting Rights Act (took place in 1964)

The LBJ Library (Austin, TX) will sponsor 

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Monday July 29, 2024

Keynote Speech by POTUS 46

Event is by invitation only;


Trump botches VP's name . . . again and again and again

Predecessor DJT in public interviews and other

live conversations / rally speeches continues to

mispronounce the

presumed Democratic party's

nominee for POTUS (Nov. 2024)

calling her Ka-mala (like Im-PALA)

instead of stress on 1st syllable.

article in Washington

Summer Olympic Games 2024

Opening Ceremony at Paris, France

Friday July 26


Choice of VP

Convention voting will take place

starting AUGUST 1 with the state-by-state

casting of delegation ballots taking place

at the Chicago Democratic Political Convention

from August 19 - 22, 2024.

As of Friday, July 26, 2024

the presumed candidate for the Democratic

Party, Kamala Harris (incumbent VP),

will make it known to political party

officials and the American public

WHO her choice for running mate will

be by the date of Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

She is vetting at this time (observers believe)

Gov. Andy Beshear of KY

Gov. Josh Shapiro of PA

U.S. Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ), former astronaut

and Air Force pilot

[Gov. Roy Cooper of NC, Secy. of Transportation

Pete Buttigieg, Gov. Tim Walz of MN are also under


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Happy IVF Day!

July 25, 2024

(anniversary of world's first IVF born thru science,

Louise Brown)

J.D. Vance: on Yale Law School (2021 interview) contrasted to HilBilly Elegy stmt.

In a 2021 interview Vance said:

(on going to college,) you're going to be

trained to hate your country and hate your family. . .

It makes (students) worse people instead of 

better people. I think we have to destroy

the universities in this country

In Hillbilly Elegy,

J.D. Vance admitted:





Netanyahu address to Joint Session U.S. Congress

Present: Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan)

who held up a sign "War Criminal" / "Guilty of Genocide"

Absent on GOP side were

DJT's running mate JD Vance who was campaigning

in the Hoosier State and Repr. Thomas Massie


Absent: VP Kamala Harris (who was at Indianapolis

as Keynote Speaker for sorority annual meeting);

former Speaker Nancy Pelosi;

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont);

Senator Patty Murray (D-Washington) declined her

ceremonial post next to the House Speaker as

President Tempore

of the U.S. Senate

52 minutes in length

Wed. late morning 24 July 2024

Israeli prime minister

Benjamin Netanyahu

demonstrated before a joint session of Congress

(with Speaker of House Johnson (R-Louisiana)

and Senate Foreign Relations committee chair

Ben Cardin (D-Maryland) sitting directly behind

the speaker's podium) that he is master of U.S.

politics as he shook hands right and left on

the passage from entry to front of the assembly.

Some of the loudest ovations/cheers were for 

attacking the protestors outdoors ("You are

Iran's useful idiots"), the Intl. Crim. Court ("blood

libel"), and Iran itself ("axis of terror").

This speech by a foreign leader was twice as long

as one given by Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

seven months ago. . .Fiery one-liners were not

likely to get cheers when he meets on Thursday

at the White House with both POTUS Biden and

eventual nominee for Nov. 2024 Democratic

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris.  He will

also meet Friday at Mar-a-Lago with GOP candidate

Predecessor DJT.

MORE details

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sept. 10, 2024 debate as pre-arranged (Presidential candidates)

NY Times is reporting that

Candidate Trump has publicly wavered on his commitment

to debate his Democratic party candidate, saying that he

agreed to the debate with the understanding that he would

only debate POTUS 46 and no other.

UPDATE: his campaign is also indicating it wants to

move the pre-arrangements AWAY from the mainstream

television programming of ABC Network to one more

in favor of him (I.e. FOX News).

weekend of July 27-28, 2024 political reporting -

campaign spokespersons

UPDATE (Aug. 7 online news):  Trump has OK'd

his FOX debate with contract for a Fox News arranged

studio audience -- Harris campaign will show up 

on Sept. 10 with VP debate uncertain

Biden Address (7/24/24)

8 p.m.

Pres. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. will give an address from the Oval Office

to explain his rationale for ceasing his run for re-election in Nov. 2024.

POTUS will broadcast his comments on most news / regular Networks

for 30 - 60 minutes.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Ancient writers on Honey Bee Society

From the time of Aristotle onwards,

writers commented on the highly organized

honey bee society.  One such Latin work is

Historia Animalium

They expel from the hive

all idlers and unthrifts.

As has been said, they

differentiate their work;

some make wax, some

make honey, some make

bee-bread, some shape and

mould combs, some bring water

to the cells and mingle it with 

the honey, some engage in

out-of-door work.  At early dawn

they make no noise, until some

one particular bee makes a buzzing

noise two or three times and

thereby awakes the rest; hereupon

they all fly in a body to work. . .

until at least some one bee flies

round about, making a buzzing noise,

and apparently calling on the others

to go to sleep; then all of a sudden

there is a dead silence (IX.40.627a)

A Paschal (Easter) Candle made of Beeswax

The use of a special candle at Easter

(Pasch or Pascha from PESACH or Passover)

was first mentioned in 384 C.E.

in a letter attributed to St. Jerome in 

northern Italy.

He wrote elsewhere that candles were lighted

throughout the East when the Gospel was read,

not to put darkness to flight,

BUT as a sign of joy!

A prayer to dedicate such a Paschal candle

was credited to St. Ambrose (Bishop of Milan


For now we see the

splendour of this column,

kindled to the glory of God

from shining flame:

a flame though it be divided

into parts, yet suffers no loss

of light, being fed from the 

ever melting wax that the

mother bee brought forth

to form the substance

of this precious candle. .  .

O TRULY Blessed and

marvelous MOTHER BEE!"

Proverbs 6 (verses 6, 7, 8)

In the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Hebrew

language for Alexandrian Jews and converts, c. 100 B.C.E.)

Go to the ant, O lazybones,

and zealously observe its ways, and 

become wiser than it;

for without having any cultivated

land nor anyone that forces it being

under any master, it prepares its food

in summer, and it makes its provision

plentiful in harvest time.

(LXX) Or go to the bee, 

and learn how industrious she is

and how seriously she performs her work

whose products kings and commoners 

use for their health.  YES, she is 

desired by all and honored.

Although she is physically weak,

by honoring wisdom she was promoted.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Bob Newhart - a Legacy of Laughter TV Special - July 22, 2024

CBS - 8  -  9 p.m.

overviews his 1960 - 2022 comedic career

details at

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden to decline run for White House in Nov.2024

On Sunday 7/21

Pres. Joseph Biden declared he would decline the 

nomination of the Dem. party and defer to his VP

Kamala Harris

to run against 

GOP convicted Felon DJT.

93 minutes

It's official

Predecessor DJT gave his personal longest acceptance

nomination speech to a convention of his political party:

1 hour, 33 minutes

THIS YEAR: 2024 not 2016 (his first victory in a GOP race)

nor when he was incumbent officeholder (2020)

Longest duration of any

President's party convention

speech since 1788 

(I.e. POTUS #1 George 


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Niles (MI) Burn Run - July 28, 2024 - seeks 300th registration

Charity for kids injured or traumatized from

Fire / other accidents - injury situations

SCHOLARSHIPS to a Camp (non-profit)

Downtown Niles, Michigan (Berrien County)

report is that the sponsors - officials are

14 away from 300 registrations.

[ ]

Security around Trump - running mate tightened in post-Convention G. Rapids Rally

Saturday 7/20/2024 5 p.m.

Downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan (W. Michigan area)

Indoor event


MAGA disciples show up Friday a.m. to then overnight

for first tickets to those who sit on stage with Campaign-

supplied signage

Doors at 130 W. Fulton Street will only open at noon

and the Predecessor twice-impeached convicted felon

will speak to a mass crowd in order to swing voter

who left him and VP Biden off their ballot support

in November 2020.  That led to "the Big Lie" that 

the election for Pres.-VP was stolen (no facts / evidence

actually produced - cases won in many state courts). . .

All parking (public and private ramps and lots) will

be open with some street closures for the late

afternoon free event.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Kennedy Center Honorees - Dec. 2024

The Kennedy Center for the Arts has announced its honorees:

one institution: the Apollo Theater, Harlem, NY

4 individuals / musical group:

Francis Ford Coppola

Bonnie Raitt

Arturo Sandoval

rock band The Grateful Dead.

All will be honored on December

with a CBS Special to air 12/23.

Bob Newhart (94 years young) -- won an Grammy for Best New Artist

The widely-praised comedian Bob Newhart

died in Los Angeles, CA this morning (Thursday

July 18, 2024).  He was 94 years old.

His wife of 60 years died last year and he is

survived by 4 children, and many grandchildren.

Celebration of Life service to be announced by

family at a later date.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Summer Archaeological Series (7/24 Lecture at Niles, MI LIBRARY)

District Library to host 2 lectures on

Wed. 7/17 and Wed. 7/24

both at 6:30 p.m. and are in-person

John Chenoweth, U of Michigan-Dearborn

on Archaeology of the River Raisin settlement

and War of 1812;

Michael Massaney, Prof. emeritus WMU - Kalamazoo

Documentary and Material evidence of Women at

Ft. Saint Joseph

BOTH LECTURES: Free Admission / held at 1st floor Rotunda

River Flood Warning continues

Mid-July until

Sunday July 21, 2024

at 8 p.m.

NATIONAL Weather Service bulletin

St. Joseph River in Michigan

Berrien County communities on the river

Monday, July 15, 2024

Tornado Watch until 2 a.m.

Monday July 15, 2024

evening until overnight

2 a.m.  Tuesday for

8 counties including Berrien County, MI

city of Niles, MI included


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Chapter 1 Intercession & Hymn

by Anchor Bible commentator / translator Markus Barth & Helmut Blanke

Verses 9 - 14

Therefore, we also do not cease, since the (first) day when 

we heard (the GOOD NEWS about you), to pray 

for you.  We ask that God may fill you with the knowledge 

of His will, by the gift of all spiritual wisdom and all

spiritual understanding, so that you will live a life worthy 

of the LORD, pleasing in all things.  He who lives thus 

brings forth fruit and grows in every good work,

through the KNOWLEDGE of God!  He lets himself be

made powerful with all power, according to his glorious

strength, for all endurance and patience with joy!

He thanks the FATHER, who has qualified you to take

part in the inheritance of the Saints, (which is) in the light.

He has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and

transferred us into the Kingdom of his beloved Son.  In 

Him freedom belongs to us, forgiveness of sins.

He is the image of God,

who is not seen.

First-born over all creation.

For in him all things were

created, in the heavens &

upon earth, what is seen,

and what is not seen

be they thrones or 


be they principalities

or powers,

all things were created

through Him and to Him.

*        *          *

And it is He who reigns 

over all things,

and all things exist in Him.

And it is He who is the head --

of the body: of the church.

*           *          *

He is ruler

        first-born, raised

from the dead, so that among

all things He should be

the First;

For it was the will of God

to let in Him dwell all


and to reconcile through

Him with Him all things

by creating peace through

His blood of the cross,

through Him, be it that,

which is on earth,

be it that, which is

in the Heavens.

Anchor Bible Translation of Paul's Epistle to Colossae

from 1994 publication of Markus Barth ANCHOR BIBLE

translation of New Testament text, Chapters 1 and following

Chapter 1

From Paul, who by the will of God is apostle of the Messiah Jesus,

and from Timothy, our brother.

TO the saints at Colossae, who are true brothers and who confess

the Messiah as LORD.  Grace to you and peace from God our Father.

Thanksgiving (verses 3 - 8)

We thank God the Father of our Lord Jesus (Christ) always for you in our prayer.

Because we have heard of your faithfulness to the Messiah Jesus, that is

the Love you have for all the saints,

because of the hope that is securely stored up for you in heaven.

Of this you have heard previously through the word of Truth,

(Namely) the Gospel.

This came to you and became at home with you as it also continuously brings

forth fruit and grows in the whole world, as also among you,

since the day when you heard and knew the grace of God as Truth.

As you (certainly) learned it from Epaphras, our beloved fellow servant.

He is a faithful servant of the Messiah in our place;

and he has also reported to us of your Love,

which is a gift of the SPIRIT!

page 1 of the M. Barth and Helmut Blanke commentary (Anchor Bible) 

Former President survives assassination attempt by 20-yr.-old of PA with AR - rifle

July 13, 2024

6:30 p.m.

on air at his outdoor rally at Butler PA county arena

One spectator killed in the 7 / 8 rounds of ammunition

fired from a nearby roof; two critically injured.

More Details about Thomas Crooks emerging (e.g.

likely his father bought the legal automatic weapon

that could shot many rounds in a matter of seconds)

Trump's wife, Melania, off the campaign trail,

between Saturday and Sunday issued her social

media message: a "monster" who recognized my

husband as in inhuman political machine attempted

to ring out Donald's passions -- his laughter, 

ingenuity, his love of music and inspiration. . . Let's

not forget that differing opinions, policy and political

games are inferior to love. . .Condolences to families of

innocent victims who are now suffering from the

heinous act."   MRS. TRUMP is expected to appear

on stage for the final event of the Republican Political

Party Convention this week in Milwaukee, WI.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Full Buck Moon

The full moon for July 2024

will take place with full illumination on 

July 21 at 6:17 a.m.

Eastern time.


Bonhoeffer is a Barthian, B-U-T. . .

from Bonhoeffer's Theological Formation

by Michael DeJonge (OUP, 2012)

final chapter excerpt "The Academic Roots of Bonhoeffer's

Ethical Theology" (pp. 145-6)

Barth convinces Bonhoeffer that the problem

of transcendence poses a fundamental challenge

for theology which can be met only through a

contingent concept of revelation, an understanding

of revelation as originating outside the human self

in God's freedom. . .There is a basic disagreement

about how to understand the freedom of God and

the contingency of revelation.  This disagreement

is reflected in their definitions of the person of 

Christ. Barth follows the Reformed tradition in under-

standing the person of Christ as the second person 

of the Trinity, the LOGOS who becomes present 

in acts of revelation but who is in eternity.  

Bonhoeffer follows the Lutheran tradition 

in understanding the person of CHRIST 

as the historical God-man who acts and

is in history.  Barth's person of Christ is the second

person of the Trinity; Bonhoeffer's person of Christ

is the historical God-man. . .Bonhoeffer understands

the reconciliation of God and world as an 

accomplished fact in the historical person of Christ.  

Such an understanding of reconciliation requires 

not dialectical but HERMENEUTICAL thinking, 

a way of thinking that begins with the reconciliation 

of God and world in CHRIST.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

A New CREED (2003) - United Church of Canada, revised

We are not alone,

we live in God's world.

We believe in God

   who has created 

    & is creating,

   who has come in Jesus,

   the Word made flesh,

   to reconcile & make new,

   who works in us & others

   by the Spirit.

We trust in God.

We are called to be the church

 to celebrate God's presence,

 to live with respect in creation

 to love and serve others

 to seek justice & resist evil

 to proclaim Jesus, crucified

     and risen, our judge

      and our hope.

In life, in death, 

in life beyond

death, God is with us.

We are not alone.

Thanks be to God! 

READING KARL BARTH (review of Commentary on Romans)

Kenneth Oakes writes in Part II Conclusion (page 158)

The book is also far less conservative, or concerned

about repristinating past forms of thought.  To be sure,

Barth's actual way of exegeting Scripture has certain

affinities to a doctrine of inspiration, but there is still

much in Barth's Commentary on Epistle to Romans [revised]

that might raise some eyebrows:  Barth confidently calling

some traditional doctrines, such as

original sin /

double / eternal / individual predesti-


his denial that Adam is a historical person;

his repulsion towards any kind of tragic

and violent eschatological finale;

his nascent universalism; 

his dismissal of apologetics;

his firm denial that there can be

concrete forms of human righteousness;

including any kind of visible human faith;

his disinterest in the psychology of faith;

and his claim that all religions, philosophies,

and worldviews desire Jesus Christ.

Karl Barth on the knowledge of the Epistle to the Romans

from READING KARL BARTH by Kenneth Oakes (Cascade Books)

Barth even cautions . . . "The reader 

therefore who, armed with the knowledge of

the Epistle to the Romans, him/herself advances

to the attack, has thereby failed to perceive the

attack which the Epistle to the Romans makes

upon her/him"

NPR will broadcast first solo Press Conference of 2024 -- venue NATO Summit

Thursday 7/11/2024 [early evening, actually started an hour late]

the Post-NATO Summit Press Conference of


Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

[questions are "live" from

reporters at the D.C. location ]

He will be highly scrutinized for

gaffes such as calling his running

mate -- Vice President Trump. . .

POTUS 46 also cut himself off 

more than once : saying "Look folks,

this is a . . .w e l l, anyway. . ."

He was prideful and a tinge defensive

about the administration's achievements.

His final 3 words were "Listen to him,"

referring to press coverage of Trump. . .

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Expectation: Predecessor will name his VP Running-Mate during opening Convention

July 15, 2024

Expect the reality-TV veteran (Donald J. Trump) to reveal his

pick for Veep nominee in a made-for-television

announcement where the man, his wife, and child/children

emerge from back stage to be greeted by the convention

delegates and MAGA faithful that are viewing the

Milwaukee, WI spectacle live as it happens. . .

details at this online article

Location already named for Lester Holt interview (1st since Feb. 2022)

Lester Holt 

Interview to last at least 15 minutes

on Monday July 15, 2024 at

LBJ Presidential Library

UT (University of Texas) - Austin, TX

This will follow a July 11 live press

conference at Washington D.C. (site of

2024 NATO Summit): 5:30 p.m.

Eastern Time alongside other world


Lester Holt (NBC News main weekday anchor) to interview POTUS 46 (no pre-approved questions)

Monday July 15, 2024

Joseph R. Biden, Jr. will sit down for a live Q/A with 

NBC anchor (Nightly News Monday - Fridays)

Lester Holt

The entire interview will

air at 9 p.m., pre-empting

other shows scheduled.

Happy Birthday #Arthur #Ashe (b. 1943)!


July 10

Arthur Ashe was born in Richmond, VA and

was a pioneering figure in world Sports --

he was the first black man to win a #Wimbledon

Tennis Tournament (singles) as well as #USOpen

and #AustraliaOpen

He died Feb. 6, 1993 in New York, NY

Press Secretary now admits POTUS did see neurologist in 2024

Online article posted at CNN July 2024


he did meet with the neurologist on Jan. 17th

the date of his annual physical;

The findings of the exam have been made

known to the public.

This is not the first time that Jean-Pierre's

answers to questions in daily press updates

have required clarification. . .


AUTHOR: Karl Barth (transl. to English)

Could we see nothing but the visible world,

we should not wait; we should accept our

present situation with joy or with grumbling.

Our refusal to accept it and to regard our 

present existence as incapable of harmony,

our certainty that there abides in us a secret

waiting for what is not, is, however, intelligible

in the unseen hope which is ours in God,

in Christ, in the Spirit, in the hope by which

we are existentially confronted by the things

which are not.  We can the, if we understand

ourselves aright, be none other than they who

wait.  We are satisfied to know no more than the

sorrow of the creation and our own sorrow.

We ask nothing better or higher than the Cross,

where God is manifested as God.  We must, 

in fact, be servants who wait for the coming

of their Lord. [p. 315, Commentary on Romans

second edition ]

Who received the Pres. Medal of Freedom (at NATO Summit 2024)?

 retiring Secy.-General


of N.A.T.O.


38 world leaders were there at

Washington, D.C.

who are Keith Kellogg and Mike Pompeo?

Two Trump administration foreign policy figures/

advisers who are meeting with NATO officials,

aides, foreign secretaries on the fringe of the

NATO Summit (July 9 -

11, 2024) in D.C.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Kevin Cannard, M.D.

Who is POTUS 46 (Pres. Joseph Biden, Jr.'s) Parkinson's Disease

specialist -- saw him 8 times over

recent months for annual physical


Incoming President of Iran

Masoud Pezeshkian 

criticized Iran's mandatory Hijab Law for women

and has promised to dismantle the morality police.

"I consider your vote as a heavy responsibility on

my shoulders, and I pledge to continue to be

a listening ear for your words and a voice for the

voiceless and rejected."


Flash Flood Watch (July 9 - 10, 2024)

Watch has been extended from Tuesday until

Wed. July 10, 2024 at 5 p.m.

for southern

Berrien County, MI

Monday, July 8, 2024

Symptoms in POTUS 46 public speeches and appearances

from article in NY TIMES about Parkinson's Expert from Walter Reed visited

the White House 8 times in recent months

Hypophonic speech

Forward flexed posture 

A shuffling gait 

Masked face 

Irregular speech pattern


Matagorda, Texas

where Hurricane Beryl

made landfall in coastal area of the state of 

Texas : Monday July 8, 2024

Sunday, July 7, 2024

"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" - to be re-released July 7 & 10, 2024

In honor of Columbia Pictures 100th Anniversary,


THIRD KIND (1977) blockbuster

will be re-released to theaters nationwide

It is a landmark film directed by Steven Spielberg -- a sci-fi drama

with amazing performances by Richard Dreyfus and Francois Truffaut!

New Daily Record

128 degrees F.

Death Valley, California

set a new High Temperature

Record on July 6 (Saturday),


Las Vegas tied its previous

record of 115 degrees F.

Sacramento set new record:

119 !

Did you watch back the 1st Presidential Debate (June 27, 2024)?


"I don't think I did. No"

in reply to question from

ABC NEWS interviewer

George Stephanopoulos.

Interview aired 5 July 2024

(22 minutes)

a 69-year-old Cardiac Surgeon

The victory on July 5, 2024 in the nation of Iran

of reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian,

69-year-old Cardiac

surgeon and former

Health Minister in previous

reformist governments,

signals a shift from the previous President

Ebrahim Raisi, a conservative Muslim cleric

who died in a helicopter crash in May 2024



Saturday, July 6, 2024

Who is Mansoud Pezeshkian?

Newly elected President of Iran -- July 5, 2024

He won 53.6% of the vote and defeated his nearest competitor

Saeed Jalili

Friday, July 5, 2024

Open House - Michigan State Police, Niles, MI City police

Sunday July 14, 2024

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

1600 Silverbrook Ave. near

East Main Street complex

LEARN more about what

troopers & officers do;

public is invited for food and

free CHILD I.D. kits, job

recruiters, dunk tank, bouncy house.


FaceBook address : @MSP Niles Post 

Open House (July 14, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Further repudiations (Barmen Declaration sections 4, 5, 6, 7)

 We repudiate the false teaching that the church can 

and may, apart from this ministry, set up special 

leaders (Fuehrer) equipped with powers to rule.


We repudiate the false teaching that the state can 

and should expand beyond its special responsibility 

to become the single and total order of human life, 

and thereby fulfill the commission of the church. . .

and that the church become itself an organ 

of the state.


We repudiate the false teaching that the church, in human

self-esteem, can put the word and work of the Lord in the

service of some wishes, purposes, and plans or other,

chosen according to desire.

Barmen Declaration (part #3)

The Christian church is the community

of brethren in which Jesus Christ

presently works in the word and

sacraments through the Holy Spirit.

With her faith as well as her

obedience, with her message as

well as her ordinances, she has to

witness in the midst of a world of 

sin as the church of forgiven sinners

that she is His alone, that she lives

and wishes to live only by His

comfort and His counsel in

expectation of his appearance.  

We repudiate the false teaching 

that the church can turn 

over the form of her message and ordinances 

at will or according to some 

dominant ideological 

and political convictions.

Barmen Declaration (#2)

Just as Jesus Christ is the pledge

of the forgiveness of all our sins,

just so - and with the same

earnestness - is He also God's

mighty claim on our whole

life; in Him we encounter a 

joyous liberation from the 

godless claims of this world

to free and thankful service

to His creatures.

We repudiate the false teaching 

that there are areas of our life

in which we belong not to Jesus

Christ but another Lord, areas in

which we do not need justification

and sanctification through him.

First Barmen Thesis (Barmen Declaration 1934)

Jesus Christ, as he is attested for us

in Holy Scripture, is the one Word

of God which we have to hear and 

which we have to trust and obey

in life and in death

Disbarred from practicing law - R. Giuliani (updated 9/25/2024)

9/25/2024 Washington, DC Court of Appeals has disbarred the

former NYC Mayor and former U.S. attorney

from practicing law in District of Columbia

7/12 -- Judge dismisses Giuliani's Bankruptcy case

He must pay his debts/ judgments of $153 million

primarily to election workers in Georgia who he

defamed [ Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss ]

July 2, 2024

Trump's former lawyer and legal adviser has been 

officially disbarred today by the NY State

Supreme Court -- the ruling - decision is due

to his election interference and lying for

his client, Donald J. Trump (predecessor POTUS).


World UFO Day

July 2, 2024

UNidentified FLying OBjects

Monday, July 1, 2024

Fireworks (South Berrien County, Michigan) July 4, 2024

approx. 8:00 p.m.

Apple Festival Grounds, Niles, MI

1740 Lake Road (near airport

and H.School, Jr. High)

$5 parking donation - required




80s Color Run: July 13, 2024

sponsored by Mishawaka, IN Parks and Rec. Department

11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Ironworks Plaza

Prizes will be given for the best 80's Look

Registration ($25) comes with a T-Shirt,

sunglasses, and packet of color; 

650 members of the House of Commons: 1st election in 5 years

July 4, 2024

People throughout the United Kingdom will vote Thursday 

to elect 650 members of the House of Commons , one for

each local constituency.  No primaries or run-offs: the major 

parties are Tory (Conservative) and Labour (Liberal) but

also putting forward candidates are a "New Reform" Party

(Nigel Farage, anti-E.U.) and the Green Party.  After results

are known as far as the winning Party, then the leader of

that party is named "Prime Minister" who must form a

government and seek King Charles' consent.

July 4 annual Music special broadcast: A CAPITOL FOURTH


Host: Alfonso Ribeiro

Singers/Groups: Smokey Robinson,

Fantasia, Darren Criss, Sheila E.,

Fitz & Noelle, Chloe Flower, Sister

Sledge, Loren Allred, Shawn Johnson

East, Britt Stewart, Jack Everly,

D.C. orchestras

Record-tying low temperature (48 degrees F.)

Early in the a.m.

of JULY 1, 2024

a record-tying reading of 48 degrees F. air

temperature was measured at 

South Bend Airport official station


(ABC 57 meteorologist E. Twomey, source)

Who are Victoria Monet, Killer Mike, and Usher?

 These three are among

the big winners on June 30,

2024 at the BET (Black 



annual awards and 

concert -tribute. has the list of 

winners and honorees

Happy Birthday, Canada!

Our neighbor to the North

marks its "dominion" or establishment 

July 1 annually to make

July 1, 1867

the starting point for the confederation

of provinces and a point of annual

reference to celebrate the national

unity and diversity.

Fireworks, picnics,barbecues, 

concerts,carnivals, parades 

National Postal Worker Day

July 1 (annually)

a day to recognize and show appreciation for the

postal workers who deliver mail and packages

in all weather conditions