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Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday's apology from Pope Francis -- statement at Vatican (April 11, 2014)

from Religious News Service coverage -- NCR online -- National Catholic Reporter -- In his strongest personal remarks yet on the clergy sex abuse scandal, Pope Francis on Friday asked forgiveness "for the damage" abusive priests have inflicted on children and pledged that the Catholic church "will not take one step backward" in efforts to address the crisis. "I feel compelled to personally take on all the evil that some priests -- quite a few in number, though not compared to the total number -- and to ask for forgiveness for the damage they have done by sexually abusing children," Francis said. "The church is aware of this damage," he said. "It is personal and moral damage, but carried out by men of the church. And we do not want to take one step backward in dealing with this problem and the sanctions that must be imposed. On the contrary, I believe that we have to be very firm. Because you cannot take chances with children!" The pope's remarks were in an unscripted addition to a speech he was giving to the International Catholic Child Bureau, a French Catholic network that works to promote the rights of children. His comments were seen as a further effort to counter the criticism he has received for not addressing the clerical abuse crisis as quickly and aggressively as he has other issues.

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