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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Community Easter Sunrise Service -- "Bringing to Life" -- YouTube w/ Dale Ryan ("The Work of the People")

When we come to the end of our resources, we aren't as resourceless as we thought. The story is not over, God insists on having the last word…and he is bringing life. Dale Ryan on God and resurrection. [Buchanan First United Methodist (Rob McPherson) & Buchanan First Presbyterian (Marilyn Schlimgen) - 7 a.m. Union Service]

1 comment:

Timothy Shaw said...

Here is one of the Prayers (written 2014) used in the Methodist - Presbyterian ecumenical worship celebration: "We believe in an Easter God who creates and re-creates, who gives abundant life, and who is with us through all that life may bring; We believe in Christ of the Resurrection who appeared to his disciples and became present in a new way to those who follow him; We believe in the Spirit foretold by Jesus who came with power and wonders, who gives strength and consolation and empowers us. Amen.