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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Did Jesus Marry? -- premise of humorous Top Ten List by David Letterman (CBS Late Night Host - standup Comedian)

from Wahoo / TOP TEN: THINGS OVERHEARD AT JESUS' WEDDING - an ancient document analyzed by scientists, historians, and theologians suggests that Jesus was married. 10. "On His Wedding Day You'd Think He'd Shave" 9. "I Didn't Know Jesus Was So Religious" 8. "Look Out -- Here Comes The Lepers" 7. "Who Invited Judas?" 6. "Should've Used The Temple In Salt Lake City" 5. "You Think She'll Convert?" 4. "Great -- Another Day To Celebrate Jesus" 3. "This Wine Tastes Watery" 2. "Look -- Regis Is Here" 1. "I Give It A Month"

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