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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Who are the five PATRONS of the World Youth Day -- held for 2013 in Rio, Brazil

Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Aparecida Protector of the Church and families Biography In the year 1717, three fishermen, in their way to launch their nets to fish in the waters of the Paraíba River, found the image of Our Lady. Due to the many miracles and increased devotion She was proclaimed patron saint of Brazil in 1930 and years later it was erected in her honor, a great basilica which hosts millions of pilgrims every year. WYD invokes as the Protector of the Church and families! in her honor Prayer Mother of God and my Lady, don't cease in praying for my family. Today, I dedicate to you! Amen. Saint Sebastian Soldier and martyr of faith! Biography Sebastian preferred the fidelity to Christ before any civil or military honor and, therefore, was expelled from the army and died on the persecution of Diocletioan on 300. We can see highlighted in the life of the saint his courage and his love to the Lord Jesus. The WYD invoke him as a soldier and martyr of Faith! Prayer May your intercession me the grace to obey God more than man and to be a soldier of Christ. Amen. Saint Anthony from Santana Galvão Herald of peace and love! Biography Born in Guaratinguetá in 1739. Family with great resources and possibilities, renounced everything and entered into the Franciscan order. Diffusor of peace and love with words and deeds, became the model of delivery. His miracles began while he was still alive, distributing pills made with his own hands, which generated great healings. We invoke as a herald of peace and love! Prayer Pray that, with your example, I will be a promoter of peace and love in all the moments of my life. Amen. Saint Therese of Lisieux Patroness of the Missions! Biography St Therese of Jesus was born in France in 1873. At 15 she went into a Carmelite monastery, where she lived with humility and simplicity her total trust in God. She was proclaimed Patroness of the Missions in 1927, by her deep desire to be a missionay and by her willingness to give everything for the good of others. The WDY invokes her as the Missions Patroness! Prayer Grant me your missionary spirit to bring Jesus to all the villages! Amen. Blessed John Paul II Friend to the youth! Biography Pope John Paul II, the Great, was the creator of the World Youth Day, in 1984. Considered as the Pope of the Youth, he worked in the dialogue with them, and he invited them to recognize their place and mission inside the Church. His pontificate was durable and he helped to guide the Christians, based on the inspirations of Vatican II. He fought until the last moment of his life sharing with us his happiness to give himself to Christ and to our Lady, the Virgin Mary. We invoke him as the friend of the youth! Prayer Grant me, through your intercession, the grace to win the hearts of true friends like you were to young people! Amen.

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