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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Is it ethical to "force-feed" a Muslim prisoner during his time of annual fasting?

from Politico dot-com -- reporter Tal Kopan - posted news article (July 3, 2013) The U.S. Government will continue to force feed hunger striking detainees at Guantanamo Bay during Ramadan, the Justice Department says in a court filing, although it plans to not administer the feedings during the daytime. The filing was in response to petitions filed in U.S. District Court in Washington by four hunger-striking Guantanamo detainees, three of whom have been approved for "enteral feeding," or being fed by a tube. The group asked judges for injunctions to stop the force feeding and any administration of drugs without detainees' consent, urging that the matter be decided quickly with Ramadan beginning at sunset July 8. In response, Justice officials wrote Wednesday that feeding will not occur between sunrise and sunset during Ramadan, and that extra accommodations have been made to ensure the large number of hunger strikes could all be fed in accordance with the observance of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast in the daylight hours. Officials also denied that any of the four detainees petioning the court were given the anti-nausea drug Reglan, which can cause adverse side effects, as the detainees claimed in their filing. Acting Assistant Attorney General Stuart Delery and other officials wrote to the court that the force feeding was "essential nutritional and medical care," and that all procedures were humane and in accordance with applicable standards. Many human rights groups have called on the U.S. to stop the feedings.

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