Chapter 1, verses 3 - 6 [Hymn of Praise to Christ]
Blessed be that God, that Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has
blessed us, in Christ, with every
spiritual blessing, higher than
heaven itself.
He has chosen us out, in Christ,
before the foundation of the world,
to be saints, to be blameless in his
sight, for love of him; marking us
out beforehand (so his will decreed)
to be his adopted children through
Jesus Christ. Thus he would manifest
the splendour of that grace by which
he has taken us into his favour in the
person of his beloved Son.
Chapter 1, verses 11 - 14
In him it was our lot to be called, singled
out beforehand to suit his purpose, (for
it is he who is at work everywhere,
carrying out the designs of his will);
we were to manifest his glory, we who
were the first to set our hope in Christ;
in him you too were called, when you
listened to the preaching of the truth,
that gospel which is your salvation.
In him you too learned to believe, and
had the seal set on your faith by the
promised gift of the Holy Spirit; a
pledge of the inheritance which is ours,
to redeem it for us and bring us into
possession of it, and so manifest God's
{Verbal bridges have been built to
help the reader follow the Pauline
transitions and asides}