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Saturday, October 26, 2019

POTUS 45 declines to throw out MLB World Series "first pitch" -- October 27, 2019 at Washington, D.C.

from AP News online article by Jonathan Lemire

Trump is, so far, the only president since William Howard Taft in 1910 not to have thrown a first pitch at a major league game. (The first president known to attend a game was Benjamin Harrison in 1892). Calvin Coolidge, nearly a decade before Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was the only other president to attend a World Series game in Washington, D.C.
Trump will sit with league officials and likely watch from a luxury box, behind security and away from much of the crowd. That would be very different from some of his predecessors, including John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, who sat by the field for their ceremonial duties.
“In the old days, they would throw from the presidential box,” said baseball historian Fred Frommer, who has written several baseball books, including a pair of histories about Washington baseball. “Players from both teams would line up on the first base line and would fight for it, like a mosh bit. And whoever emerged with it would take it to the president for a signature.”

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