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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Where in Michigan can you enjoy "Paczki Day" on March 5, 2019? Web article from a Healthier Michigan dot-org

The making and indulging in paczki dates back to the Middle Ages. During that time, people in Poland would make pastries to use up all of their lard, sugar, eggs and other decadent ingredients before beginning Lent (a period of 40 days where Christians cut out certain foods like sweets or dairy and avoid eating meat on Fridays). Back then, the rich pastries were filled with pork fat. The more modern versions are a lot sweeter, often filled with fruit jelly (commonly raspberry, apple or lemon) or custard and dusted in powdered sugar.
When Polish immigrants came to the United States—especially Midwestern cities like Detroit, Chicago, Green Bay and Cleveland—at the beginning of the 20th century, Paczki Day came with them. And it’s been celebrated here on Fat Tuesday ever since.
As far as where Paczki Day festivities occur in Michigan, Hamtramck is a particularly well-known destination for celebrations. That’s mostly due to the town’s rich Polish heritage and authentic bakeries like New Palace Bakery and New Martha Washington Bakery. In fact, thousands flock to Hamtramck each year to stock up on paczki, lining up around the block in the early hours of the morning, no matter the weather.
Paczki aren’t necessarily the healthiest treat (they can contain up to 1,000 calories and 80 grams of fat each), so you could also try whipping up a healthier version on your own (we’re partial to this paczki recipe).

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