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Monday, January 23, 2017

February 3 -- workshop on Ste. Brigid -- Kindling the Flame -- National Cathedral, Washington D.C.

Kindling the Flame: A Creativity Retreat

for the Feast of St. Brigid

Friday, February 3 | 6:00 p.m.
Celebrated throughout the Celtic world for her warm hospitality and wise counsel, Saint Brigid has also been an inspiration for poets and artists, even establishing a school of art in Kildare during her lifetime. On the Celtic calendar, her feast day marks the beginning of spring where stirrings of new life offer the promise of renewal and growth. Explore the stirrings in your own spirit with an evening of creative contemplative practices inspired by her life and legend and rekindle the creative spark in your life.  For more information contact
Terri Lynn Simpson is the founder of Anam Cara Retreats. Celtic spirituality is her path, writing is her practice, and inviting people into thin places where they may share their stories and experience the presence of the Holy is her work. In addition to having a graduate degree in theology and a doctorate in Spirituality and Story, Terri is a long-time student of Celtic spirituality. Grounded in the three-fold practices of prayer, pilgrimage, and poetry, she weaves strands of these Celtic influences into the retreats, pilgrimages and workshops she leads in the US and in the UK for churches, healing ministries, women’s groups, and faith based non-profit organizations.

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