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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Reflection 65

Reposition Yourself Reflections (Atria Books, 2007) by T.D. Jakes (Pastor, The Potter's House, Houston, TX and online presence):  "The biblical passage (Luke 5: 4-7) is striking to me for several reasons.  It's interesting that Jesus tells Peter to "push out into deep water" as if perhaps Peter has been casting in the shallows.  Sometimes it's easy for us to stay in the safety of shallow water, splashing and casting, wading and wandering around, without ever risking deeper water.  We stay in one current position rather than asking for a promotion or applying elsewhere.  We resign ourselves to our present relationship even after it's clear to both parties that it's going nowhere.  Shallow water feels so much safer.  We can both see and touch the bottom.  But this apparent security also imposes limitations.  Just as in Simon Peter's case, we have to learn that the deeper water holds the fish!"
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