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Friday, August 31, 2012

Romney schedules visit to New Orleans (Friday following Convention) - Hurricane Isaac aftermath of flooding


President Barack Obama will visit New Orleans Monday (Labor Day September 3, 2012) to survey Hurricane Isaac damage, the White House announced today. He'll be in town a couple days behind his GOP presidential opponent, Mitt Romney, who is visiting New Orleans this afternoon (Friday August 31, 2012)  -- just one day after his party's nomination in Tampa.The Romney campaign said Romney's visit is in response to an invitation from Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. Romney's visit will allow him to demonstrate concern for area residents, who experienced another hurricane on the 7th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. And he'll have three-day jump start on President Obama.His visit, though, with so many homes and businesses still without power after Hurricane Isaac ravaged the metropolitan New Orleans area earlier this week, isn't without some political risk.
"Since he is not currently a government official, he has no assistance to offer, and all he can do is get in the way (especially with his large entourage/Secret Service and by diverting local law enforcement attention away from recovery)," said Brian Brox, a political scientist at Tulane University. " I understand Jindal's offer and Romney's acceptance (this will allow Romney to get some optics of doing the kind of chief executive things we expect presidents to do), but I would think the best possible outcome of this visit would be that he just doesn't get in the way."
The White House said details of President Obama's visit will be released later.

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