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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Romney "joke" or gaffe about Birth Certificate -- Columnist and Blogger Q/A (her Aug. 24 column)

from WASHINGTON POST (Tuesday chat-discussion, 8/28/2012):

Your Friday column putting the remark in context of the Michigan Hospitals didn't help explain the cluelessness of the 64-year-old; for his being "endorsed" by Birther Donald Trump it's unlikely that Romney wasn't aware of the kerfuffle. Will anyone ask Romney about his first 100 days of office planning to dismantle the Obama home brewing operation? It just seems like he and Ann will be polar opposites of the First Couple.
  • – August 28, 2012 9:45 AM
Alexandra Petri :
Oh, I hadn't thought about the beer consequences! Dang. Well, hopefully by then the recipe will be out so the famed honey-tinged beer will not perish from the earth.
I think Romney is aware of the kerfuffle. But what he said Friday was not in his prepared remarks. Then again it seems unlikely that anyone would ever hand you a sheet of paper saying "Make a birther joke now!" To what extent it was premeditated, with all its ramifications lovingly sketched forth, is, I think, debatable. I don't presume to peer into anyone's internal controls, and but my general operating assumption is that people are more often incompetent than malevolent, so whenever I am given the choice between "subtle, knowing, subliminally poisoning message control" and "ill-considered remark," I usually assume the latter. Either way, it's not a thing one hopes to hear from a candidate for president.
          – August 28, 2012 11:14 AM

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