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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

5:30 p.m. Speech at Hillsdale (Michigan) College -

Herman Cain comments shared with National Review editors - reporters (Tuesday Nov. 29) --

“Over the next several days, we are going to continue with the schedule as usual,” he said. “I’ve got a major speech tonight at Hillsdale College on national security and foreign policy, and I will deliver it with vim, vigor, and enthusiasm. And then tomorrow we’ve got some media appearances scheduled. So we’re going to continue until we complete our assessment over the next several days.”

EDIT: Nov. 30, 7:05 a.m. -- more of the substance in Juana Summer (POLITICO) article posted online:
(Cain was subdued for his) 40-minute speech outlining a vision for foreign policy and national security, two things that he says are intertwined.
“Without a strong national security effort, foreign policy would be too – foreign,” he said.
A Cain aide said the speech was intended as a “formalization” of the candidate’s views. But Cain didn’t offer the level of specifics that have been demanded of him on the campaign trail, instead repeating many of the same answers he’s given on the stump.
He said he would rely on “some of the best military minds in the world, some of the best military leaders in the world” to help him make decisions.
Cain unveiled a new map to illustrate his view on America’s relationship with other countries.
Explaining the map to those in attendance at the speech, Cain described the map of the world, and pointed out that it included highlights showing the density of Facebook connections.
“Where you see the most liked, that’s where there is the most amount of freedom. Secondly, where you see the most liked is where you see the greatest amount of economic development,” he said.
Canada, Israel, Japan and Germany, he described as “friend and ally.” Mexico is listed as “friend and partner,” while Brazil is just “friend.” India, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan are all under “strategic partner.”
China, he called “competitor.” Egypt and Pakistan were both labeled “danger and opportunity.”
Libya, which he famously stumbled through an answer about in an editorial board interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel earlier this month, is listed as “clarity needed.”

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1 comment:

Timothy Shaw said...

After the Tuesday early evening speech at Hillsdale College, here's more plans for this week at the end of November 2011:

he’ll be in Ohio for a three-stop bus tour of the state on Wednesday, and on Thursday, he’ll give a one-hour speech to students at Middle Tennessee State University on his time at the helm of Godfather’s Pizza. (part of the Juana Summer for POLITICO article)