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Thursday, February 3, 2011

National Prayer Breakfast - Feb. 3 - Obama to speak also Repr. Giffords' husband

President Obama will deliver remarks to more than 3,000 Christian lawmakers, CEOS, lobbysits and faith leaders this morning at the annual National Prayer Breakfast, which is being held at the Washington Hilton. First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will accompany the President to the 8:00 AM event.

It's the President's third time attending the Prayer Breakfast since taking office. Now in its 59th year, the event is organized by Members of the US Congress and members of The Fellowship Foundation, a semi-secret and powerful coalition of conservative Christians (so secret that they have no website for their organization, nor is there one for the event). Every sitting president since Dwight D. Eisenhower has attended the National Prayer Breakfasts.
The Fellowship Foundation is also known as "The Family," and is regarded as the most politically connected fundamentalist organization in America, and includes high-ranking government officials, corporate heads, ambassadors, leaders of humanitarian aid organizations, among others. The goal of the group is ostensibly to encourage individuals to have more religion in their lives through a better, personal relationship with Jesus...but it's also to influence political decision makers.

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