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Sunday, December 31, 2023

First Foot tradition

The Scottish residents and expatriates partake in


where the first person to enter the house/business establishment

on New Year's Day 12:01 a.m. and later is viewed as a bringer of

luck for the coming year.  Red-headed visitors are viewed as bad luck;

traditionally this person should bring a present but nothing too crazy!

[ example gifts like a lump of coal, shortbread, or whiskey ]

Next year is a LEAP YEAR

2024 will offer us 366 days because it is a LEAP Year (once every 4 years).

Oldest reigning monarch abdicates (Dec. 31, 2023)

Effective January 2024

Danish Queen Margrethe (who ascended to the throne in 1972) has abdicated

in favor of her son, Prince Frederik of Denmark. She is 83 years old.

She shared the news in her annual "New Year's Eve Speech" broadcast

on national Danish television. is source of this news


January 2, 2023

The planet Earth's orbit reaches its closest point to the Sun.

91,403,304 miles

Happy New Year 2024

new year's eve was 1-2-3 1-2-3 (12/31/23)

New Year's Day is 1/1/24

Friday, December 29, 2023

Tony the Tiger

Sun Bowl at El Paso, TX (Dec. 29, 2023)

final score was Notre Dame Fighting Irish 40 vs. Oregon State Ducks 8

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Casablanca (1943) - 8 p.m. showing at Three Oaks, MI

Vickers Theatre

Thursday, Dec. 28, 2023 one showing

7:00 p.m. Eastern

Admission for adults $12

address 6 N. Elm Street in downtown Three Oaks (Berrien County)

students with I.D. $10

Seniors 60+ $10 each

Seniors 100 and over FREE

Now serving wine and beer -- details 

New Year's Resolutions (Short List) - R. Rosenblatt op-ed in NY TIMES

from LEAVES OF GRASS (by poet Walt Whitman)

This is what you shall do:

Love the earth and sun and the animals;

Despise riches;

Give alms to everyone who asks;

Stand up for the stupid and crazy.

Re-examine all you have been told

at school or church or in any book;

Dismiss whatever insults your very soul;

Your very flesh shall be a great poem.

Boxing Day

December 26 annually

Day following Xmas Day is a day for middle- and upper-class citizens to deliver

extra food, items, money they have to the poor citizens who are underpaid the

other 364 days of the year

Monday, December 25, 2023

Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholics celebrate Christmas together on 12.25

article in NY TIMES online

due to divergence from Russian orthodox insistence on Julian Calendar

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Cold Moon - final Full Moon of 2023 (to rise 12.26 evening)

12.24 Sunday - Tuesday 12.26 it will be visible

Maximum fullness will be 7:33 p.m. eastern

further details at Old Farmer's Almanac (

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Dense Fog Advisory (extended to both 12.23 and 12.24)

originated Saturday 12.23

Berrien & Cass counties, SW Michigan

many N. Indiana counties as well

from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.

EXTENSION from 5:23 p.m. to 11 a.m. Sunday 24 December 2023

Christmas Eve morning fog - diminished visibility

Friday, December 22, 2023

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Saint Stephen's Day

December 26 annually

The well-known martyr mentioned early in the ACTS of the APOSTLES

is a Christian saint

Shortest Daylight for Dec. 21 (Winter Solstice)

Dec. 21, 2023

nine hours of daylight only

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

O'Connor funeral @ National Cathedral, D.C.

Tuesday Dec. 19, 2003 

retired US SCOTUS justice Sandra Day O'Connor

will be eulogized by POTUS and Chief Justice

Noon Funeral 

Invitation only

Friday, December 15, 2023

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Winter Solstice

This year's winter solstice falls on

December 21, 2023

10:27 p.m. Eastern Time Zone

shortest amount of daylight for entire 365-day year

Geminids Meteor Showers

Tonight at its peak

shooting star debris from asteroid 3200 Phaethon

at a distance of +6.4 million miles from earth

between 10 p.m. wednesday and 1 a.m. thursday

December 13, 2023

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Hallucinate" word related to AI

IN 2023, AI Artificial Intelligence dominated public discourse

from the discoveries of large language models like CHAT-GPT

to pondering the ethics of creating an image of Pope Francis ' s 2nd definition of Hallucinate is:

(of a machine learning program) to produce false information

contrary to the intent of the user and to present it as if true and factual

FROM: USA TODAY article about

word of the YEAR 2023 ( announcement)


National Poinsettia Day


12th Dec. annually

Thursday, December 7, 2023


Happy Hanukkah (Jewish celebration of lights - annually December)

begins tonight Dec. 7 for eight successive nights

[ the starting dates vary widely from year to year ]

2023 is from Thursday 12/7 until Friday Dec. 15

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

TIME Magazine Person of the Year

 as announced Dec. 6, 2023 --- the cover winner is 

Taylor Swift

Monday, December 4, 2023

National Sock Day

 First Monday December annually

This year = Dec. 4,  2023

Friday, December 1, 2023

Monday 12/11/2023

This day marks the beginning of FINAL EXAMS for

University of Notre Dame (South Bend, IN) -- all-day

all campus locations

December 2023 Statistics

MONTH of December 2023 = 7239 page views total

Today 12/1/2023 --  92 visits to this Google BLOG

12/2 = 35

Sunday 12/3 = 43

Monday 12/4 = 104

Tuesday 12/5 = 129

Wed. 12/6 = 104

Thurs. 12/7 = 75 - First Night of Hanukkah for December 2023

Friday Dec. 8 = 38

Sat. 12/9 = 221

Sunday 12/10 = 94

Monday 12/11 = 76

Tues. 12/12 = 62

Wed. 12/13 = 147

Thursday 12/14 = 37

12/15 = 163

Sat. 12/16 = 31

3rd Sunday of Advent 12/17 = 11 page views

12/18 = 190

12/19 = 108

12/20 = 93 page views

12/21 = 20

12.22.2023 = 17 page views

23rd December = 26

Christmas Eve 12.24 = 25

Christmas Day 12.25 = 4238

Boxing Day 12.26 = 33 page views

12.27.2023 = 200

12/28.2023 = 65 page views

12.29 = 371

12.30 = 86 page views

12/31/2023 - 196 page views

Campus to ban Scooters (and other personal electric vehicles)

Later this month 12/17/2023

the campus police and official administration of the Univ. of Notre Dame

(South Bend, IN) has banned for use by students/faculty/staff

any wheeled e-Scooters e-skate or hover boards and go karts on the roads, sidewalks, transportation ways.

First Day (Meteorological Winter)

December 1, 2023

rainy day

High Temperature reading 44

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Giving Tuesday 2023

 Today is a day to contribute to charities

Nov. 28, 2023 (Tuesday following "Black Friday")

Friday, November 24, 2023

Friday, November 10, 2023

Closed on Veterans Day

 U.S. Post offices (nationwide)

11/11 annually

Happy Veterans Day 2023

 Saturday, Nov. 11 -- 11th day of 11th month annually

November statistics

 Nov. 9, 2023 = 69 web visits / Google blog

Nov. 10 (Friday) = 2

Monday 11/27 = 12

Tuesday 11/28 = 23

Thursday 11/30 = 30

Month of November 2023 = 2070 web visits

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Constitution Day

anniversary of 1787 ratification of

U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia

Sept. 17, 1787

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Monday, September 11, 2023

Kilauea - volcano on Big Island, Hawaii

story from Big Island

Volcano National Park has lowered the threat to structures and infrastructure

It is erupting again after an extended period of eruptions 2021-22


Patriot Day (State of Michigan Governor's proclamation) - Sept. 11 annually

 LANSING (mich.)

4th Quake in less than a month - Southern IN and IL area (Salem & Vincennes)

from WISH- TV (Indianapolis) statewide Television / news source

Early Sunday a.m. 12:11 a.m. September 10, 2023

National Blood Supply crisis

Red Cross dot-org

September 2023

The American Red Cross has announced that the national blood supply

has fallen to critically low levels -- dropping nearly 25% -- since early August

Donors of all blood types needed; emergency need for platelet donors and 

type O blood donors to make appointments to give now. . .

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Here, Bullet

POET is Brian Turner (American)

published in 2005 by 7-year Army soldier in Middle East

If a body is what you want,

then here is bone and gristle and flesh.

Here is the clavicle-snapped wish,

the aorta's opened valves, the leap

thought makes at the synaptic gap.

Here is the adrenaline rush you crave,

that inexorable flight, that insane puncture

into heat and blood.  And I dare you to finish

what you've started.  Because here, Bullet,

here is where I complete the word you bring

hissing through the air, here is where I moan

the barrel's cold esophagus, triggering

my tongue's explosives for the rifling I have

inside of me, each twist of the round

spun deeper, because here, Bullet,

here is where the world ends, every time.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

When is ROSH HASHANAH this autumn?

Weekend of September 15 (Friday evening)

until 9/17/ (Sunday) evening.

Next time to see Comet NISHIMURA will be 2458

 Details in NY TIMES science article - here is online web

Friday, September 8, 2023

International Star Trek Day

September 8 annually

The pilot-initial episode "The Man-Trap"

of STAR TREK (1966-1969) - a NBC Sci-fi series

was on prime time September 8, 1966.

8 September 1966

first airing of the NBC sci-fi series

Star Trek (1966-1969)

The original dramatic TV series was on for three seasons

Change Day 2023

Sept.14, 2023 

Andrews Univ. Ber. Springs, MI


PLOTUS: Saint Mary's lecture-dialogue, Sept. 21, 7:30 p.m.

Poet Laureate of the United States

Ada Limon

will speak to the faculty and students and guests of

Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, IN) on

Thursday Sept. 21, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets also available for Moreau Hall presentation online

after Sept. 12.  Details and reserved ticket sales at

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Hurricane Lee (category 1 storm in Atlantic Ocean) - as of Sept. 8 Category 5

 details at CNN dot-com

Likely to pass over Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico this weekend

May only stay off East Coast of the United States

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

College Night - UPTON HALL, Lake Michigan college - 9/18 at 6 p.m.

from school website about Monday 9/18 free event at Mendel Center Auditorium, Upton Hall

Adrian College to WMU

High School students and their parents, transfer students, adult students are invited

to this free event from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in Week 3 of the new Fall Semester 2023

National Read a Book Day

 Sept. 6, 2023

Hottest summer on record (NPR)

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Closed on Labor Day

 Retailers like Costco;

City services such as Libraries;

Also, the U.S. Post Office and many banks across the U.S.

Saturday, September 2, 2023


Happy International Bacon Day!

September 2 annually

more information here --


Oct. 1 - 31 is Michigan Archaeology Month

READ more about it at MI gov-com

Apple Festival 2023 (Niles, Michigan) Hours - Dates for this year

 at Apple Festival Grounds north of

Niles High School and Ring Lardner Middle School

17th st. at Lake Street

Kids parade is sat. 9/23/23

Opening day - Thursday 9/28/2023 from 3 - 10 p.m.

Friday is 2nd day 9/29th from 3 - 11 p.m.

Saturday Sept. 30 from 8 a.m. until 11 p.m.

Sunday October 1 (Apple-themed events/competitions) from 8 a.m. until

6 p.m. close-down

Thursday, August 31, 2023

September 2023 (30 days)

9/17 = 1471

Sept. 16 = 2820

9/15 = 3260

9/14 = 2616

9-13 = 3520

9/12 = 3151

9/11 = 3530

9/10 = 3347

9/9 = 1464

Sept. 8 = 2804

Sept. 7 = 2655

9/6 = 2685 visits to the WEB Blogger page/s

Sept. 5 = 1321

9/4 = 2689

September 3, 2023 = 2684

Sept. 2, 2023 = 2256

Sept. 1, 2023 : 2889 visits to this web page / GOOGLE blog

Month-to-date : 49842

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Photography: Blue Supermoon (NY TIMES) online article

SCIENCE section of New York Times (online)

Hurricane Idalia made landfall 8/30 at eight a.m.

 category 3 storm at Big Bend of Florida

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

HBCU (historic Black Colleges / Universities) - 1st time for one to play Notre Dame in FB

South Bend (IN) Tribune online article

Idalia swipes Cuba, heads for Western Florida

Tuesday 8/29 a.m.

Landfall uncertain

Monday, August 28, 2023

HBCU (Black College) Tennessee State will play Notre Dame

Home opener for fighting irish Sept. 2, 2023

3:30 p.m. NBC telecast

Pope to meet with R. Catholics and other citizens in 1st-ever visit to Mongolia

Thursday, Aug. 31

Pope Francis will visit the world's least densely populated country

He intends to encounter a noble, wise people

3.2 million residents where 1,500 are R. Catholics

details in ABC News

When is World Communion Sunday?

 First Sunday of October annually

Oct. 1, 2023

Idalia (Tropical Storm) expected to reach HURRICANE strength before hitting Florida this week

 NPR coverage (National Public Radio)

The system could intensify in the warm Gulf of Mexico waters

and has the potential to clobber western Florida and the Panhandle

with severe weather starting on Tuesday.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

God's Creation and "Sea Monsters" (Genesis 1:21) - Severian of Gabala

 from translation and introduction by Robert C. Hill

for IV Press series "ANCIENT CHRISTIAN TEXTS" (2010)

Homilies on Creation and Fall (page 11) ISBN 9780830829071

God made the huge sea monsters,


and God saw that they were all good.

Why did he say good in the plural, 

and not in the singular for the 

multitudes? When he made the stars

and sun and moon, however,

with many things made, he says 

God saw that it was good (1:18).  There were

many stars, their vast number beyond counting,

and he did not say, God say that they were good,

but IT was good.  Why?

Because even if there were many stars, they came

from one light, and all met the same need,

being assigned to providing light.  In this case, 

since there was a great variety of creeping things,

winged things, and swimming things. . . and since there

were many and varied species in each genus,

he says God said that they were good.

There is commendation also for the variety of

the works.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

2023 March on Washington (60th anniversary)

10s of thousands expected today (Aug. 26, 2023 

details at

sponsorship by King family survivors (ML King III and Bernice King) 

and Al Sharpton network

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Super Blue Moon


9:36 p.m. Eastern

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Maui Wildfire destruction estimated at $6 billion

CBS News (local affiliate WSBT south bend, in) reports the

total losses and property damage to homes and businesses on

the island of Mau'i in the Hawai'ian state.

Aug. 23, 2023

Heat advisory (Berrien, Cass, St. Joseph MI Counties) - 36 hours duration

 Wed. 8/23 Noon until Thursday 8/24 11:59 p.m.

High Temperatures and heat indices

Muggy and uncomfortable conditions

IF air temperature reaches or exceeds 97* F.

then a new record for this time of year may be met

or broken.

Monday, August 21, 2023

National Cinema Day - Aug. 27

2nd annual day sponsored by Cinema Foundation

all tickets $4 and less

in all formats (including Premium Large format screens)


Ukraine Society at U. Notre Dame - Independence Day will be 8/24/2023

Thursday Aug. 24, 2023

4 - 5:45 p.m. Nanovic Hall

Event features Ukrainian photos, art & cultural exhibits, songs & reflections.

During first hour at first floor of Nanovic Hall (Notre Dame, S. Bend, IN)

open exhibition, foods and beverages.

Back to School Bash (Buchanan Commons): today only (Munchie Monday)

August 21, 2023

4 - 7 p.m.

122 Days Avenue

HOME SOURCE GROUP & Local merchants in Buchanan, Michigan and donors

for this family-focused food/fun event for

Live music and Family Fun

ALSO: Ten Food Trucks including Carnival fare,

Soul Food, other tasty cuisine

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Oct. 1, 2023 -- Jimmy Carter will reach his 99th Birthday

He is receiving hospice care since earlier in 2023

Friday, August 18, 2023

White House state dinner (upcoming this autumn)

 in October 2023,

President Joe and Dr. Jill Biden will host as honored guests

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Albanese (Prime Minister of Australia).

1600 Pennsylvania, Washington, DC.

Fourth in his presidential term (online article by Peter Baker).

Happy 96th Birthday, Rosalynn (former FLOTUS)

 Today is Aug. 18, 2023

Mrs. Jimmy Carter (39th POTUS) is 96 years today 

(oldest of former FLOTUS: Hilary Clinton, Laura

Bush, Michelle Obama, Melania Trump)

She made historic commitments to mental health and making the world

a better place. 

The Carters founded an international center (along with Emory Univ., Atlanta, GA)

to wage peace, to fight disease, and builds hope worldwide in 1982;

President Carter served as the nation's Commander-in-Chief from Jan. 1977 - Jan. 1981

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Fusion Fest 2023

Sept. 9 - 10, 2023

Howard Park, South Bend, IN

brings together multi cuisine, Scottish highland games, Dragon

$30 for Food sampling (details / pre-registration)

Boat races

Pre-registration required

SOURCE: local NPR online article

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Parliament of Religions - Chicago, IL - Aug. 14-18, 2023

 McCormick Place Lakeside Center (Chicago, IL)

brings together faith and religious leaders

August 14 - 18, 2023 thousands of global attendees

only 5 of 106 fatalities in Mau'i firestorm catastrophe have been identifiable

SOURCE : CNN dot-com

Online article quotes Hawai'i Governor who was asked about remaining corpses to

be identified by DNA or other data

Wed. August 16, 2023

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

WCK (World Central Kitchen) supplies 1,000s of meals to those dispossessed, hungry at Lahaina, Maui

Since Wed. Aug. 9, the global cooperative charity / meal provider

has found local chef - food teams to provide to date 1,000s of meals




Hawai'i is so strong with ohana. It has been amazing to see the community

showing up for each other, no matter what.

National Back-to-School Prep Day

 Today TUESDAY 8/15/2023

What is a FRANK-mobile?

West Michigan stops for the national "Oscar Mayers" product in Summer, 2023 include

Dorr, MI

Allendale Charter Twp., MI

Holland, MI

Caledonia, MI

August 21 - 27, 2023 -- see details in MICHIGAN Live! onlne article

Monday, August 14, 2023

Their citizenship is in heaven - from J.B. Lightfoot transl. of EPISTLE to DIOGNETUS

ad Diogneto      Chapter 11, verses 1-17

For they (the Christians) dwell not somewhere in cities of their own,

neither do they use some different language,

nor practice an extraordinary kind of life.

Nor again do they possess any invention discovered by any

intelligence or study of ingenious men, nor are they masters of

any human dogma as some are.

But while they dwell in cities of Greeks and barbarians

as the lot of each is cast, and follow the native customs in

dress and food and the other arrangements of life,

yet the constitution of their own citizenship,

which they set forth, is marvelous,

and confessedly contradicts expectation.

They dwell in their own countries, but only as SOJOURNERS;

they bear their share in all things as citizens, and

they endure all hardships as strangers.

Every foreign country is a fatherland to them,

and every fatherland is foreign.

They marry like all others and they beget children;

but they do not cast away their offspring.

They have their meals in common, but not their wives.

They find themselves in the flesh,

and yet they live not after the flesh.

Their existence is on earth, but

their citizenship is in heaven.

They obey the established laws, 

and they surpass the laws in their own lives.

They love all and are persecuted by all.

They are ignored and yet they are condemned.

They are put to death, and yet they are endued with life.

They are in beggary, and yet they make many rich. . .

They are insulted, and they respect.

Doing good they are punished as evildoers;

being punished they rejoice, as if they

were thereby quickened by life.

War is waged against them as aliens by the Jews,

and persecution is carried on against them by the Greeks,

and yet those that hate them cannot tell the reason of their hostility"

BCYF (Berrien County Youth Fair, Berrien Springs, MI) - Sunday 8/13, 6 p.m.

 Tractor Pull is Sunday night

Monday - Saturday (8/14 - 19) 9 a.m. Gates open

until 10 p.m. nightly

Learn to play Chess - Youth Services NDL

 Saturday Aug. 19, 2023

10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

All ages and abilities are welcome at the Niles District Library

Main Street, Niles, MI 49120

Meet up in the Youth (Children's and Teen) Section.  Next Sat. a.m.

Judge Chutkan warns Trmp and Jack Smith (DOJ) to avoid inflammatory statements

Friday Aug. 11

Washington D.C. U.S. District Court judge Tanya Chutkan

warned both the three-time Indicted Trump and the prosecutors

against making "Inflammatory Statements" that might

intimidate witnesses or prejudice the jury pool.  More at THE HILL

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Fighter jet crashes in THUNDER over MICHIGAN Show, pilot ejects and safely lands

Ypsilanti, Michigan

the plane burst into flames when it hit the ground of a parking lot

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Thousands of rubber duckies

Were loosed on the Chicago River as a fundraiser Saturday

August 12, 2023

for Special Olympics in Chicago and Illinois.

This is an annual tradition

Apple Festival - Niles, Michigan annual fall homecoming/harvest event

 Friday Sept. 29, 2023

Saturday September 30, 2023

Sunday October 1, 2023

most if not all events are at Apple Festival Grounds

17th street at Lake Street (near High School

as well as Niles Airport)

Friday, August 11, 2023

Happy 850th birthday -- Tower of Pisa

 Foundation stone laid in 1173 A.D.

started to lean in 1275 a.d.

story about long history in CNN feature online article

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

August 26 (NBC sports programming) - for cable-less viewers

Notre Dame Fighting Irish (ranked #13 in Top 25 Pre-season)


Navy Midshipmen

1:30 p.m. (start) Eastern

from Sports stadium, Dublin, Ireland

Notre Dame's Men's FB Team - ranked in Coaches Pre-Season Poll


The "independent" team will meet up with 3 other 

top 25 teams

in September, October, & November 2023;

The first 2 scheduled are night games, beginning at 7:30 p.m.

UPDATE (Mid-August 2023) The Ohio State Univ. Team #3

in pre-season College FB Rankngs

#13 Notre Dame hosts OSU (#4) at South Bend, IN - Sept. 23

#13 Notre Dame will also host USC (#6) at S. Bend. - Oct. 14.

Nov. 4, 2023 Notre Dame travels to Clemson (#9). This game

start-time is TBD (to be determined).

Shakespeare plays - banned in Florida by administrators + Governor

NPR reports that "Romeo and Juliet" implies pre-marital sex and will

not be allowed to be used in its entirety by teachers and student-readers.

Also, the children's picture (AND TANGO MAKES THREE) is

fully banned for its coverage of a same-sex penguin couple that 

raise an abandoned egg / chick.

New National Monument - +1 million acres

 NPR coverage of POTUS Joe Biden visit to Grand Canyon

He met with tribal nations and conservationists Tuesday 8/8/2023

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Hiroshima A-bomb anniversary (Aug. 6 annually)

 from Reuters press service

Sunday 8/6/2023 article

Mayor of Hiroshima urged the abolition of nuclear weapons and called the Nuclear Detterence

Policy "folly"

Feast of the Transfiguration

 Today - Sunday, August 6, 2023

Saturday, August 5, 2023

National Sunflower Day

 August 5, 2023 (first Saturday annually in Summertime)

North Dakota landscape is awash with vibrant yellow

Chess Tournament (all ages) - must be Chess Federation member, all ages, admission free

 August 12, 2023

Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Niles District Library, Niles, MI

monthly Second saturday - UCF (United Chess Federation)

phone at Library (269-683-8545)

Friday, August 4, 2023

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

 August 5, 2023

Mrs. Field's and Insomnia Cookies deals for the Aug. 4-6 weekend

D.C. Judge warned DJT not to talk to witnesses

 Aug. 3, 2023

PBS Newshour coverage:

there was a back-and-forth between the prosecution and defense

over whether he could speak to his co-defendant

Walt Nauta, his valet.

The judge said Tr*mp could talk to Nauta, just not about the case.

If Tr*mp failed to comply with any conditions of his release,

a warrant for his arrest may be issued.

He agreed not to talk about the case with any witnesses who did

not have their lawyers present; not to attempt to influence 

any potential jurors, nor to tamper with witnesses.

Ocean Temperatures soared to highest record temperatures

CNN article (8/4/2023)

Average global ocean surface temperature hit 

20.96 degrees Celsius

at the end of July 2023.

Beating the previous record set in 2016 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Happy National Watermelon Day (Aug. 3 annually)

Brookfield Zoo near Chicago, IL

To celebrate, several animals enjoyed the summer fruit - 

western lowland gorillas, Galapagos tortoises, pygmy hippo

among many others

ABC competition-talent show "American Idol" auditions this month

 Monday August 7 in Michigan; Friday Aug. 18, 2023 in Indiana

from ABC-57 website (local south bend, IN affifliate)

End of Dog Days

July 3 - August 11, 2023

Old Farmer's Almanac

Maternal Health Care is disappearing (also NPR - WVPE online coverage)

 POLITICO online article

Access to maternal health care is disappearing in many parts of the country

also article by Brandon Smith IPB News

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Is there a National Dog Month?

annually August to honor

our love-able canine pals

Who is Tanya Chutkan?

 U.S. District Court Judge for the District of Columbia since 2014.

A Barack Obama appointee.

She has been assigned the case against former POTUS Tr*mp

four counts = conspiracy to defraud the United States

2) conspiracy to disrupt an official proceeding

3) obstruction and attempt an official proceeding

4) conspiracy against rights.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

31 days in August (every year)

August 1, 2023 = 35 web visits

August 2, 2023 = 32

August 3 = 20

August 4 = 13

Aug. 5 = 38

August 6  = 31

Aug. 7 = 23

8/8 = 33

Aug. 9 = 4

8/10 =18

8/11  = 18

Sat. 8/12 = 68

Sun. 8/13 = 15

8/14 = 28

tues. 8/15 = 92

8/16 = 91

8/17 = 229

8/18 = 165

8/19 = 1010

Aug. 20 = 807

8/21 = 1331

8/22 = 864

Wed. 8/23 = 58

8/24 = 347

Friday 25th = 510

Sat. 26th = 605

Sunday 8/27 = 884

8/28 = 640

8/29 = 1192

8/30 = 1629

8/31 = 3639

Entire Month =  14838 web visits

Monday, July 31, 2023

Riverfest 2023 (Niles, Michigan)

 August 3 - 6, 2023

Four days of free live music

Riverfront Park, Front street, Niles, MI Downtown near main streets

National Avocado Day

 Monday, July 31, 2023

Friday, July 28, 2023

Emmy Award Presentation

 FOX channel is set to postpone the 2022-23 Emmy Award ceremony and speeches

until Jan. 2024.

SOURCE: LA Times dot-com

The Melodious Faithful - speech given at NBTL (New Buffalo Twp)

Berrien County, MI

Pokagon Room of New Buffalo Twp. Library

6:30 p.m. Tuesday Aug. 1, 2023 Free Event

Brian Carroll, Ph. D. in history

He is the historian and archivist of Israelite House of David,

Benton Harbor, MI

National Chicken Wings Day

 Saturday July 29, 2023

Thursday, July 27, 2023

An Evening of Shakespeare

Potawatomi Park, South Bend Indiana

Chris Wilson Pavilion, bring a lawn chair or blanket for seating

"Midsummer's Night Dream" preview

FREE Community Foundation

Sat. July 29, 2023

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Strike averted (Noon, 7/25/2023)

according to reporting from 

United Parcel Service (UPS) and the Teamsters Union announced today

a tentative collective bargaining contract; UPS CEO ssaid

Together we reached a win-win-win agreement. . .

When is the "Welcome Back Fair" for undergraduate students (I.U.S.B.)?

August 21, 2023

10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Campus Mall, IUSB (South Bend, IN)

Meet and talk with student clubs, school departments,

local business, and so forth.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Blue Moon (5th wednesday, 2023)

Blue Moon (Aug. 30, 2023)

Second full moon in this month (31 days)

9:36 p.m. Eastern

at full illumination

NDL (Niles Michigan) Library Friends Book Sale - Sat. 8/12/2023

August 12, 2023

10 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Rucilla Room (Basement, accessible by elevator)

Library Friends offer library removed/withdrawn books,

fiction & non-fiction / adult; YA; children's

50 cents paperback and $1 hardback

Niles, Michigan near downtown, Main Street

phone for details 269-683-8545

FLOTUS to attend UNESCO Ceremony in Paris, France

story covered in ABC affiliate (S. Bend, IN) : 

FLOTUS Jill Biden will attend this week the re-dedication to the

U.N. agency (UNESCO) - cultural and re-affirm the national

commitment to international preservation and upholding of

global values and civilization.

Island of Rhodes (July 2023 news)

 source: ABC News website

Greek authorities evacuate 19,000 island residents as wildfire blazes on Rhodes.

Fires burn for a sixth day on three fronts.

266 firefighters and 49 engines on the ground were joined with five helicopters

and 10 planes - 7 Greek, two Turkish, and one Croatian helped to put out wildfires.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Life Run 5K - July 30 (Sunday) at new Sylvester Arena, B. Springs MI

here is the sign-up 

for the Sunday 7/30/2023 - 9 a.m. until finish 10 a.m.


5K registration

and t-shirt before Friday 28th online

11:59 p.m. costs $30 ; Michiana Timing for official time

at newly completed Sylvester Arena, Track facility

also Free Family one-mile walk at 10 - 11 a.m.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Africa University (new email platform)

SOURCE: Africa University Development Office

Africa University, Harare, Zimbabwe

The AUDO (Africa University Development Office) and

Africa University (Tennessee, PO BOX 340007, Zip 37203, Nashville TN)

announce a new email platform:  @africau dot-org

New email addresses are 

first initial + surname @

for example

Please take a moment to update your address book 

or whitelist our new email addresses to avoid missing

any important updates from AFRICA UNIVERSITY

in the future.  Q/A at U.S. telephone (615)-340-7438.

Boil Water Advisory issued for Niles Charter Twp. and Bertrand Twp. near Niles, MI (Berrien County)

source WNDU dotcom (NBC affiliate)

July 19, 2023

Rural township residences warned to boil water and 

to abstain from drinking from the tap.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Oppenheimer Festival in Los Alamos, NM

source: ABC news online article

City of Los Alamos sponsors a festival honoring the Manhattan Project founder

July 20-31, 2023

The county's project Oppenheimer began in early 2023. . .

Niles (MI) Burn Run for injured child victims of fires ; July 28-30, 2023

for 2023 - events at Riverside Park, Niles, MI

30-mile Motorcycle Ride accompanied by police vehicles and fire trucks

Car Show


Food Trucks

+1,000 participants in "Burn Run 2023"

Pvt. Travis King

The calvary scout, U.S. Army since 2021, has had no deployments. 

He crossed willingly across DMZ

between N. Korea and S. Korea

He had served 47 days in S. Korea Detention following altercation with local citizens.

He is 23 years old and his mother in the U.S. had no idea that he would cross the DMZ.

more about the Army scout's history of assaults =


 Niles, MI

Three-day festival - opens on August 4, 2023; also Saturday 8/5 and Sunday 8/6

at Niles Riverfront Park, Front Street and Main Street

Funfoods (Optimist Club, FaceBook page)

National Hot Dog Day (July 19 annually)

 July 19, 2023

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

4th Sunday - Farmer's Market (2nd street, Niles, Michigan)

11:00 a.m. - 3 p.m.


end of mid-summer (July 23, 2023)

These homegrown and farm-harvested / home kitchen

foods and products are mid-day on 2nd & 4th Sundays.

The nightly market is on the first Wednesdays

(July - September).

Sunday, July 16, 2023

National Ice Cream Day (16 July)

 Today is National Ice Cream Day at

Dairy Queen

for those with the DQ App.

$1 off a Dipped Cone

Sunspot activity is peaking

CNN article on astronomy and solar system physics

those dark regions (Sunspots) can reach the comparable size of Planet earth;

sunspots are driven by the sun's strong and constantly shifting magnetic fields.

Air Quality Alert Action (days of July 16-17)

Due to smoke from western and central Canadian wildfires, 

National Weather and Atmospheric Centers

urge the very young, the elderly, and those vulnerable to asthma and COD

to limit activity in the open air and prolonged outdoor exertion;

DUE to elevated levels of fine particulates

begins with sunrise until 11:59 p.m. Tuesday(Midnight)

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Smash Mouth (80's classic rock group) cancels Aug. 12 Music Festival (S. Bend, IN Cubs Field)

posted at WSBT (CBS, Fox, Sinclair TV outlet - affiliate)

Due to unforeseeable circumstances, the promoter of "Smash Mouth" 

has cancelled its appearance-concert August 12, 2023 

at Four Winds Field (South Bend, IN Cubs minor

league Baseball venue). 

With format change ticket price will be $15 plus $2 fee;

gates open at 6 p.m.

In its place will be

the 1985

totally 1980s music tribute.

see further details here

National Pet FIRE SAFETY Day (July 15 annually)

Keeping Your Pet/s Safe in Heat -- make sure it/they has water

Israel's Prime Minister rushed to Sheba Medical Center (7/15)

 source: NY Times online article

73-year-old Benjamin Netanyahu was urged by his personal physician to check in

at Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv, Israel after reporting mild diziness.

He had spent Friday 14 July at the Sea of Galilee in Northern Israel

where the temperature reached 100 degrees F.

Initial assessment was dehydration.

Le 14 juillet, le Fete Nationale (national day in France)

Everything is closed on Bastille Day (14 Juillet)

Military parades / Paris' fireworks

Friday, July 14, 2023

Full Moon (August 1, 2023)

The full Sturgeon moon for August this year will be visible

on rising at 2:32 p.m. Eastern Time for peak illumination.

St. Swithin's Day (July 15 annually)

 Old Farmer's Almanac

a beloved bishop of Winchester, England (9th Century) whose request

was that he be buried in the churchyard - to be close to the people and

the gift of God (rainfall).  This wish was honored until A.D. 862 and

very old/odd Scottish proverb was enacted:  St. Swithin's

Day if thou dost rain,

for Forty Days it will remain.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Under this pulpit are buried the remains of George Whitefield

 Old South Church of Newburyport, NJ

UM Pastor preaches weekly in pulpit under which

historic preacher/evangelist George Whitefield is buried

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Tornado Watch (Berrien and Cass Counties, Michigan)

Tornado watch

Wed. 8 p.m. July 12, 2023

until Thursday 3 a.m. July 13

issued by National Weather Service for this county and many

nearby in Michigan and Indiana and N. Ohio

Living A Good Life (Lucinda Williams' 2023 autobiography)


Pages 251-3 (Don't Tell Anyone the secrets I Told You)

Read. . .Sylvia Plath & Anne Sexton

Listen to Coltrane, Nina Simone, Hank Williams, Loretta Lynn,

Miles Davis, Woody Guthrie. . .

Drive across America.  Ride trains.  Fly to countries beyond your

comfort zone.  Try different things. . .

Speak with your neighbors.

Practice civil disobedience.

Try new resistance.

Be part of the solution, not the problem.

Don't litter the earth . . . Care for her,

Learn another language.

Treat your friends with kindness.

Do not fear death / Do not fear the reaper.

Visit the desert.

Go to the zoo.

Go to a country fair.

Slow down for skateboarders.


Read the Bible.

Read the Bhagavad Gita.

Wear beads.

Watch a caterpillar in the sun.

ISBN 9780593136492

Her book is published in 2023 by Crown.

The Emmy Awards (to be awarded September this year)

 September 18, 2023

Emmy Nominations (2022-23 season): Reality/Competition and talk series

announced in CNN (only 2 categories on major traditional networks):

Outstanding reality/competition series

The Amazing Race

RuPaul's Drag Race


Top Chef

The Voice

Outstanding talk series

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Late Night with Seth Myers

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

The Problem with Jon Stewart

Chicago Restaurant (49 E. Cermak) to observe Mac 'n Cheese Day with BOGO

SOURCE: Chicago Food Magazine (July 2023)

Chef Damarr Brown is offering only at TOP THIS Mac N' Cheese

Buy One, Get One

on July 14, 2023 (National Macaroni and Cheese Day)

The varieties are:

Classic Mac,

Chicken Mac,

Vegetable Mac, 

Pork Mac,

Shrimp Mac, 

Beef and Gravy Mac.

Priced from $14 - 18.

Four-page handwritten (Holographic) document should serve as Franklin's will


estate distribution before Probate Judge and Jury Tuesday 7/11

details at NY TIMES feature-news article

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Free Slurpee on 7-11 (July 11) in honor of 7/11 Convenience stores nationwide

Grab a free slurpee today in honor of stores = 7-11 and Speedway and Stripes convenient stop-and-go

It's all in celebration of the original 7 - 11 store, 96th anniversary of founding.  In last 21 years

(since 2002) the Slurpee give-away has become a "summer staple".

Monday, July 10, 2023

Joint-replacement solutions (Orthopedic specialists)

 Corewell Health Orthopedic Specialists across SouthWest Michigan


45-minute community seminar for those who experience joint pain

LATEST techniques for addressing hip, knee, and shoulder pain

HOW less-invasive surgical solutions are providing higher

quality outcomes for treating arthritis and worn-out joints

4 seminars (Van Buren county at South Haven, MI)

(Berrien, Coloma Public Library)

(Berrien, St. Joseph, at Corewell Health Hospital

formerly Spectrum Health Lakeland hospital) 6 p.m. Tues. 7/25

Niles (formerly Spectrum Southwestern

2002 S. 11th Street, Niles, Michigan)

now called COREWELL Health Care Center

Thursday 7/27/2023 at 6 p.m.

Reserve your spot at web sign-up

Also, walk-ins welcome.

U.S. 12, M-60 pavement repairs (July 10 beginning)

 from St. Joseph - Benton Harbor HERALD-PALLADIUM (southwest MICHIGAN)

14.8 miles of pavement on U.S. 12 between M-139

and Leet Road

in both Berrien and Cass Counties.

Estimated date of completion is Oct. 20, 2023.

EXPECT single-lane closures and total closures over summer and fall weeks.

Do I need to buy 3-cent stamps to make new 66-cent postal rate hike (July 9)?

The FOREVER stamp, sold at post offices and other vendors,

will cost 66 cents from those sellers; the previous "Forever" can be

used on first-class mail (1 oz.) as the Postal Service honors the

variable-rate stamps.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Aretha Franklin's will dividing her houses, cars, wealth - 2010 versus 2014 documents

Matters for PROBATE Court judge and jury :

 Ms. Aretha Franklin, music genius-performer-composer, died Aug. 16, 2018.

She left separate documents

favoring eldest versus younger offspring. One on spiral notebook was

found under a couch cushion.  She had signed all of the pages of that

handwritten document.

The world-renowned Memphis-born singer (Queen of Soul) died 

at her Detroit area home

after an extended illness, having lost her battle with pancreatic cancer at age 76.

NY TIMES Sunday July 9, 2023 article describes competition for authentication

Trial at Pontiac, Michigan USA to begin Monday 7/10/2023

Northern Lights made visible by solar storm (17 states including Michigan)

 "The Hill" summary article (online

Forecasters expect the display on Thursday July 13, 2023

Aurora Borealis Lights

Saturday, July 8, 2023

National Macaroni & Cheese Day

 July 14 (Annually)

This year 7/14/2023 (Friday)

Local and county Library branches & centers accept Donated Books; who else?

What if a Friends organization no longer exists in your 

Public Library / loaning library system?

Where might you donate books that are suitable to other 

readers / students / professionals

(Educators, researchers, et cetera)?

Public and Private schools

Teachers, hospitals, Thrift stores,

Shelters, Retirement homes, assisted 
living facilities,

Literacy programs, after-school programs, 

daycare, armed forces charities, 
"Little Free Library" (this web link has helpful 


When does part II of Summer Session at Notre Dame (S. Bend, IN) conclude this mid-summer?

Last required class attendance day is =

July 21, 2023

all on-campus departments

Dowagiac, MI Public Library fundraiser

 Weekend of June 14 - 17 (Friday, Saturday, Monday only)

Hosted by the "Ladies Library Association" in the

Library Community Room

Friday 6/14 from  9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Saturday 6/15 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Monday 6/17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Bag Sale)

211 Commercial street,  Dowagiac, MI (Cass County)

Details see FaceBook page or dial 269-782-3826

Prime Minister Mark Rutte resigns to King of Netherlands - immigration debate

Friday July 7, 2023

CNN report on 10-year tenure of coalition government led by P.M. Rutte

will end, triggering elections this fall.  The disputes inside the coalition are 

over measures to restrict immigration . . .

further in NYTimes dot-com online article Sat. July 8 -- P. Minister has resigned

Friday, July 7, 2023

Relay for Life (Childhood Cancer benefit at county location, SW Michigan)

 July 29 (Saturday) 2023

at Lakeshore High school, Stevensville, Michigan

see faceBook details

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Edinburgh, Scotland (Royal Residence) : Holyrood

 Visit Scotland:

Week of July 2 - 6, 2023

visits of King and Queen (Charles & Camilla)

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Who is Ulf Kristersson?

 He is the Prime Minister of Sweden who will meet with President Biden (POTUS 46)

today (Wed. 7/5/2023) beginning a week of diplomacy by the two leaders

to persuade opponents to allow the Nordic nation to join NATO.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

New Location

 for South Bend, Indiana 

Medical Foundation

3355 Douglas Road, South Bend

Appointments welcome and walk-ins

encouraged with screening and health check

Most Dangerous Holiday of the Year - South Bend (IN) Med. Rsch. Foundation

As health officials treat those injured over the long Fourth of July holiday,

there is a sharp increase requiring medical attention.

The blood supply organization for N. Indiana and SW Michigan will

offer from July 1 until July 8 a Blood Donor Beach Towel and

a $10 gas card from Speedway.  Your help is requested before and after

July 4 !!!

New President ( - Seventh Day Adventist university, SW Michigan

Office of the President

New official began work July 1, 2023

John Wesley Taylor V

He previously served as Professor and Dean of Southern Adventist

University School of Education & Psychology

National Archives in D.C. - Declaration of Independence signed by Continental Congress

 Adopted on July 4, 1776

Alfonso Ribeiro

Tuesday evening 7/4/2023

PBS Network

A CAPITOL FOURTH, annual variety show

this year hosted by TV Judge and Host of America's Funniest Videos


Musical acts to include =

Boyz II Men, Belinda Carlisle,

Chicago, Renee' Fleming,

BabyFace, Charles Esten;

also, The MUPPETS,

"A Beautiful Noise" Broadway musical,

8 p.m. Eastern (LIVE)

Zelensky to U.S. Government and citizens: We are grateful

July 4, 2023

Wall St.  Journal and The Hill online article

UKRAINE is grateful to the United States of America

for providing both Support and an Example of liberty . . .

The Kyiv leader harkened back to the nation's founding

as "the greatest attempt in history to rid mankind of tyranny" . . .

Monday, July 3, 2023

July 8, 10 a.m. at Niles District Library RUCILLA ROOM (2nd Saturday)

Benefit fundraiser for the Friends of the Niles (Michigan) community library 

and the "History Center" buildings (Fort St. Joseph Museum + Chapin Mansion)  

& Programming

10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Eastern

Monthly 2nd Saturday used and contributed book and media items on sale

620 E. Main Street, Niles, MI 49120

Phone for details and specific directions


Sunday, July 2, 2023

July's Supermoon will be 14,000 miles closer to earth than most lunar events

CNN article on Astronomy and Moon-watching

The full moon will rise on July 3 at 7 a.m. and will appear to be

brighter in the sky than any other event thus far this year.

Cass County (Michigan: Cassopolis) County Fair (July 30 - August 5, 2023)

SW Michigan fair held annually

Website has attractions and annual special fair activities

What did King Willem-Alexander do on the 160th anniversary of Slavery's abolition?

 the HILL report

The King of Netherlands' monarchy,Willem-Alexander, apologized 

for the Netherlands

role in the slave trade (up to 1863) and transporting against 

their will, the slave populations of

S. America and the Caribbean (Aruba, Curacao, Sint Maarten, Sint Eustathius, other islands).

Saturday, July 1, 2023

When are the 40 days of astronomical "Dog Days"?

 July 3 - August 11 annually

the most sultry days of the summer season

they conclude with the heliacal (at sunrise) rising of the 

Dog Star, Sirius.

For the ancient Egyptians, the star SIRIUS

appeared just before the Nile's flooding,

so they used the star as a "WatchDog" for that flooding.

Canada Day (July 1) - national holiday for Canadians with this name since 1982

 Today commemorates the creation of the Dominion

of Canada.

on July 1, 1867 the British North American Act

established "One Dominion under the name of CANADA"

Judge orders +$1 million to be paid by Proud Boys to AME Church, D.C. for destructive acts

 July 1, 2023

Members of the right-wing extremist group, the Proud Boys, 

were ordered by D.C. Superior Court judge Neal E. Kravitz 


AME (African Methodist Episcopal) 

CHURCH for destruction of property

Dec. 2020.  SOURCE: CNN online article

Friday, June 30, 2023

Website Visits (July 1 - 31) - Year 2023

July 1, 2023 = 149

Sunday July 2 (Independence Weekend) = 258

Monday July 3 (Monday before Independence Day) = 423

Total Visits = 8525 web visits (July 1 - 31)

Independence Day 7/4 = 439

7/5 = 539 web visits

July 6 = 448

July 7 = 501

July 8 = 436

July 9 = 227

July 10 = 117

July 11 = 32

July 12 = 88

July 13 = 16

July 14 = 11

July 15 = 79

July 16 = 32

July 17 = 17

July 18 = 940

July 19 =  1554

July 20 = 1289

July 21 = 566

July 22 = 15

July 23 = 30

July 24 = 23

July 25th = 40

July 26 = 110

7/27 = 30

Friday 7/28 = 30

Sat. 29th July = 9

7/30 = 6

Last day of Month (Monday 7/31) = 62

New "Move-Over" law for drivers -- state of IN highways and roads

As of July 1, 2023

a new law enforced by IN State Police

will require drivers to move over 

and reduce their speeds for 

disabled vehicles displaying "Hazard"

blinking lights on the side of roads & highways.

Violators of this new law could have their license

suspended for up to 2 years and have to pay $1,000

for the offense.

from ABC 57 dot-com "News" (June 30, 2023)

Holyrood Week - crowning of new monarch in Scotland (early July)

Scotland will celebrate the accession of a new monarch on 

Wed. July 5, 2023 during Holyrood Week which takes place 

annually and customarily sees the monarch travel to several 

regions of the country. SOURCE: CNN article

a People's Procession, a Royal Procession, 

and a national Service of Thanksgiving

at St. Giles' Cathedral the Honours of Scotland 

will be presented to the King (crown jewels)

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Severe Thunderstorm Watch (Thurs. evening)

until 8 p.m. Eastern Time

National Weather Service has issued a Severe Thunderstorm

WATCH for N. Indiana and SW Michigan (including Berrien county)

after 6 p.m.   Be aware of changing conditions and how to take shelter

during weather extremes / high winds / hail.

Thursday June 29, 2023

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Dense Smoke Advisory (June 28 -29, 2023); Air Quality Alert until Friday 12 a.m. Eastern

 Wed. 6/28

From 1 p.m. Wed. - 1 p.m. Thursday

A "dense smoke advisory" for Berrien County, MI has been

issued by the National Weather Service

Canadian wildfires are again bringing down U.S. Air Quality

 Wed. June 28, 2023 (The Hill online article)

Detroit Michigan's air quality reached unhealthy levels today --

the worst in the country.

EPA Air Quality Indicator marked the East Michigan metropolis' air


Full Buck Moon - July 3, 2023

According to Old Farmer's Almanac

the July Full Moon will rise on Monday July 3, 2023

at 7:39 a.m. Eastern Time.

July's Full Buck Moon is technically bigger and brighter

as one of the supermoons of 2023.

Henry VIII Prayer Book translated by his wife Katharine Parr had annotations/doodles

 Henry VIII who ruled from 1509 until his death 1547

made annotations in 1544 in "Psalms or Prayers" translated by his sixth

and final wife, Katharine Parr.

The doodles or annotations reveal the monarch's anguish over his death

and past actions.

He left marginalia called manicules and trefoils. . .

details SOURCE: CNN online article

4th of July weekend (Fri. - Tues 11:59 p.m.)

June 30, 2023 (last Friday this month)

until July 4 fireworks on a Tuesday this year

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

RedBud National Motocross (Buchanan, MI) weekend of July 2023

 Details of event history

Monday, June 26, 2023

Silent auction for Carter Center work raises $2,392,385 for global peace & health work

 Online summary

Biggest ticket item was portfolio from supporters of human rights (Bob Dylan, et al.)


Also sold was an oil painting (2013) by former POTUS Jimmy Carter $225,000

$20,000 bid for signed guitar from Don Henley of the Eagles (Rock-folk group)

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Risk of Severe Thunderstorm ; Tornado Watch (Berrien & Cass Counties)

National weather service warns of Severe Thunderstorm risk

today (esp. this afternoon) - Tornado Watch 1 p.m. - 8 p.m.

PREPARE to take shelter if necessary

Sunday, June 25, 2023

35th Annual Car Show - Saint Mary's campus - Sunday 6/25/2023

35th Annual Brits Car Show for Michiana owners and fans

registration at the campus parking lots / Dollaway Field for the event 8 - 11 a.m.

Free Admission / Food Trucks 

Details here

Friday, June 23, 2023

Repaired portion of I-95 reopens early

The damaged part of Interstate (I-95) near Philadelphia, PA 

which collapsed Friday June 9, 2023

has been repaired and reopened 

according to Gov. Josh Shapiro (D- PA) 

"We showed the nation

what Philadelphia and Pennsylvania are all about."  

Six lanes have been opened to commuters and 

local motorists. . . MORE in CNN online article

2023 Kennedy Center Honoree Class of new inductees

Queen Latifah

Billy Crystal

Renee' Fleming

Barry Gibb

Dionne Warwick.

The concert/honoring event at the D.C. Performing arts center will take

place on 12/3/2023 and CBS will air highlights later that month.

John Cougar Mellencamp (June 23 & 24 only)

 Two live, in-person concerts in "Farewell Tour"

Friday June 23

Sat. June 24, 2023

at Morris Performing Arts Center, South Bend, IN

8 p.m.

Tickets sold in advance $69.50 - $139.50

Platinum seating already SOLD OUT

Guests at Biden-Modi State Dinner (White House tradition) - June 22 evening

Story published by NY Times on Friday June 23, 2023

Indra Nooyi, former chief executive of Pepsi;

Mukesh Ambani, philanthropist billlionaire;

Vimal Kapur, chief executive of Honeywell;

Tim Cook of Apple / James Murdoch of media empire / Spkr. Kevin McCarthy + dau.-in-law

Steve Scalise (GOP leadership in House, Louisiana)

Stuffed portabello and risotto (Main Course) - State Dinner at White House for India's P.M. Modi

 from National Public Radio (June 23)

A gala dinner for 400 VIP Guests is the highlight

for Prime Minister Narenda Modi who is himself a vegetarian. . . Millet is a main feature in the menu

nodding to India's efforts to make 2023 the "Year of the Millet".

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Coast Guard concludes that submersible on expedition to TITANIC imploded

 from  ABC News (local affiliate ABC 57, S. Bend, IN)

The TITANIC-bound submersible that went missing Sunday June 18, 2023

with a crew of 5 onboard suffered a "catastrophic implosion" killing 

everyone on board. . .Earlier Thursday (today) the Coast Guard 

located a debris field in the

search area near TITANIC that has been assessed 

to be from the external body of the submersible.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Air Quality Alert (S. Berrien County, MI) - end of June 2023

Today and tomorrow (June 21, 22, 27, 28 and more dates)

Smoke and particulate matter from Canadian wildfires

Action Days for elevated levels of ozone.

Avoid activities like refueling gas into vehicles and gas-powered

mowers, using charcoal lighter fluid, and using gas-powered

lawn equipment.

Patients with asthma are urged to limit prolonged outdoor


Until 12:01 a.m. EDT Friday June 23, 2023

Fort St. Joseph (Archaeology dig) at Niles, Michigan (1st Sat. August 2023)

 August 5, (Saturday) 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Facebook page -- WMU Fort St. Joseph, Archaeology department

1415 Bond St., Niles, MI 49120

NPR coverage at Stonehenge, U.K. for Summer Solstice 2023

Curious alliance of druids, hippies, local residents, and tourists

gathered around a stone circle on a plain in southern England

to express their devotion to the sun. . .

80 miles (128 kilometres) from London

events started at 7 p.m. Tuesday until 8 a.m. Wednesday

State Dinner (White House) - Biden to host President of India

 who: Narendra Modi

when: Thurs. 6/23/2023

before this S. Asian leader (biggest democracy on earth) is feted, since Jan. 2021 the Bidens have hosted

ally E. Macron of France

and Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea.

DETAILS in Politico online article

15 hours and 12 minutes

 Duration of sunlight (sunrise to sunset) on the significant date 

of SUMMER SOLSTICE 2023 (Wed. June 21)

Longest day of the year - light during day hours

First Day of astronomical summer 2023

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Tribute Show - Lerner Theater, Elkhart, IN (Tina Turner singer-dancer)

 from WNDU TV web article (South Bend, IN NBC affiliate)

Tickets are now on sale for the Dec. 9, 2023 show at 7:30 p.m.

Lerner Theater is 410 S. Main Street, Elkhart, IN

It is a nationwide tour of "One Night of Tina" including popular

hits like: "Proud Mary,"

"What's Love Got to do with it"

"Private Dancer"

"Simply the Best".

Monday, June 19, 2023

When is Michigan's Longest Garage Sale event this summer? U.S. 12 from Detroit to New Buffalo

 For 2023,

the dates are Friday August 11, Saturday Aug. 12, and Sunday August 13

See this "Heritage Trail" dot-org explanatory web posting =

Today - Juneteenth at Niles, MI

 Plym Park

3 - 8 p.m.

Honoring black businesses like "She-Boss Oasis" (coaching and spa programming);

food, drink, music

For all ages

Juneteenth: history of a holiday

 NY TIMES online article/background piece

First observed in June 1865 at Texas

union general Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston to tell

enslaved African Americans of their freedom and that the

Civil War had ended.

Details at above weblink

Sunday, June 18, 2023

2024 State Primaries to select Presidential "winner"

 the HILL website

article on SC (South Carolina's bid to become the first in the nation) choosing Feb. 24, 2024

Opposition will be forthcoming from IA and NH (Iowa and New Hampshire)

U.P. man arrested after threatening mass shooting at E. Lansing (MI) synagogue

Friday June 16, 2023

Seann Pietila was charged with transmitting a threat to harm / injure others;

he had a NAZI flag, "11ish" guns including an AR-15. . .Details at MLive

Saturday, June 17, 2023

What does "Davy Jones" mean in PIRATE-speak?

Tobias Smollett wrote in Peregrine Pickel - he was a surgeon's Second Mate in the Royal Navy:

This same Davy Jones,

according to the mythology of sailors,

is the fiend that presides 

over all the evil spirits of the deep,

and is often seen in various shapes, 

perching among

the rigging on the eve of hurricanes, 

ship-wrecks, and other disasters

to which sea-faring life is exposed, 

warning the devoted wretch

of death and woe. . ."

From the ANNOTATED Treasure Island (2014) text by R.L. Stevenson and notes/intro.

by Simon Baker-Benfield ISBN is 9781937075019

Postal Rate increase (at July 9 up 3 cents to 66 cents for a "Forever" Stamp,63%20cents%20to%2066%20cents.

New Rates approved by Postal Commission to take effect July 9, 2023

Increase of 3 cents from 63 cents to 66 cents for a First Class FOREVER stamp.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Niles, MI "Homegrown Market" 1st Wed. July - Sept. // 2nd and 4th Sundays midday

first farmer's market is July 5 from 5  - 8 p.m.

Second Street Parking Lot, Niles City Hall vicinity

nightly hours at July , August,  September

First Wednesday evenings

2nd and 4th Sundays 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Second st. Parking lot, Niles Downtown

Sacred Art Show - June 10 - 20, 2023 Grand Rapids First UMC

MICHIGAN UMC Online article

"Celebration of the Arts" since 1974

Visual and performing arts

any work that expresses a sacred or spiritual quality

Grand Rapids, MI

Pope Francis - leaves Rome, Italy hospital

 News from Vatican City

Pope Francis, 86, has left the hospital following treatment June 16, 2023; his audiences

for the weekend of June 17-18 are cancelled.  Nine days of treatment for a incisional hernia.

Details / source at New York TIMES:

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

World blood donor Day - June 14 annually

 Today Wed. June 14 is "World Blood Donor" Day; its motto is

Give Blood, Give Plasma, Share Life, Share Often

SALUTE today blood donors and ask others to join in support

of local and regional blood supplies!


American author of novels (settings in American West) - died in Santa Fe, NM

The family and publishing employees for the award winning author

Cormac McCarthy

have announced that he passed away on Tuesday June 13, 2023.

Obituary for the 89-year-old and private funeral details to be announced when finalized.

Flag Day

 Annually the day to honor the American Flag is;

June 14.

Last Day of School Year: Edwardsburg, Benton Harbor (SW Michigan districts)

 today, June 14 is the final day for school required attendance at

Cass County district: Village of Edwardsburg

Berrien County district: City of Benton Harbor


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Secretary Buttigieg visits Philadelphia scene of Bridge collapse (I-95),repaired%20as%20soon%20as%20possible.

NBC TV web article (June 13, 2023)

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg promised to help repair the East Coast's main

North-South highway as quickly as possible.

PENN DOT (Dept. of Transportation) expects to present a reconstruction plan

for I-95 on Wed. 6/14/2023

Who is Todd Blanche?

Attorney for the twice-impeached, today indicted Former president Tr*mp

He said in Miami (FL) federal court today, "We most certainly enter a plea of not guilty."

source = Washington POST website 

Former President twice-impeached today Arrested and Indicted re:37 counts of mishandling

 from CNN (June 13, mid-afternoon)

place: Federal Courthouse in Miami, FL

Tr*mp is to be arraigned on charges of mishandling secret, classified documents

His and aide's (Walt Nauta's) mug shots will not be immediately available, under DOJ Rules.

Monday, June 12, 2023

PA's governor Josh Shapiro to issue emergency declaration after weekend collapse of I-95 bridge

 details at CNN article

On Monday June 12, the disaster declaration by the PA governor will expedite federal assistance

The collapse was from a truck / transport carrying petroleum that caught on fire

Only one vehicle and an unknown number inside are the injured/ killed citizens.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Sundae Fun Day (Downtown Niles, MI Merchants) June 11

 noon - 4 p.m.

Paint your own sundae dish at Bee Crafty (Main Street merchant)

and get FREE Ice Cream the way you like.

Purchase required.

Part of Downtown Merchant Crawl 2023

June 11 midday

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Flag Day 3 p.m. Parade (prior weekend) - June 11 this year

 Three Oaks, Michigan annual townwide event honors:

American Flag, Veterans, Active military.

Check-in and line-up 1 p.m.

3 p.m. at corner of Buckeye and Elm streets

Berrien County mid-June 5K Run / Walk ($40 registration)

 9 a.m. Associated with Three Oaks, Michigan Flag Day celebration

Carver Park

corner of Locust and Nel's Drive

Free Parking; T-Shirt; Refreshments; Finisher medal; Top Male/Female award

Timing and scoring by Mac's Sports Timing 

Friday, June 9, 2023

Free Fishing Weekend (June 10-11)

 The Michigan Dept. of Nat. Resources has announced

at State Parks there will be a "Free Fishing Weekend"

on Sat. and Sun. June 10-11, 2023.

Details at Leader Pub dot-com (Berrien & Cass counties)

Thursday, June 8, 2023

John Wesley and the Great Tradition - June 22, 2023 - United Theol Sem. Dayton

 What was John Wesley's relationship to Early Christianity? How was Wesley's work

shaped by his study of historic Christianity? 

Thurs. June 22, 2023 Noon - 1 p.m.

Prof. Justus Hunter of UTS - Dayton, OH

Interactive webinar filled with learning and discussion time with an

outstanding Wesley Studies Scholar.

$15 for registration - email confirmation and Zoom link for the webinar

Air Quality Alert (Southern Berrien county)

 June 8 - 9 (until noon Friday), 2023

Michigan dept. of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

has declared that all day Thursday and friday until noon

to be an ACTION DAY

for elevated levels of ozone.

Avoid activities like refueling vehicles, using gas-power equipment, using charcoal lighter fluid.

Blood Drive (Wed. June 21) - Versiti

 Noon - 5:30 p.m.

Lakeland Hospital, Niles MI 

Large meeting room

Register ahead by calling 866-642-5663

Donate blood to keep local and area hospitals supplied

for surgical transfusions, bleeding disorders, and other uses of blood supply

Brandywine (Niles Township, MI) school district begins break

 Last day of 2022 - 23 school year is Thursday June 8 for

Brandywine Elementary, Middle, and High School

students and staff.  Have a good summer until Labor Day

return to classrooms and learning with your teachers

and staff.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

A Time of Love, a Time of Peace (Ecclesiastes 3:8)

 web page to help you find needed information

Annual Conference 2023

IL Great Rivers Conference (central and entire Southern IL churches

of United Methodist affiliation

Plenary sessions and worship (Annual conference 2023 for IL Great Rivers, Un. Methodist)

 Use this web page to click on the 

regular session June 8 - 10 (Thurs. - Sat.) 2023

beginning 10 a.m. June 8

and concluding Noon Sat. June 10 with Bishop Beard

preaching and conducting Ordinations/Commissioning

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Where is St. Anselm's Institute of Politics (site of political announcement) - former Gov. of NJ

 St. Anselm College

100 Saint Anselm Drive 

Manchester, NH

It was founded on the premise that an educated citizenry is vital

for a healthy democracy.

Institute founded 2001; founded by the Order of St. Benedict

IUSB sponsors at June 17, 11 a.m. "Pride Festival"

 Celebrate Pride with Indiana Univ. South Bend! Stop by our Potawatomi Park

table to learn more about our programs and resources from alumni

and resource staff.

11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Care Talks :Raising Children with Disabilities / Keeping your child safe

IUSB (Indiana University at South Bend IN)

sponsored by Human Resources

1 - 2 p.m. Tuesday June 13, 2023

Event is free and concerns:

Tips on protecting children from abduction, abuse,

and school violence.

Second of seven lectures in 2023 series

Summer Session (June 2023)

 When does Univ. of Notre Dame have "Summer School"?

Monday June 12 is the first day of attendance (courses are compacted

and assignments / exams are done over 5-day scheduling rather

than twice a week (M W & Tu Th) as in usual semester.

June 12 - July 21, 2023

six week session (include Friday July4)

Davenport, Iowa Building Collapse (discovery of all three who died May 28) remains located by June 5

Three who dieed in Davenport Apartment building

Brandon Colvin, Sr.

Ryan Hitchcock

Daniel Prien.

All resided at the Davenport IA Apartments ( a 6-story building built in 1916)

Details covered in DES MOINES REGISTER online article

Monday, June 5, 2023

Pickle Festival (mid-June 2023) Berrien Springs, MI (Berrien county)

 Pickle Run and Walk (5K)

June 18 - from downtown to Andrews Univ. campus

T-shirt & finisher's medal to all pre-registered

Pickleball Tournament - Sunday 6/18

3 p.m. at high school Tennis courts

Scavenger Hunt, Vendor Alley, Pickle fling, Big Wheel,

Pickled Piper Tasting Room. more

Nature Get-aways in Michigan

 Author Ron Rademacher will present a talk on Monday

June 5 at the Niles District Library community room from 6 - 7 p.m.

This lecture / travel presentation will be free to adults 18+

He is a blogger and web celebrity with

michiganbackroads, upNorthMichigan dot-com

and TravelIn Michigan magazine (monthly)

DISTRICT LIBRARY is at 620 E. Main St. Niles, MI 49120

Sunburst 2023 -- benefits Beacon Children's Hospital

 June 2023

Saturday June 3, at Century Center, South Bend IN

Half Marathon (13+ miles), 10K, 5K, 5K walk-run

details in S.B. Tribune online website

Normandy, France spectacular Abbey reaches 1,000th birthday

Mont-Saint-Michel (on a rocky island linked to the mainland only by a narrow causeway)

marked this week the 1,000th anniversary since the laying of

the first foundation stone.  French President Emmanuel Macron will make a speech

and view the 30 objects of heritage, including a restored statue

of St. Michael.   The Romanesque abbey is a UNESCO world heritage site (more details

at ABC News online article)

Who is Nikola Jokic?

 Serbian national who plays professional basketball (NBA)

for the Denver (CO) Nuggets

He is 28 yrs. old, 

6'11" in height with a 7'3" wingspan

Salary is in line with MVP honors = for 2023 $32.48 million

He excelled in play for the NBA playoffs Game 1, finishing with 27 points, 10 rebounds,

14 assists, 1 block, and 1 steal.  :The Thurs. June 1 match with Miami Heat

was a win for the Nuggets 104-93

Midsummer Day

 In Sweden and other northern European countries the solstice holiday of

Midsummer is celebrated on June 24 annually.

Historically this date marks the midpoint of the growing season,

halfway between planting and harvest.

Midsummer Eve (June 23) is on or near the shortest night of the year.

Dancing, feasting, bonfires, and general merrymaking are hallmarks

of the night.

Hurricane Season 2023

 Meteorologists have announced the beginning of the Summer Season

on June 1, 2023.

The first named tropical weather event was named "Arlene" that began 

on June 1 and ended later on the weekend.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

What Robert Oppenheimer read (CNN article)

Jane Greenway Carr (Journalist for CNN) discovered this list =

works by Plato

Bhagavad-Gita (700-verse Hindu Scripture)

mathematician Bernhard Riemann

works by Michael Faraday

Dante's THE DIVINE COMEDY (Inferno, Purgatory, Paradise)

Shakespeare's play HAMLET

Baudelaire Les Fleurs du Mal


Saturday, June 3, 2023

John Mellencamp

 Final concerts of tour that began at Bloomington, IN (IU: Indiana University)

June 23 - 24, 2023

The Morris Center (downtown major venue for performing artists, acting productions)

8 p.m. both nights

Presented by longtime producer AEG Presents and funded by Turner Classic Movies

Mellencamp a Hoosier native,

is a member of the Rock & Roll Songwriters Hall of Fame among other tributes

(e.g. The Woodie Guthrie and The John Steinbeck awards)

FLOTUS Birthday

 Happy Birthday to Dr. Jill Biden!

June 3

Downtown Crawl - vendors at Niles, Michigan businesses

Downtown NILES, Michigan

Businesses across Downtown area (Main Street near River Park)

will each have a few vendors in their locations

Noon - 4 p.m. Sunday

June 11, 2023

More details at FaceBook page for UncoverNiles "Events"

Crisis Averted

 Friday June 2 -- Oval Office address by POTUS 46 (Biden)

Suspends until 2025 the debt ceiling beyond $31.4 trillion

Fruit crop highly diminished

Georgia peaches will be harder to find this summer; bad weather wiped out pretty much

of this year's crop. SOURCE: NPR

Suspension of Horse Racing at Churchill Downs, Louisville, KY

 SOURCE: CNN (June 3, 2023)

The racetrack that hosts the Kentucky Derby

Temporary suspension by owners of the track

From June 7 to July 3 the end of the Spring Meet,%2C%202023%20in%20Louisville%2C%20Kentucky.

South Bend, IN tradition since 1983

 Sunburst Race

2023 is a re-designed course and now permits 

participants in 5K to push strollerss

June 3, 2023

first run/walk begins at 7 a.m.

Townwide Garage Sales Day (June 3, first Saturday)

June 3, 2023

all day

Camp Point, IL (Adams County in W. IL)

hours vary at home and group locations

Friday, June 2, 2023

Niles Bluegrass Festival (riverfront Park, Niles, MI) - June 1 - 4, 2023

 see Facebook Pages

Christian worship service on final day (Sunday 6/4)

begins at 10 a.m.

School Term last day of attendance

 For the 2022-23 school year,

Niles, MI Community (K-12) schools have a final 1/2 day on Friday June 9;

South Bend, IN Public schools have their final day TODAY on June 2, 2023

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Juneteenth - third Monday - Freedom for enslaved persons originated from History of Texas

 Anniversary (Federal Holiday)

of FREEDOM Declaration to formerly enslaved persons and family members

June 19, 2023

(third Monday of June annually)

National Doughnut/Donut Day (June 2 annually)

 Dunkin' Donuts will offer a free donut with purchase of a beverage

on Friday June 2, 2023. Also, Krispy Kreme will give away a free donut.

Thunderstorm (Berrien County, Michigan USA)

 Clusters of scattered thunderstorm will impact portions of southeastern Berrien County) through

3:15 p.m. Doppler radar was tracking clusters of storms nearby S. Bend, IN. 

Hazard: Pea-sized hail

affected area: Buchanan, Niles, South Bend

Chess Tournament

1st Saturday monthly

Niles District Library hosts Chess Federation tournament

All Ages - must be Federation members (See rotunda managers)

admission is free; no pre-registration necessary

June 3, 10:30 - 2 p.m.

Michigan State Parks- opening date and burn ban

 June 22, 2023

Upper and lower peninsula public and private camping recreation sites

are restricting burn of yard debris even though some campfires are allowed.

Michigan Live! details,though%20campfires%20are%20still%20allowed.

Summer Solstice

 June 21, 2023

10:58 a.m.

Sun at highest point in the sky for the longest day of the year

Niles High School (Niles, MI) - graduation Class of '23

 June 1, 2023

Tonight at 7 p.m. at the high school (17th street)

the Graduation ceremony for the class of 2023;

The Baccalaureate service (local church) was held at

Michiana Christian Embassy,  1922 E. Main St. in Niles Michigan

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Air Quality Action Day (Berrien County, MI)

 May 31, 2023 (Wednesday) end of month

in effect until midnight

Pollutants are expected to be in the unhealthy range

Please avoid activities that add to the ozone:

refueling vehicles, operating gas-powered lawn equipment, using charcoal lighter fluid.

When is the Niles Michigan "Burn Run"?

 July 29, 9 a.m.

until July 30, 4 p.m.

Riverfront park, Niles, MI 49120

see FACEBOOK page for further details

Sunburst (June 3, 2023)

 Since the 2010s, the annual "Sunburst" run has taken place in South Bend, IN

This year it starts at the Century Center (MLK Drive) and completes there as well.

Registration up to day of morning run except. . .

No pets allowed in any events due to safety concerns.

Strollers, walkers, joggers, and baby carriers are allowed only in the 5K Fitness walk.

BEACON website information:

Strawberry Full Moon - this weekend

Monday June 5, 2023

3:12 p.m.

June's Full Moon is termed the "Strawberry" Moon

It occurs on the first Saturday this month

Tina Turner

The singer-entertainer died Wed. May 24, 2023 at

her home in Zurich, Switzerland after a long illness.

[ Kuesnacht on shore of Lake Zurich ]

Funeral will be at her hometown since 1995

Ten years ago, in2013 after marrying her longtime partner Erwin Bach,

she became a Swiss national and gave up her U.S. citizenship

Sneak Preview (Friday and Saturday)

 June 2 and 3 at

9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday and 9 - 2 p.m. Saturday

Cunningham Children's Home, Urbana, IL

2023 "Preview" of the Quilt Show-Fundraiser

Spiritual Life Center

1301 n. Cunningham Avenue, Urbana

Macaroni & Cheese Crawl 2023

Saturday, June 3, 2023 at Downtown NILES, MICHIGAN

taste the varieties of the comfort food favorite then after using 10 tickets, vote for your favorite

Noon til 3 p.m. at various food trucks and local restaurants

Tickets for tastings at FACEBOOK site

Visit the website

Site visits during May - June 2023

323 website visits to this GOOGLE blog during 31 days of month of May 2023

Wednesday (June 30) was 80

Last month (April 2023) = 309

New month June = 1,258 website visits

June 1 (Thursday) = 62

Friday 2 June 2023 = 58

June 3 (Sat.) = 50

June 4 (Sunday) = 21

Monday 6/5 = 45 website visits

6/6/2023 = 39

6/8 = 32

Friday June 9 = 16

Sat. 6/10 = 11

June 11 = 11

June 12 = 16

June 13 = 29

June 14 = 25

June 16 = 27

Sat. June 17 = 161

Father's Day 6/18 = 48

Juneteenth = 66

June 20, 2023 = 42

June 21 (Summer Solstice) = 46

June 22 = 11

June 23 = 58

June 24 (Saturday) = 37

Sunday 6/25 = 23

6/26 = 43

6/27 = 72

6/28 = 44

6/29 = 39

6/30 = 76

First 90-degree day 2023

 The first record for this year occurred on Tuesday June 30, 2023

92 was the high temperature in SW Michigan

5K Run - Colors for Kids

 Saturday, June 3, 2023

9-10:30 a.m. Central Park

Elkhart, IN

colors for kids dot-org

to benefit Boys and Girls Club

Friday, January 6, 2023

Poem for Full Moon (January 6, 2023)

 from web posting at (Old Farmer's Almanac)

The sunset embers smolder low,

The Moon climbs o'er the hill,

The peaks have caught the alpenglow,

The robin's song is still.

POEM by John L. Stoddard

Three dozen scientists expect that in next 5 years Great Salt Lake, UTAH, will disappear

CNN coverage

Scientists and conservationists have released a report ahead of the Utah

legislature begins a new term on the future of the inland body of water.

By 2024, without a dramatic increase of inflow, the Great

Salt Lake is set to disappear.

It has fallen to record low levels 2 years in a row.

Book and Baked good sale - basement

Saturday  Jan. 14, 2023

annual fundraiser for

New Journey UMC

302 Cedar Street, Niles MI 49120
phone 683-7250

9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

in final hour Noon til closing

Bag Sale with special price

for used books for all ages

Hunter Ice Festival (Jan. 13, 14, & 15, 2023) - Niles, MI 49120 Downtown annual Ice Carving

 two events -- additionally beyond Ice Carving competition and Hot Chocolate

New Journey UMC Basement Book Sale (used donated volumes & reading material)

Saturday Jan. 14 only 9 - 1 p.m. -- bag sale in final hour from 

noon til 1 p.m.

Shelf Life Bookstore -- Giant Sale all weekend

10 a.m. - 5 p.m. each day (Friday, Sat., Sunday)

Fourth Street location

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Twelve to be honored today(Presidential Citizens Medal) - 2nd anniversary of Jan. 6 Insurrection

President Joe Biden will honor 12 with the Presidential Citizens medal at the

White House on Friday Jan. 6, 2023.

Eugene Goodman (Capitol Police Officer);

Michael Fanone (retired D.C. Police officer);

Caroline Edwards (Capitol Police officer);

posthumous recipient Brian Sicknick (Capitol police);

Election workers credited with having rejected efforts by the

twice-impeached, Former POTUS Tr#mp and his supporters

to overturn the 2020 election.

That group includes re-elected Michigan Secy. of State

Jocelyn Benson.

What Makes Michigan Strong? Art Contest entry 2023

 State of the State (Gov. Gretchen Whitmer)

Cover Page Contest (Jan. 2023)

students be as creative as possible

and are welcome to use crayon, marker, paint or other material.

Submit by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday Jan. 15, 2023.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

PBS youtube player for 3 - 5 a.m. Funeral of retired Pope Benedict XVI

Click on hyperlink after 3 a.m. Thurs. Jan.5,2023.

It ended live coverage at 4:55.

Funeral Coverage (Vatican YouTube and FaceBook channels)

3:30 a.m. Eastern Time will be the live broadcast

of the Pope (retired) Benedict XVI at

St. Peter's Basilica Square, Vatican City.

Two channels are pre-announced:


Vatican News Facebook Page.

CABLE channel = EWTN beginning at 3 a.m. Thursday Jan. 5, 2023.

The retired Pope died Dec. 31, 2022 at Mater Ecclesiae Monastery

that is in the Vatican City boundaries.

It ended at 5 a.m.

Fire and Ice event (Jan. 6, from 6 - 8 p.m.) - Fables Bookstore, Goshen Indiana

215 S. Main Street, Goshen, IN

Two local authors will sign their new books

Karen B. Kurtz - SOPHIA's GIFT (children's  YA Title)

Jamie Ward - 100 Things to Do in Indiana Before You Die (Adult readers)

Professional Ice Carvers will transform 300 and 600-lb. blocks of ice

into time-bound art while fire dancers light up the night sky.

Get your free marshmallow to roast over the toasty outdoor fires.

Telephone 574-534-1984


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Grief Share - Wednesdays 5:45 p.m. (Calvary Baptist Ch. South Bend, IN)

 Find comfort and support at

Grief Share weekly

Jan. 11, 2023 to April 5

a 13-week support group/seminar.

For more info 574-272-8334

Childcare provided.

Monthly grief group for Adults who have experienced death of signif. other

2nd Wednesday of months (Jan. - Dec.) from Noon to 1 p.m.

Where: Niles-Buchanan (Mich.) YMCA

sponsors are "Lori's Place" and the YMCA

905 N. Front Street, Niles, MI 49120

Free of charge

Must RSVP by calling 269-683-2707 ahead of meeting

In-person group.

First meeting of 2023 will be Jan. 11, 2023 from 12 Noon - 1:00 p.m.

Room to be fixed each month to come this year.  Space is limited

Twelve of the 434 members of House of Representatives - no govt. previous experience

Youngest elected member of house is activist Maxwell Frost (D) of FLorida;

Successor to Jackie Walorski (2nd Cong. District, IN): Rudy Yakym

Monday, January 2, 2023

Historical Precedent - has failure to elect a Speaker of the House happened?

Last happened in 1923

Also happened in 1855

Electing a Speaker of the House (3rd in line for Presidential succession)

is a responsibility of a "new" Congress every 2 years following general election

result verification.

Online article for the NY Times by Brendan Buck

who worked for the previous two Speakers of the Republican party

(Boehner and Ryan).

Nine ballots were required in 1923; 156 ballots in 1856.

Dissident members of the House of Representatives believe a

weak Speaker would make them more powerful. In truth, it

would benefit no one.

Dense Fog Advisory (second day of New Year)

 Jan. 2, 2023

National Weather Service has issued a 

Dense Fog Advisory

2 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern for New Buffalo to St. Joseph, MI

EXTENDED until 1 p.m. for N. Indiana area

until 10 a.m. for the counties in MI 

Berrien, Branch, Cass, Hillsdale, St. Joseph.

Also across many N. Indiana counties;

Visibility one-quarter mile or less in dense fog.

Driving may be quite difficult and hazardous in

low-lying areas and across patches

where Fog has thickened.  Rain later

today and tomorrow's high temperature 

(record-setting) of 63 degrees F. may

change local overnight and morning conditions.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Winter Days

Potawatomi Zoo, South Bend, IN

Visit this winter -- starting next Saturday

Jan. 7 & Sunday 8 Jan.

also Jan. 21 & 22

Feb. 4,5 and 18, 19

March 4,5 and 18, 19

Details at 

See for yourself how some of your favorite animals are doing!

Following Eucharistic celebration (5 Jan. 2023)

Thursday 5th of January, 2023

The Pope Emeritus who retired, Pope Benedict XVI

died at Mater Ecclesiae Monastery on Friday 12/30/2022

WHERE: St. Peter's Basilica

9:30 a.m. (Rome time zone) [ 3 - 5 a.m. Eastern Time ]

After the Funeral Mass celebrated by current Pope

Francis, there will be a Final Commendation and Valediction

of the retired/emeritus Pope and his burial will take place

in the Catacombs / Vatican Grottos.

expected to attend are 50,000 visitors to the capital of Italy

and to Vatican City

The U.S. ambassador to the Vatican is 

former Senator (IN) Joe Donnelly of Granger, IN

who was confirmed by the U.S. Senate after the election

of Joseph Biden (himself a practicing Catholic) in 2021.

This Month on the SEEKING FAITH & UNDERSTANDING blog (Googler) - January 2023

January 1, 2023 (Sunday) = 30 views and visits

2 January = 59

January 3, 2023 = 18

Jan. 4 = 39

Jan. 5 = 25 views and visits

Jan. 6 = 38

Jan. 7 = 10

Total for only 7 days of January 2023 = 220 views and visits

Happy New Year 2023

Salutations and Best Wishes for 

happy days, weeks, months to come!

May this be the best year of your life!