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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What would a second Lincoln Administration (1865 - 1869) have been like?

from Cleveland (Ohio) Lincoln round table website (2015-6):
January 13, 2016The Dick Crews Annual Debate:Resolved, What Would a Second Lincoln Administration have Been Like?
Moderator: William F. B. Vodrey
One of the great tragedies of American history is the assassination of president Abraham Lincoln in April 1865. A significant component of that tragedy is the question that preys on the mind of any serious student of American history or American politics, namely: Could a second Lincoln term have in any way attenuated the long, painful racial struggle that consumed our nation for every bit of the 150 intervening years since Lincoln's death?
Could it? Or is that question just a reflection of our boundless Lincoln hero worship and the desire to anoint the martyred president with near supernatural powers? Could anyone have made a difference in post Civil War America or were we doomed, like the characters in a Greek tragedy, to pay a bloody price for the sins of our (founding) fathers and their legitimization of slavery?
What would a second Lincoln administration have looked like? It's an interesting question and precisely the question the brave participants in this year's Dick Crews Debate will be seeking to answer. Join us for what will certainly be a lively and interesting discussion.

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