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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Billy Graham's 33rd Book "Where I Am" -- does it reflect his "Last Crusade" sermons - interviews in 2005 and approach?

from Charlotte Observer Article -- (Oct. 8, 2015):
At nearly 97 years old, Billy Graham has a new book out.
The cover of WHERE I AM (Thomas Nelson, 2015) features the face of Graham in his grandfatherly years, when the Charlotte-born evangelist appeared to mellow, emphasize God’s love and even offer what some interpreted as an inclusive vision of the afterlife.
But on many of the 259 pages of Graham’s 33rd book, the words about heaven and especially hell echo his hard-line sermons from the 1950s, when he stressed God’s judgment, man’s sin and the lies of the devil.
One Billy Graham scholar said the book reads like it was written not by Graham but by his son, Franklin, an evangelist who has a combative style.
But Franklin Graham, in an interview with the Observer, said his father is the author: “It’s all him. Nothing in the book was written that’s not in his words.”
In “Where I Am,” heaven is reserved for Christians who commit their lives to Jesus and hell is real and delivers fiery punishment or worse.
“Hell is a place of sorrow and unrest, a place of wailing and a furnace of fire,” the book says. “And it is where many will spend eternity. If you accept any part of the Bible, you are forced to accept the reality of hell, the place for punishment for those who reject Christ.”
Franklin Graham acknowledged that his father “stressed certain things more than others” during different times in his life. But he said Billy Graham “never backed away from” the message in the Gospel of John that belief in Jesus’ divinity is necessary to get to heaven.
Graham added that his father originally wanted his latest book to focus entirely on hell.
“Maybe this was a burden, that he felt he didn’t preach (about hell) strong enough in his latter years. I don’t know,” the younger Graham said.
Franklin Graham, who is outspoken these days in his condemnation of Islam and same-sex marriage, wrote the foreword to “Where I Am.” And his former longtime secretary, Donna Lee Toney, helped write the book with Billy Graham.
Graham’s son said he didn’t write any of the book – “I don’t have time for it” – and that his role in the project “was to encourage Daddy to do it ’cause it was on his heart.”
But some Billy Graham scholars say the book echoes the stands and style of Franklin Graham rather than his famous father.
“It (is) clearly, indisputably Franklin,” said Grant Wacker, a professor emeritus at Duke Divinity School who authored America’s Pastor: Billy Graham and the Shaping of a Nation (Belknap Press) a well-reviewed study/biography released last year. “Over the course of (Billy) Graham’s career, he talked less and less about hell until the end (of his career), when he barely mentioned it.”
The reason? “He wanted to bring people to Christ, not scare them away,” said Wacker, who added that Graham had stopped talking about a literal hell of fire and referred to it as a state of being separated from God.
Though there is plenty in “Where I Am” about God’s love and forgiveness, its tone is harsher overall than the one Graham projected in the latter years of his public ministry.
In 2005, as Graham was preparing for his final crusade, in New York, CNN’s Larry King asked him whether Jews, Muslims and other non-Christians would go to heaven.
“That’s in God’s hands. I can’t be the judge,” Graham said.
King followed up by asking Graham how he felt when he saw Christian leaders on TV saying “you are condemned. You will live in hell if you do not accept Jesus Christ”?
In his response, Graham said such leaders had a right to speak and what they said was “true to a certain extent.” But he told King that he drew a distinction between himself and such fire-and-brimstone preachers.
“That’s not my calling,” Graham said. “My call is to preach the love of God and the forgiveness of God and the fact that he does forgive us. That’s what the cross is all about, what the Resurrection is about. That’s the Gospel. And you can get off in all kinds of different side trails. In my earlier ministry, I did the same. But as I got older, I guess I became more mellow and more forgiving and more loving.”

Read more here:

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